


  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I never open my mail the day it comes, I usually just throw it on the table and open it when I get around to it like once a week.

    Once a week? I'm more like once a month. It's bad!

    Along with the not wearing much around the house, I never close the bathroom door. I'm not a "do your business" with the door open type if there's anyone else in the house but, it still seems foreign closing the door since I'm used to having the place to myself.
    I actually always close the bathroom door even though I live by myself. I don't know why I bother, I guess I just don't like when the dog stares at me while I try to do my business.

    I had to change back to always closing the door. My dog likes to get in the way.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I never open my mail the day it comes, I usually just throw it on the table and open it when I get around to it like once a week.

    Once a week? I'm more like once a month. It's bad!

    Along with the not wearing much around the house, I never close the bathroom door. I'm not a "do your business" with the door open type if there's anyone else in the house but, it still seems foreign closing the door since I'm used to having the place to myself.
    I actually always close the bathroom door even though I live by myself. I don't know why I bother, I guess I just don't like when the dog stares at me while I try to do my business.

    I had to change back to always closing the door. My dog likes to get in the way.

    I used to leave the bathroom door open when I showered so it wouldn't be too steamy. After I got a dog and had the shock of seeing a nose peek through the shower curtain the door is now closed whenever I'm in there.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm SO happy that I'm not the only one who talks to my pets. I accidentally bumped Oscar the other day and I apologized to him like he was human...
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I never open my mail the day it comes, I usually just throw it on the table and open it when I get around to it like once a week.

    Once a week? I'm more like once a month. It's bad!

    Along with the not wearing much around the house, I never close the bathroom door. I'm not a "do your business" with the door open type if there's anyone else in the house but, it still seems foreign closing the door since I'm used to having the place to myself.
    I actually always close the bathroom door even though I live by myself. I don't know why I bother, I guess I just don't like when the dog stares at me while I try to do my business.

    I had to change back to always closing the door. My dog likes to get in the way.

    I had to close the bathroom door with my last dog. When he was a puppy he got between my legs and tried to lap up the pee midstream.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I don't wear clothes when I'm at home alone. I don't close doors when I'm alone. I sleep with a box fan on to provide white noise.

    But probably my biggest quirk is to have three or four computers going at the same time and going from one to another to do various things (surf the net, email, quicken, netflix, etc.). Yes, I could do them all on one machine, but that takes too long.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Does talking to my dog like he's human count?? However I'm not embarrassed about it.

    I do this, Fathead is an excellent conversationalist! I'm not embarassed either.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I don't wear clothes when I'm at home alone.

    I do this too!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I don't wear clothes when I'm at home alone. I don't close doors when I'm alone. I sleep with a box fan on to provide white noise.

    But probably my biggest quirk is to have three or four computers going at the same time and going from one to another to do various things (surf the net, email, quicken, netflix, etc.). Yes, I could do them all on one machine, but that takes too long.

    I do the first 3.

    I also eat standing up.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I eat in the chair I'm sitting in while on the computer.
    I wear my shirts from when I was at my biggest to bed because I like how big they are on me know.
    I am lazy to clean! Its just me I'll do the dishes when I need clean dishes :(
    I also knit when watching my shows.
    And I know if I had a dog I would have great conversations with her...I already talk to myself..it would be nice to have someone else listening
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I'm SO happy that I'm not the only one who talks to my pets. I accidentally bumped Oscar the other day and I apologized to him like he was human...

    When my dog goes out to poop I wait till he's in his squat and then I yell Poooooooooooooooop, pooooop, poop.... he gets embarrassed everytime!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Yeah, I keep all the doors open too, and can't sleep in the dark :blushing:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I hide my teddy bear.

    well, I dont hide my bed urangatang, but he gets thrown off the bed if a guy stays over!! :grumble:

    I think guys are jealous of him :laugh:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    - I talk to my cat like a human
    -I always have to be dressed up unless I'm going to the gym! I don't like when people dress sloppy in public, and it mentally pains me to wear sweatpants in public.
    - I hate having my hair up in a ponytail. I can do side ponies but that's it.
    - I hardly ever wear sneakers - it's either flats or boots - unless I'm at the gym.
    - I always have to have the bathroom door closed, even if no one is home. It's just weird to leave it open.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I talk to my dead hookers like they are human.

    Is that quirky?
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I talk to my dead hookers like they are human.

    Is that quirky?

    no. that's the most attractive thing that I've ever heard.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I open my mail once a month., if that. I talk to my beta fish and named him studly. I have my hair up more often than down. My hair seems to be all over the house. I'm ocd with organizing things in the fridge and cabinets. I go around turning off lights and tv's when no one's in the room. And I never answer the house phone unless it's family or a call I've been waiting for. Oh, and I love candles so theyre all over the house.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I always have to drive, I cannot stand to let other people drive or not know where I am going. Even if someone else knows where we are going and can give directions I have to look at a map and see the route in my mind before we leave the house if I don't know where I am going.

    I get lost in my own town, lol. And I'm always late, and I think it's ok!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I hide my teddy bear.

    I sleep with my bear when I'm sick.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    I talk to tv shows like I am in the show .. lol. Especially House Hunters .. lol .. I have an opinion I share with all the home owners. When I watch football .. I yell and swear and dance and throw things. I actually talk to myself quite a bit. I only clean when people are coming over. I cut my toe nails on the couch .. lol.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I don`t think I have any. :embarassed: