Starting today... I'm Scared!!

Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
I know what to expect... and I KNOW i've been eating too little for way too long (1200-1300 per day I've been constantly hungry....)... but I'm still scared to death to do this.

I'm 5'8"
190lbs (down from 290)
25 y/o F
I work at a desk job for 9 hours a day and because of an injury I will not be able to exercise much for the next few weeks..... burning maybe 500 calories/week of exercise.

According to Scooby Workshop my BMR is 1677, My TDEE is around 2306, and my Daily calorie goal (TDEE -15%) should be around 1960....

I've been doing Intermittent Fasting and really like it so far.... This is only my second week. Will it be okay to continue this while starting to eat more. It MAY be difficult to eat all of my calories in the window, but I guess I will see!

I guess I'm just looking for someone to say "YES! 1711 is a good number... not too many calories.....", hug me, and tell me it's gonna be okay.

I know when I upped my calories to 1600 over the past 3 days only... I feel 10000000% better. A little bloated, but I'm full of energy for the first time in a's great! I just don't want to eat TOO much... someone help? anyone?? :)


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You can do this! It's not too many calories and I do think you can do it with IF if that's your thing. There were a couple others on here at one point who were/are doing IF.
  • lisakammwang
    lisakammwang Posts: 44 Member
    Ii lost a considerable amount of weight on a 1000-1200 calorie diet 6 years ago. My goal weight was 150. The problem was I gained it all back. This time around I increased my calories and stick to healthy foods. I onle exercise about 3 hours or so per week, mostly walking and light weight training. I am currently in the same size clothes I was last time, however I weigh 10 lbs. more. I eat between 1600-2000 calories per day and have been maintaining with minimal fluctuation. Not bad for a postmenopausal woman of almost 40. I say give up the fast and eat healthy all week long.
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Good job...

    I lost my first 80lbs doing 1000-1200 calories per day plus exercising over the past year and a half. The past 5 months I haven't had as much time to workout because of full time school/work but I've stayed at about 1200 calories. I started exercising a month ago, lost 13lbs then hit a brick wall. The more I looked into it, I believe I'm eating WAY too few calories.... so that's why I"m giving this ago. Like I said, I upped my intake to net 1600 and I feel like a whole new person! It will definitely be worth any weight gain to feel this good again.

    As for the intermittent fasting, i do an 18/6 fast every day... it's actually quite healthy and thoroughly researched. The only time I do a full 24 hour fast is for a religious day like Ekadasi...It's not a "diet." I just eat my calories within a 6 hour window rather than throughout the day. It has REALLY helped with cravings and such and being able to tell when I'm REALLY hungry or when my brain is just sending signals. It's taken about a week and a half to get used to, but now I love it!! The biggest point for me was to help with my food addiction and constant hunger... but another plus is that it helps teach your body to burn fat vs carbs :)
    Ii lost a considerable amount of weight on a 1000-1200 calorie diet 6 years ago. My goal weight was 150. The problem was I gained it all back. This time around I increased my calories and stick to healthy foods. I onle exercise about 3 hours or so per week, mostly walking and light weight training. I am currently in the same size clothes I was last time, however I weigh 10 lbs. more. I eat between 1600-2000 calories per day and have been maintaining with minimal fluctuation. Not bad for a postmenopausal woman of almost 40. I say give up the fast and eat healthy all week long. :)
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I think you will do wonderful. Welcome to the group!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    We all felt the same way in the beginning. Just stick to it and be consistent! And step away from the scale for a couple weeks so you don't obsess over it and freak out. You will feel so much better after a couple days. You'll have more energy and just feel amazing! Promise!
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I've already removed the scale from my bathroom and stuck it in a closet! LOL! After only 3 days of eating more, I feel so much better! I feel a little bloated, but I think my body is saying "OMG you're feeding me!!" I've only increased to 1600.. I'm taking the plunge and going up to the 1960 today! *gulp* :)
    We all felt the same way in the beginning. Just stick to it and be consistent! And step away from the scale for a couple weeks so you don't obsess over it and freak out. You will feel so much better after a couple days. You'll have more energy and just feel amazing! Promise!
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Thank you very much!

    I think you will do wonderful. Welcome to the group!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I did a 1200 cal/day diet for 14 weeks. I upped to my BMR (~1700) plus some exercise calories for one month. Almost two weeks ago, I upped to my TDEE (between 2200-3100 calories). I have wavered between the same 3lbs since ending the low calorie thing. I understand being scared of more calories because I was too in the beginning. But I would rather eat as much as I'm eating now and have the energy to live! Don't be scared to eat more. You already feel better at 1600, so imagine how much better you'll feel when you eat at BMR or TDEE!!! You might feel bloated at first, but it WILL go away. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you need some support!
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks everyone, REALLY! I'm starting the 1960 today. Have a nice 986 calorie meal planned for 4:00 when I break my daily fast!! Yum!! :)