
roxie629 Posts: 5 Member
Hi ladies,

i am new to lifting and I started training last week. I rested through out the weekend and yesterday I had to start with the squats and I could barely squat. Now it has been a couple of months since I worked out so I felt pretty cheated since I could not bend all the way. I need some advice, should I keep trying and push through the pain or should i rest my quads? Any advice would help me. Thank you in advance!


  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    As far as I understand if you don't loosen up after your warm up sets you should skip it and give your body an extra day of rest.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Is it actual pain or just soreness? Pain is usually a shooting sensation that subsides when you stop doing whatever it is you're doing. Soreness is usually a nagging constant.

    Is your form correct? Are you doing a proper general warm-up AND the exercise specific warm-ups (see pages 129-134)? Do not skip these important steps.

    If you rested through the weekend then your muscles are recovered. If it's just soreness, I would push through it.
  • roxie629
    roxie629 Posts: 5 Member
    I believe it is just soreness. Im taking a rest day today and I am going back to workout B tomorrow. Im going to look up videos and check my form. thank you
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    It could be a couple things

    1. You may have lifted too much weight-- you said you hadn't worked out for awhile; be careful about starting back on a program because you could have gotten weaker.

    2. You need to rest more

    As long as you're doing it right the first time, and the soreness isn't PREVENTING you from doing it right during your next workout, you could work through it.

    There were a couple workouts that I needed two days to recover from. I figure that's better than compounding soreness.