Accountability: Exercise

How are you getting exercise today?


  • LC2281
    LC2281 Posts: 8
    Will be doing my Insanity workout. :)
  • ChelleSC
    ChelleSC Posts: 49
    Couch to 5k runner. I was almost done week 6. But, I am slow at it and having some knee pain. Today I can choose to back up and do an earlier week or stick with where I am and be okay with slow. The problem is that today's schedule is to run for 21 minutes with no break. I am in a horrible mood. I don't know if I can make it for that long. Ugh. I think that moving backwards is the first step in quitting. And I have come too far to quit. I wish I could ff to when I am already in shape!
  • evilsnugglybunny
    I will do vigourous cleaning for 30 minutes when I get home (DH has school tonight so its hard to get anything good in)