W9D1 done!

dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
I suppose I could have waited until I completed all of Week 9 but I had to crow a bit because I am just so proud of myself for actually briskly jogging the entire 30 minutes! I haven't managed to run 3.1 miles yet but I am getting closer! Whew! I can taste the victory - literally....there is sweat running down my face ;)


  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    awesome!! congrats:) you should be proud & I bet it feels so awesome right now!
  • dobberloon
    dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you! It does feel great, even a day later! I expected to be more sore than I am. All is good!
  • momo3boyz
    momo3boyz Posts: 29
    That is Awesome! Good for you!!! I am on Week 7 Day 1 and I am anxious and run a little longer than my required time as well. :)
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    Great job!