7/11/12- Day Two of Menopausal Mad Hatter Chatter



  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    No that never happens to me, but I used to waked up depressed. The anger and irritability would hit later. I went on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med (an SSRI) 12 years ago and my life has been so much better. There is very little social stigma in being on there meds - so many people are on them now. They work and, to put in simply, all they do is keep a little neurotransmitter that makes you feel calmer from being dissolved as fast in your brain. Please talk to your doctor about this. Nobody should have to live like that.

    @she~ Great advice for TArnold. I agree, no one should have to live like that and there is no shame in getting help.

    @TArnold~ I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Hump Day friends!!!

    I really dislke that term - Hump Day - don't know why, maybe because it rhymes with lump and that's how I feel most days. Not any more though!

    I slept in this morning - 9am!! haven't walked yet, but couldn't resist weighing myself. let's leave it at that...

    I'm going to try to walk in a few minutes, since I didn't get home until after one this morning and had a very physical night at work, I'm a bit sore and my lower back is hurting. I injured it YEARS ago and now have disc damage, I live with pain everyday because of it but today it's a bit persistant. So hopefull walking will loosen it up a bit.

    Have a great day and take care of yourselves.

    Remember - IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU!!! :love:
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    I agree with the Rx advice to a point.... Just be careful and Really pay Attention to yourself... I went on med's for a while after my divorce and to be honest with you, they made my symptoms worse! I had never really thought about suicide, but when I was on one of the many they tried with me, not only was it constantly on my brain…. I actually started to plan it out…… Please, please be careful…..
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Something in the air, I also woke up just irritated with everyone, reading the chatter is helping me rejoin the world with a more positive outlook, thanks to all for sharing your good moments and the rough ones.. I will try to make a morning habit of checking in.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon my friends! Off to a good start and keeping my fingers crossed and my mouth closed ;). My 16 year old had football weight training at 7:30 this morning, so we were off and running early this morning. He's a life guard at a water park on the boardwalk (we live in Southern New Jersey near the beach), so I dropped him off at work and headed to the gym. I felt so gross this morning after my binge...really thirsty and just plain"bleh". It made me realize how much better I feel when I fuel my body with quality foods. And why is it, that the more I eat at night, the hungrier I am in the morning? That seems grossly unfair!

    I realized one of the reasons I fell of the wagon is that I was unprepared. My son had a baseball game that was over late, and because I worked late I hadn't prepared dinner. I offered to stop and get Taco Bell (a rare treat here), which is my Kryptonite (big mistake)! I only had one (at the age of 14, I ate 10 of them..my mother still reminds me of that proud (not) day)!), and then I was going to make myself something else. I was tired and maybe feeling a little bad for myself watching them all stuff those tacos into their mouths. Oh well, moral of the story is, be prepared (and don't go to Taco Bell)!

    I did my strength training at the gym. I'm doing a program called "The New Rules of Lifting", which totally kicked my butt today. I was thinking of going on a bike ride, but have so much to do, I probably won't be able to squeeze it in until later, if at all.

    Snooozie, great job getting that workout in early. I hope you have a lovely lunch :)

    Cheryl, good luck with all that you have to do. We too were victims of the "derecho" and had no power for a week (thankfully no major damage for us, but many HUGE trees snapped and lots of our neighbors had major damage and totaled cars). I'm still trying to get back into the groove.

    Pearl, looking forward to hearing about your exercise class, what kind of class is it?

    Bisland, good for you! I bike and swam competitively as a kid...if I didn't have big boobs, short legs and a bladder destroyed by delivering three babies I'd love to do a triathlon but the running just isn't going to happen for me. I'll live vicariously through you :)

    Merci, sorry about the PT, but hope you enjoy the massage! Good luck with the wisdom teeth (if your teenager hasn't seen the YouTube video of the girl who talks about the unicorn after her wisdom teeth are removed, watch it together...it will make you both laugh)

    Loriloue, good for you, the hippie and Arthur! I may take you up on the offer of help for my daughter someday! Good to know there's a responsible adult nearby (we're about 6.5 hours away)!

    Lisa, sorry about the ice cream. I often think I would be more successful if I lived alone (or had locks on all the cabinets and fridge). But that was yesterday, and today IS the new day! I'm sure you will have a great, ice cream free day (It's gone, right?)

    Kimberly, kudos to you (again, and again). I can't imagine how hard it must be to give up smoking after 40 years. We're all rooting for you!!

    TA sorry you woke up feeling down, I think it happens to all of us a some point or another. Please don't feel like you need to apologize (I certainly won't when I'm complaining, isn't that what we're paying for? Oh, that's right, this isn't therapy, just feels like it ;) )

    Shewho, clearly you have too much energy and should share it with people like me who are descended from sloths. Maybe I need to do the caffeine intravenously like Snooozie?

    Leslye, when we do our cross country trip together, I'm rooming with you (and we're sleeping in)!

    Flip, I agree about Hump Day (but it reminds me of something else ;) )!

    Off to get motivated to put my house back together, make dinner and put laundry away when what I really should be doing is sitting at the beach with a good book!

  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    WEll, just back from my walk - It was harder today because of my back but I did it. I also added an element, the first mailbox I came to I held my stomach in until I got to the next mailbox, then I let it out walked to the next one then held it in and so on. So basically I'll be sore later today and probably tomorrow.
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Melissa, where in South Jersey are you, I lived in Barnegat for 5 years about 30 years ago. I'm originally from Totow and hubby is from Clifton.
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    I should have added, I'm getting in the pool now to take the stress of my back. :wink: Oh-
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Melissa, where in South Jersey are you, I lived in Barnegat for 5 years about 30 years ago. I'm originally from Totow and hubby is from Clifton.

    Flip, I'm in Linwood!
  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    Well done to everyone who has logged their food and exercise today - good or bad log it and learn from it :-)

    MeRoBi - I did "Fatburner" class, I was invited to join by work mates who go once a week. It was aerobics based with a step and pump with weights section. I managed to keep going, couldn't keep up with all the arm movements but the legs were OK :-)

    I do strength training twice a week too - I have a set of weights and a chin up bar at home. I LOVE them, but it gets lonely doing it on my own which is why I jumped a the chance to join a class.

    I have problems with binging too = partly hormones and partly it is how I deal with my emotions. It is getting better, letting my emotions out, drinking LOTS of water and keeping a food log really help.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Hi All-
    Everyone is working so hard and doing great in our group! Well, everyone except me, that is....I've fallen off the wagon, and seem to be eating everything in sight! Had to take my 84 year old dad to town today ( Can you say STRESS????) ( about 40 miles away) for an eye appointment....and while you're in town you have to stop at Timmies....and since you're there, you have to have a couple of toasted coconut creme filled donuts...before you go for lunch and scarf down four chicken tenders,,, and get this...the healthy part, LOL, a nice little cesar salad! Then you have to trail along to all the grocery stores in town, just in case you can save five cents on an item, while burning five bucks worth of gas I love a bargain, but my dad is just plain cheap, lol.
    Enough with the slacking , I've dusted myself off, and am determined tomorrow is going to be a day I accomplish eating well all day, and taking a walk, whatever distance it might turn out to be.
    Does anyone do the Leslie Sansone indoor walking videos? So great on these hot days, pull the blinds, turn the air on, and strip all your clothes off and go for a walk...what freedom, LOL, LOL
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi All-
    Everyone is working so hard and doing great in our group! Well, everyone except me, that is....I've fallen off the wagon, and seem to be eating everything in sight! Had to take my 84 year old dad to town today ( Can you say STRESS????) ( about 40 miles away) for an eye appointment....and while you're in town you have to stop at Timmies....and since you're there, you have to have a couple of toasted coconut creme filled donuts...before you go for lunch and scarf down four chicken tenders,,, and get this...the healthy part, LOL, a nice little cesar salad! Then you have to trail along to all the grocery stores in town, just in case you can save five cents on an item, while burning five bucks worth of gas I love a bargain, but my dad is just plain cheap, lol.
    Enough with the slacking , I've dusted myself off, and am determined tomorrow is going to be a day I accomplish eating well all day, and taking a walk, whatever distance it might turn out to be.
    Does anyone do the Leslie Sansone indoor walking videos? So great on these hot days, pull the blinds, turn the air on, and strip all your clothes off and go for a walk...what freedom, LOL, LOL

    Wow charip, that does sound stressful and YUMMMY! Good for you for not giving up! Never heard of those videos, but is it a requirement to walk nude?? If so, there is noooooooo way! To many of my parts stick to each other!! Lol. Try to enjoy the rest of your day!
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    Very true. One should see a psychiatrist for these meds and be monitored carefully as they do affect different people different ways. I see mine about once a month just for a 10 minute check in. It's not talking therapy with these guys - strictly meds. Though therapy may recommended. I do not go to therapy as my problem seems to be a chemical imbalance only.
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    No that never happens to me, but I used to waked up depressed. The anger and irritability would hit later. I went on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med (an SSRI) 12 years ago and my life has been so much better. There is very little social stigma in being on there meds - so many people are on them now. They work and, to put in simply, all they do is keep a little neurotransmitter that makes you feel calmer from being dissolved as fast in your brain. Please talk to your doctor about this. Nobody should have to live like that.

    @she~ Great advice for TArnold. I agree, no one should have to live like that and there is no shame in getting help.

    @TArnold~ I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    I agree with the Rx advice to a point.... Just be careful and Really pay Attention to yourself... I went on med's for a while after my divorce and to be honest with you, they made my symptoms worse! I had never really thought about suicide, but when I was on one of the many they tried with me, not only was it constantly on my brain…. I actually started to plan it out…… Please, please be careful…..

    I'm not quite sure how to do these reply things but maybe I did it right this time. I totally agree with being very careful w/ Rx and have posted as such somewhere in this thread.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Hi All-
    Everyone is working so hard and doing great in our group! Well, everyone except me, that is....I've fallen off the wagon, and seem to be eating everything in sight! Had to take my 84 year old dad to town today ( Can you say STRESS????) ( about 40 miles away) for an eye appointment....and while you're in town you have to stop at Timmies....and since you're there, you have to have a couple of toasted coconut creme filled donuts...before you go for lunch and scarf down four chicken tenders,,, and get this...the healthy part, LOL, a nice little cesar salad! Then you have to trail along to all the grocery stores in town, just in case you can save five cents on an item, while burning five bucks worth of gas I love a bargain, but my dad is just plain cheap, lol.
    Enough with the slacking , I've dusted myself off, and am determined tomorrow is going to be a day I accomplish eating well all day, and taking a walk, whatever distance it might turn out to be.
    Does anyone do the Leslie Sansone indoor walking videos? So great on these hot days, pull the blinds, turn the air on, and strip all your clothes off and go for a walk...what freedom, LOL, LOL

    Wow charip, that does sound stressful and YUMMMY! Good for you for not giving up! Never heard of those videos, but is it a requirement to walk nude?? If so, there is noooooooo way! To many of my parts stick to each other!! Lol. Try to enjoy the rest of your day!

    No, lol, walking nude is not a requirement- and these boobs are called knockers for a reason, haha, my knees would be black and blue without a bra.... You can do one of her one mile walks free at walkathome.com where it says try it. You can also check her out on youtube, but beware, it becomes addictive!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters (musta been our new picture that brot that greeting on!!)

    I am one tired puppy tonight; long day and at this moment, VERY thankful I got my walk in this nmorning.. I am contemplating going for a leisurely stroll as I am over my calories for the day .. but that’s because of the glass of wine I am having as I write this LOL.. so I suspect I’ll head out shortly and trudge (yep.. its gonna be a trudge) around for a few minutes at least so I don’t have to feel guily about the glass of wine.

    I had to guess at a couple of food entries; I searched the internet for caloric content of the place we went for lunch but seems many have asked and there aren’t any.. it was of all things a crepe plate LOL.. so I had a spinache quiche and didn’t eat the crust, and it came with a serving of mixed greens and an orange slice.. crap I forgot to add the orange slice.. oh well.. I can live with that LOL.

    Had a lovely couple of hours drive through the country, then stopped at a small country tea room for a cup of tea and I got a brownie.. BUT… I cut it in half, gave ½ to my senior lady to take home and just ate the rest which was about 2 bites.. I would normally eat the whole thing.. or 2… or 3… lol so I have no guilt over what I did eat; other than the fact I realized on the way home.. I didn’t eat it because I was “hungry”.. just because it’s a habit.. cup of tea and a treat, cup of coffee and a treat… so suspect my next “small change” goal will be to THINK before I order something… do I really want/crave/must have in order not to kill someone/ this treat? Or am I just ordering it out of habit.. food for thought (pardon the pun!)

    Was late getting home; traffic was crazy and I was getting pretty cranky.. and I came VERY close to deciding to hell with it, I’ll just order a pizza; I just couldn’t bear the thought of stopping at the grocery store and then coming home and cooking something..

    But.. then I thought… really woman… it’s day freaken 2 LOL.. so I sucked it up and stopped; but took a short cut in buying a pre cooked roast chicken (took the skin off at home); and a box of frozen brussel sprouts and a small potato lol.. nuked the tatie and Brussels while I pulled the chicken apart.. and voila.. dinner a la Snoozie. Much better choice and I admit.. thinking omg I will have to post I had pizza.. :noway: kept me on the straight and narrow.. but it was a tough mind battle at the time I admit! So, am glad I didn’t give in and feel better for having made a better choice.

    Going to catch up on all the posts while I debate going for that stroll.. I honest to god don’t think I have the energy tonite… but….hope springs eternal… good thing something STILL springs! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    k… god bless the Mad Hatters.. cause I swear I just burned off a gazillion calories LAUGHING at some of the posts!!

    MeRobi… I choked on my last sip of Robert Mondavi reading your first line.. but I forgive you since I still managed to swallow it.. not waste it! That may become my new mantra.. fingers crossed and mouth closed!

    Unprepared was my problem tonight.. and is usually the culprit when I binge; I KNOW if I have good healthy food in the house I’ll eat it.. but if mother hubbards cupboards are bare, or I’m too lazy to prep something.. I’m toast. HUGE congrats on sticking to the one.. and NOT going for payback at watching the others stuff their faces by doing the same.. I’m an emotional eater, and being ticked off at watching someone else eat something I want?? Lets just say.. if I saw someone pigging out on Lays ripples… they’d have two broken arms and the bag would be mine mine mine! So kudos to you Chiquita!! I may hit you up for some tips on weight training down the road.. its on my bucket list LOL..

    Flip Flop.. omg my sister just told me yesterday she focused on holding her tummy in during her walk as well… way to go!!! Specially with the back aches… ouch!!! Well done!!

    Charip I so felt for you reading your post LOL! They call me by my first name at my local Tim’s…. I was telling Gail one of my downfalls was often a donut with my afternoon coffee…. ( I drink a LOT of coffee; I could have bought a Tim’s franchise by now with what I’ve spent there)… but a few months ago I switched to having just 2 timbits instead of a whole donut.. then one timbit…. Still got that “treat” feeling, but saved about 200 calories!

    We’ve ALL fallen off the wagon before Charip… but this time around… instead of falling into that awful cycle (I dunno if the rest of you have this happen, but for me it’s always been.. you have a bad day; eat something “not perfect”… and then ask why did I do that? Then I figure I’ve ruined everything.. so might as well eat anything.. and down go the chips.. and the leftover ribs in the fridge.. and is that a wrinkled brownie I see at the back of the fridge?? Where DID that popcorn come from? Are those cookies close to the expiry date? Can’t leave one cupcake in such a big box.. I’m only eating it so I can throw the box away.. Can’t waste food so might as well have that.. and then.. we do the whole guilt thing.. why did I do that …im pathetic.. cant stick to anything.. and so we get depressed.. and eat more…and feel like even more crap…. And mad at myself.. so again.. I head for the fridge… ! At least that’s always been MY cycle of events… until I get my head back on a few hours/days/weeks or months later and start over..

    So if that’s anything like you, just remember one day does NOT nullify all the hard work you’re doing..!!! Recognize you were feeling however you were feeling… and turned to food this time.. but maybe say next time this happens, before I dive in.. I’ll remember how I felt last time and maybe.. just maybe… decide not to go that route again… it’s never about how many times you fall down… its just about getting up again that counts!!
    More posts to read… brb
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LORI: Arthur and the healthy hippie?? LOL.. sounds like a great book title! Congrats on the walkies and hope Arthur was exhausted enuf to behave lol!

    KM The only reason they got me to physio for my back last year.. was the promise of heat massage after – I tried to cut a deal after the first one with my therapist.. skip the therapy and just hook me up to that lovely machine. Witch wouldn’t go for it.. er… I mean.. my therapist wouldn’t go for it.. ;)

    And you’ll note it was a SLOW jog I did.. but my right knee hurts tonite lol.. so might be a while before I try that agin… and thanks for not “saying” hit the shower LOL!!

    Abbezen: omg.. quit smoking.. AND losing weight?? You are my hero!!!!!! Huge IPOM and kudos on both achievements!

    TA: I have no experience one way or the other re meds, cept to say I have friends my age who have had both good and bad results with meds, but I do know if you go that route, you HAVE to be monitored closely by a doc … and hell yes I’ve woken up feeling like I could bite the head off a puppy (yep.. that’s mean!!) and for no good reason at all. I’ve also spent a few hours with several boxes of Kleenex howling into my pillow here and there… when nothing bad has happened ….. it just comes on and there it is… so I usually just hide out from the world for an hour or 2 til it’s safe to be around humans again… lol but I can usually talk myself back up eventually. If however, your life is being affected by your feelings and you’re not doing or going places because of it, or if it lasts for days at a time, I agree with the other Hatters that maybe you should seek some professional help?? I don’t know why we never give getting medical help for a physical problem a second thought, but we seem to be reluctant to get medical help for an emotional problem?? Hugs!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member

    down go the chips.. and the leftover ribs in the fridge.. and is that a wrinkled brownie I see at the back of the fridge?? Where DID that popcorn come from? Are those cookies close to the expiry date? Can’t leave one cupcake in such a big box.. I’m only eating it so I can throw the box away.. Can’t waste food so might as well have that.. and then.. we do the whole guilt thing.. why did I do that …im pathetic.. cant stick to anything.. and so we get depressed.. and eat more…and feel like even more crap…. And mad at myself.. so again.. I head for the fridge… ! At least that’s always been MY cycle of events… until I get my head back on a few hours/days/weeks or months later and start over..

    SNOOOZIE!!!...You just about had me peeing in my pants, I can't believe how many times I've been there and done that! We are all so much alike.

    I just left TACO HELL.. I only got 2 locos doritos tacos..I haven't logged them yet.

    Will you set us up for tomorrow's chat? I know everyone would enjoy it.