Mind freaking!!

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
I'm keeping an eye on this group as I hope one say to be brave enough to try a reset someday after reading such great results & I'm sure my metabolism is screwed from years of not eating much having a small appetite.

However so far I struggle, somedays, to eat my basic 1250 and if I exercise I rarely hit 1000 net.

My plan is to try to get to 1500 net with a relaxed day on a Saturday so to today.....

I'm having a rest day after a hard few days exercising & a race last night. Today I manage to eat my calories thanks to a graze box and me choosing copacabana - brazil nuts & choc drops. I chose them as I wanted them and my mind frame was I'm eating more so that's ok. However got to tonight & I'm beating myself up that I've eaten so much.

Have others of you struggled with the mind freaking out & how have you beaten it?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I really struggled with the mind freaking and still am but I just had to take the plunge.

    I found just upping a little but from 1200-1600 wasn't enough, that's how your body can end up putting on weight, because it's still not enough to fuel your body properly. When I finally took the full plunge here I dropped 6.5 lbs. Then I stalled out so I freaked again because I knew I needed to do a diet break for a couple weeks (probably really should do a reset but I will be doing that in November). BUT again, I just took the plunge and I am on day 2 of my diet break.

    I looked at it this way, if I am losing weight and planning to keep it off for LIFE, what is the difference if I take a couple of months and give this whole EM2WL thing a chance. What's the worst that could happen? Gain a few lbs? Well I have been struggling my whole life so why not give this a try.

    I felt better immediately after my first day of eating more. After a few days I felt energized, my workouts improved, I was happier and was no longer constipated (which I had been for most of my life).

    I will NEV|ER go back to 1200.

    And the reason you are struggling to eat even 1200 is because your metablolism is messed up. I was that way too. But once I started eating more I could literally feel my metabolism working. The hunger actually switched on. I now wake up starving and even eating at maintenance I am still hungry when I wake up in the morning.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you Heidihomum it's comforting to know that it can/does work it a scary thought though isn't it.

    I have to say just getting to eat what I have been the past couple of weeks my appetite is increasing I dread to think what I've been having pre MFP although I did make bad choices.

    Why are you waiting til November to reset (if you don't mind me asking) and what are you doing as a diet break? How many cals are you aiming for?

    It's a whole new concept isn't it? Totally off the normal diet wall :-(
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    And the reason you are struggling to eat even 1200 is because your metablolism is messed up. I was that way too. But once I started eating more I could literally feel my metabolism working. The hunger actually switched on. I now wake up starving and even eating at maintenance I am still hungry when I wake up in the morning.

    That's good to know. I'm struggling to eat over 1600, and that's just my BMR. Hopefully, I'll be hungrier soon!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    @Heidihomom - you mentioned you just 'took the plunge' instead of incrementing up (eg. 1200-1600).... did you just up your cals from something low (1200ish) to your TDEE?

    curious.... thanks!
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    It's true and just how the others said! I really didnt actually realise i was netting so low for so long!
    But - the first 2 weeks wer hardest for me to up to over 2000 cals, mainly cos I just felt so full all the time, and i thought it was crazy to do the oppposite of what i had been doing, but they do say if what your doing isn working, change it! I put on about 5 lbs in total.

    Now, after doing re-set for about 10 wks or so, I am struggling to go down to cut of 1950 and feeling like i need extra at the end of the night. I am sure after a few more days it might be easier, and on days I exercise more than 300 (like 500-600, probably at least twice a week) i will add on a few hundred more, so that I net at least 1600 (BMR 1450).

    I have stopped logging exercise as I know I average about 400 per day, and have just stuck my goal cals at 1950. Might up it a bit more in a few weeks if this doesn't shift any body fat, as i'm not fussed about weight anymore, just the way my clothes fit and muscle peaking through :)
