7-10-12/Daily Chatter for the Menopausal Mad Hatters



  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Ladies! Good morning! My name is Leslye. I apologize for being the late arrival to the group. I generally log into MFP via my phone, so I didn’t see the invites/group until this morning. I love this group so much already, reading through all your posts my tummy is killing me from the laughter. Duct tape, exorcism/possession, volume shampoo, wow have I ever found the right home!

    My LSSV (long story short version) is I am 50, will be 51 in October. I have always had weight issues ever since the day I was conceived. My issues are from low self-esteem/emotional eating. Not so much from the sad issues but usually from anger and boredom. I am a hot headed half Irish half German woman, so I am angry A LOT. I am married, though not happily, I have 3 daughters (23, 20, and 17) from a previous marriage that mean the world to me, but between empty nesting, and separate trees, I don’t get to see them very often. I know I can do this, I’ve done it before. I used to be a leader for Weight Watchers for goodness sake! However, I am a perfectionist and if I mess up once, or an entire day, I can’t forgive myself and I toss the whole week because of it. I come from a very long and prestigious line of obese-alcoholics so I know it’s in my genes (jeans). I, unfortunately, have been going through the whole pre-menopausal crap for a little over a year now. This past year has only added to my anger/exhaustion. At any given moment I can be freezing cold, then the next I am sweating like an iced tea in the sun! Gah, this is so annoying! When will it ever end? I can’t sleep at night because of it. I’m up 2, 3, 4 times at least! Don’t want to do HRT, but this is about all I can take. I’m looking at trying some OTC concoctions and/or minerals/vitamins this weekend to see if they might help. Anyway, this is my story, in a nutshell. I can’t wait to get to know you all!!!

    Yeah, between the lot of us, we COULD definitely write a book!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Linda - awesome IPOM for sure!!! Super job!

    Love the voice in your head that keeps you motivated... I have a voice in my head too.. but its not a motivating one :sad:

    I have never logged my food before, and I have to say it's helping a lot.. mainly cause I just dont wanna go over my numbers lol... but its eye opening as well.. I was totally UNDER estimating what I thought I was eating calorie wise...

    till a doctor said to me last week.. so how much do you eat.. I said oh i try to stay at 1500 cal.. he looked at me and said why.. I said well... I know you need to eat a certain amount to keep your metabolism up.. blah blah blah... and he just looked at me and said bullsh*t. Yup. that's what he said.

    I swear my jaw dropped.. (first time I had seen this guy and I was seeing him for something completely different.) While my jaw was hanging open he said.. how much do you exercise every day.. I was like.. umm.. well.. not much.. then why are you eating so much he said??

    My head was spinning at that point lol.. here I thot I was doing well and he was just completely blunt and said you don't need that much food; cut your intake to 1200 a day and start moving. You'll get your blood sugar under control and lose weight." Then he left LOL.. I was kinda speechless.. and insulted at first... but once I got home I was like.. damn.. you're right.. how much does that suck.. which led me here :happy:

    so it's HIS voice I hear now in my head... not quite Richard.. but its working so I'll take it!!

    Huge congrats on all you've accomplished so far... AND so glad you're along for the journey here!!
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    glad i could help with cleaning your keyboard!! :laugh: Theres not much chasing going on around here, shes 4, at this point I pretty much use her to get me what i dont want to get up and get!!!:blushing: oh yeah,........ I AM A REAL MOVER AND SHAKER! pretty much the reason i am in the shape im in!!:blushing: My backside gets sore also, but thats from just sitting on it, no really, before i joined the gym and mfp, i literally sat and watched movies all day, that i injured my tailbone!!!:sad: :blushing:
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm at the dentist with my 14 year old, who is getting a cavity filled, which costs $120. I told him next time I'll do it myself with dad's drill! I had one of those nights when I couldn't stop eating, and I didn't even eat anything I really enjoyed (ugh). The scale was up this morning which is a good reminder of the consequences of my porcine behavior!

    Snoozie, I love the IPOM, and will make every effort to have one every day too!

    flip, I think our husbands were at thermostat police academy together! Last night I woke up so flipping hot, and the thermostat said 75! I grabbed my pillow, went down to the living room and cranked the AC down to 70 (different zone), and had a nice sleep. This morning he asked me why I left... Because I was HOT you idiot! I'm always hot, why don't you get that?

    Got my bike ride in before the dentist, headed to work and then my 16 year old's baseball game. Hope to check in with you ladies tonight when I'm at my computer, and I have a real keyboard!

    PS Made 2 gallons of coffee concentrate yesterday. If you like iced coffee, check out thepioneerwoman.org for the recipe!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hello all you beautiful Ladies~ My name is Kimberly and I live in Montana. I am loving this group and you all are a hoot! I must apologize before hand that I am struggling to keep up with everyone, as I am way busy here at work. I am a legal assistant and work for 4 demanding attorneys. Seriously, don't they know I have other things I would rather be doing? Ha!

    So please don't give up on me. Congrats to all of you who got your walks in this morning...and Zumba! Zumba is my punishment of choice and I go to class 4 nights a week after work.

    Keep on keepin on ladies. Eat healthy, keep moving! There is no stopping us now.

    HUGZz to All


    Hiya Kimberly!
    So glad to have you with us!! And never a need to apologize.. we're women... lol we get the crazed schedule and bosses who actually want us to WORK instead of socialize.. what's with that (ha)! When I go back to work though, I can't post at all from there (internet strictly verobten) so no worries.. we're here for each other 24/7 between the different time zones and places, so come on in, put your feet up and post/read away anytime you can!

    You do Zumba 4 nights a week??
    Ayyy carumba.. I can only dream of such a thing now.. but.. maybe one day I'll be able to give it a shot.. so kudos to you and a big huge IPOM!

  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member

    Wow, do you sleep with my husband too??? :love:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    LMAO Lesley..... howling....
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm at the dentist with my 14 year old, who is getting a cavity filled, which costs $120. I told him next time I'll do it myself with dad's drill! I had one of those nights when I couldn't stop eating, and I didn't even eat anything I really enjoyed (ugh). The scale was up this morning which is a good reminder of the consequences of my porcine behavior!

    Snoozie, I love the IPOM, and will make every effort to have one every day too!

    flip, I think our husbands were at thermostat police academy together! Last night I woke up so flipping hot, and the thermostat said 75! I grabbed my pillow, went down to the living room and cranked the AC down to 70 (different zone), and had a nice sleep. This morning he asked me why I left... Because I was HOT you idiot! I'm always hot, why don't you get that?

    Got my bike ride in before the dentist, headed to work and then my 16 year old's baseball game. Hope to check in with you ladies tonight when I'm at my computer, and I have a real keyboard!

    PS Made 2 gallons of coffee concentrate yesterday. If you like iced coffee, check out thepioneerwoman.org for the recipe!


    :blushing: Uh, in my house apparently I'm the snoring grizzly bear, although I've never actually heard it myself so I think they're making it up....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lesley - great to have you with us!! Loved your post... omg... read my post earlier about how hard we women are on ourselves; when we would never be so brutal on our family or friends... so we know exactly how you feel.. the whole cycle of beating ourselves up if we slip.. well, scroll back and read lol.. but know you're in a room full of women who are all nodding as they read your post saying amen sista..!!

    I'm not gonna answer the "doest it ever end" question... don't wanna ruin your day... LOLOLOL
    While I can totally commiserate over the hot flashes... I can't say I've been freezing cold EVER in the past two years lol.. so I'm no help with that. The sleeplessness tho.. and up every couple of hours... it's the worst!! Especially whnen I'm working dayshift.. cause I can be *****y enough these days as it is (and its like flipping a switch... dunno why it comes on so fst but there are people at work who have no idea how lucky they are to stil be breathing...) but add in tossing and turning and getting up 3-4 times a nite... oh yeah... I could play what's her name in the exorcist movie.. her with the spinning head.. I always feel bad afterwards, but i can't seem to help it and 've never been like that.. i'm usually pretty cheerful and happy...

    but some days.. I'm like a pit bull with lipstick... and you do not want to be within 50 feet of me LOL.. :explode:

    And I have only recently acknowledged that I am an emotional eater.. and any emotion will do thank you... but during a "im bored" moment, I have been known to eat an entire family size bag of Lays potato chips.. yep. Out of boredom. So that's a big struggle for me right now so we'll use each other to keep outta the feedbag, k?? (and anyone else who knows wahat is like)..

    But for right now, know that we all think you're awesome!! So glad you decided to join us... it's gonna be a wild ride ladies:happy:


    PS: do you ever wonder... if our guys know how many times.. if they opened their eyes while they were sleeping even once, they'd see us standing over them with a pillow... just contemplating....hmmmmm LOLOLOL...
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    PS: do you ever wonder... if our guys know how many times.. if they opened their eyes while they were sleeping even once, they'd see us standing over them with a pillow... just contemplating....hmmmmm LOLOLOL...

    OMG - You have NO idea... Especially after the 4t or 5th time up because the bear is snoring!!!! :mad: :explode:
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    And yes Snoozie, I loved your post. We are so bloody critical on ourselves. The things we say or think about us, we'd never in our dreams say about our worst enemy! I loved your IPOM. Need to make that my mantra!!!
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    I am so enjoying this group...and my cheeks are sore from laughing....
    Did you know......laughter burns 1.3 calories per minute, and that 10 to 15 minutes of sustained giggling burns 50 calories (according to Vanderbilt University).. Other benefits besides burning calories include relief of emotional stress, and a workout for muscles of the diaphragm, abdomen, back, and shoulders. The University of Maryland discovered that laughter is linked to the healthy function of blood vessels. A professor at that same university found humour can raise the level of infection fighting antibodies in the body. Woohoo- thanks to all your posts and support- I'm burning calories like crazy today, LOL
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Meant to ask- have any of you tried laughter yoga??
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    I don't have the snoring bear problem anymore ........put him in his own cave on a different block! But I do take Melatonin 3 mg sometimes when I am sick of walking around the house at 3 am. It seems to help me sleep deeply and sometimes I even dream about Brad Pitt! It is a natural supplement. I read that it may help reduce hot flashes too. Works for me, but I don;t take it regularly, only if I feel I need it. I try to smile through the hot flashes......searching for anything that resembles a fan. Its a fake smile. But the sweat gives it all away. I just dont want it to get in my eyes or drip on one of my patients at work. OMG did I just write that? LOL Havin fun here! I am also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and essential oils are another natural option to consider . A spritzer bottle with some diluted peppermint works well for flashes i the moment, that is if you dont mind smelling like a candy cane. If you need advice on aromatherapy feel free to message me. Linda:)
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Meant to ask- have any of you tried laughter yoga??
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    That just made me laugh! Never heard of it! I bet it looks very interesting!
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Miss Snoozie
    Try some positive affirmations every day. It really helps. I believe in YOU!
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    Got up early this morning & went for a walk. Also had a Dr appointment this morning. For the most part it was good news. Hope to go to the Gym to do a little weight training & get some swimming done tonight..
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    I don't have the snoring bear problem anymore ........put him in his own cave on a different block! But I do take Melatonin 3 mg sometimes when I am sick of walking around the house at 3 am. It seems to help me sleep deeply and sometimes I even dream about Brad Pitt! It is a natural supplement. I read that it may help reduce hot flashes too. Works for me, but I don;t take it regularly, only if I feel I need it. I try to smile through the hot flashes......searching for anything that resembles a fan. Its a fake smile. But the sweat gives it all away. I just dont want it to get in my eyes or drip on one of my patients at work. OMG did I just write that? LOL Havin fun here! I am also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and essential oils are another natural option to consider . A spritzer bottle with some diluted peppermint works well for flashes i the moment, that is if you dont mind smelling like a candy cane. If you need advice on aromatherapy feel free to message me. Linda:)

    Do you spray yourself with the squirt bottle or the people who are annoying you during your hot flashes?
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't have the snoring bear problem anymore ........put him in his own cave on a different block! But I do take Melatonin 3 mg sometimes when I am sick of walking around the house at 3 am. It seems to help me sleep deeply and sometimes I even dream about Brad Pitt! It is a natural supplement. I read that it may help reduce hot flashes too. Works for me, but I don;t take it regularly, only if I feel I need it. I try to smile through the hot flashes......searching for anything that resembles a fan. Its a fake smile. But the sweat gives it all away. I just dont want it to get in my eyes or drip on one of my patients at work. OMG did I just write that? LOL Havin fun here! I am also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and essential oils are another natural option to consider . A spritzer bottle with some diluted peppermint works well for flashes i the moment, that is if you dont mind smelling like a candy cane. If you need advice on aromatherapy feel free to message me. Linda:)

    Do you spray yourself with the squirt bottle or the people who are annoying you during your hot flashes?

    I say spray them.....peppermint is suppose to keep pest away.