Great to Meet you all...where are you from?



  • Julie_Mango
    Julie_Mango Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've just joined this group. I'm from Cayman and Jamaica. I've always lived in Cayman but love to visit Jamaica and still have family there.

    I've used myfitnesspal for a while but wasn't losing weight. I took a break and got some health matters under control (which were part of why I couldn't lose) and so I'm back now to tracking regularly. I work out 4 to 5 times a week (mix of weights and cardio). I'm also seeing a dietician every couple of weeks to help me figure out the right 'formula' for me. I generally eat healthy foods, but yes, our Caribbean carbs are high! (Easy to see why cuz they're soooo good!)

    My focus this week is to get the sugar intake reduced. Surprising how it can sneak in even when eating healthy!

    I want to lose 80 to 100 lbs but will know my final goal more once I'm closer to it and know how I feel, how my clothes fit, etc.

    Look forward to chatting more and sharing losses soon!
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all, I am originally from the states, but have lived on St. Thomas for the past year. After eating way too many johnny cakes, I just have to start losing weight. I have been up and down in weight my entire life, and now that I'm engaged I want to start losing weight for the wedding and just begin a healthy lifestyle. Great to meet you all!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've just joined this group. I'm from Cayman and Jamaica. I've always lived in Cayman but love to visit Jamaica and still have family there.

    I've used myfitnesspal for a while but wasn't losing weight. I took a break and got some health matters under control (which were part of why I couldn't lose) and so I'm back now to tracking regularly. I work out 4 to 5 times a week (mix of weights and cardio). I'm also seeing a dietician every couple of weeks to help me figure out the right 'formula' for me. I generally eat healthy foods, but yes, our Caribbean carbs are high! (Easy to see why cuz they're soooo good!)

    My focus this week is to get the sugar intake reduced. Surprising how it can sneak in even when eating healthy!

    I want to lose 80 to 100 lbs but will know my final goal more once I'm closer to it and know how I feel, how my clothes fit, etc.

    Look forward to chatting more and sharing losses soon!

    Hey Julie Mango (I love that name and that fruit!!!) Nice to meet you...things have been kinda quiet here lately but i'm ready for it to be active again...welcome aboard!
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    Hello everybody,

    I' m from Haiti, lived in Dominican Republic for a while, but now I' m back to my beloved country. So glad there is a group adressing our specific issues.
    Quick intro: I' m 30, married, vegetarian, christian.
    Wishing you all success on your weight loss journey! :smile:
  • LisaRoXie
    LisaRoXie Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a newbie from Barbados, glad to all of you.
    Only now getting started, and hoping for the best.

    Wishing you all the best. Feel free to to add me as a friend if you like.
  • childrenrus
    childrenrus Posts: 55 Member
    Ladies nice to meet you all:flowerforyou:

    I'm of Trini parentage living in London.. I obviously love my food which means I have at least 14lb to lose!:wink: I'm a newbie to MFP and would like to make new friends who have a love of West Indian food but want to make healthier choices while staying true to their origins! Feel free to add me.x
  • hye everyone...well....I guess I'm the only one here from Dominica...and's not DR.......I was also born in St. Maarten but both parents are from DOminica and I lived there as well. Nice to come on here....
  • debycoles
    debycoles Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new to weight loss and new to MFP. I live in Grand Cayman, originally British but been here 5 1/2 years now.

    Suffered bad health last year (2012) and on meds which made me gain weight for the first time in 20 years so I'm hoping to get back in a bikini for 2013. It's hard going, especially with food prices being so expensive here - why is healthy food so much more expensive than fatty foods? Sigh.

    Look forward to participating in the group.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Hello! I'm from Trinidad and Tobago but I live in Australia now. Back home I wasn't much of a cook so I miss having all my Trini specialities (doubles, roti, pelau). Thanks to a site I discovered a few months ago - Caribbean Pot I've been trying more and more recipes and loving them!
    Feel free to add me, it's always great to friends
  • SoSo32290
    Hi! Nice to meet you all! I am Haitian. I am 22. Just had a baby in november...gained 57 lbs during the pregnancy. So far i've lost 53 lbs! But thats no thanks to that delicious caribbean cuisine lol
  • tishglos
    tishglos Posts: 10 Member
    I'm from Trinidad and Tobago :)
  • Toofattybooty
    Toofattybooty Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone just joined the group, I'm from Barbados my dad is Trinidadian I've been to Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, St Lucia and st Vincent.
    I've battled with my weight my whole life but I'm hoping to change that. My number one struggle is curbing my sweet tooth (anything cake form) any advise would be appreciated.

  • Latomian
    Latomian Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new (not to MFP but to groups and adding friends, etc). I didn't know there were so many dimensions to this thing. Anyhow, I was born and raised in St. Thomas, but my whole family is from Antigua so I just say I'm from both. I do agree that our diets are carb heavy. Even though it doesn't show up on my ticker, I started at 165 and am now down to 159.6 (slow and steady) but I don't know what will happen if someone comes to visit with bread, tart, bun and cheese. I'll have to amp up the kickboxing classes.
  • Anasye
    Anasye Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning, I am from ST.Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands but currently living in New York. I have been on this site for a year or so but only recently started adding groups and friends. I really got back on track in May where I started again at 175lbs and now I'm down to 168lbs. My goal is 145lbs and I am 5' 7". Our food is very starch heavy, peas and rice, macaroni and cheese, potato stuffing plus meat all in one meal. :noway: I was wondering if any of you have tried to remake your traditional foods with calorie cutting substitutions and how did they turn out?
  • dexlyn813
    dexlyn813 Posts: 84 Member