Sorry this posted twice! Ignore this one!

Ok that's it .... Im gonna splurge on some bit of tech cos I'm sick of wondering if I've got my activity level right or using my doubts to justify a little extra here and there.

I want something that I can wear initially daily for about a month to get an idea of my average burns and then once or twice each week to keep rough track. I really want to get an accurate as poss idea of my average daily kcal burn including cardio classes but most of all my in work kcal burn as I'm walking ( lots of short fast paced dashes) between work base, tube stations n clients houses for visits. At the mo I'm not lifting outside pump classes so it doesn't need to be sensitive to this.

Recommendations super appreciate as I don't wanna get another thing which ultimately just increases the ££ total of the other pointless stuff on my shelf of useless diet n exercise books,cd's, mags etc!!!