UGH-Outgrowing my pants!

Well, I officially hit the 190 mark today. I am +4 pounds since upping my calories to my cut at 2100 five weeks ago. The bloat comes and goes I think mostly related to things I eat for the previous day. I am so disgusted :grumble: as I naturally carry most of my overweight on my middle area (think Michelin man). It is so bad now that my work pants don't fit anymore and I am miserable if I try to wear them. As much as it pains me, I guess this weekend I am going to go buy some elastic waist pants until I can (hopefully) get past this stage. Times like this make me wonder if I am doing the right thing. There are some positives though; sleeping better, lifting more, and not feeling quite so tired all the time. I never felt hungry before so that has also changed because I seem to need to eat almost every two hours regardless of what/when I ate last. I have even woken up during the night thinking I need to raid the fridge for something. I hit the wall last week too. Geez, I could hardly make it through the day for several days. Please let this be over soon!

Sorry for the rant. I really needed to get this off my mind to folks who understand the game. Maybe now I can focus on the good things and get some work done.


  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    stick with it, I hope the results come soon.... I'm still too chicken to try but I have increased my daily calories, I still struggle to eat more food though. Graze box today should help.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Just hang in there. These are all signs, that are normal. Nothing out of the norm.
    Stay strong and try to hit your protein levels.
    You already sensed that you can lift more and sleep better-first steps in the right direction
    Keep up the good work
  • donna9089
    donna9089 Posts: 87
    Thanks folks. I am trying to hang with the program. All that have seem to post good things, so I am hoping to be one of those people some day :smile: