put on 2lb and 1.5% bf since starting cut??

ji225 Posts: 89 Member
Yes I know seems odd right - I have no idea what is happening and trying of course to be sensible and not freak, but really?? I did tre-set for 10 weeks pretty much, and put on a total of 5lbs initially, then lost 1.5 during the whole re-set, so net gain was 3.5lb.

I've only been cutting 2 weeks almost, but I was curious as ive been quite hungry. I never net below BMR.

I have a desk job so don't move much in the week. My BMR i think is about 1400 and my exercise level is moderate for about 5 -7 hrs a week (cycling to work most days approx 40 mins, yoga and pilates 3 times, and light weights as just starting back twice a week for 15 mins. I dont do any high cardio as I have a foot problem) probabaly burn on average 300 cals per day over the week, some days higher and of course at least one rest day.

Can anyone advise if this has happened to them. Maybe I should just go back to reset? Maybe I didnt reset at high enough cals?? I was taking in 2300 on average most days. I really am a bit confused.

Should have said also I'm now 143lbs and 5ft 8, I think BF is 24% but could be more as when i worked it out on that military calc it came out 34% but it might have been wrong!

Any suggestions will of course be considered :)


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    How old are you?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I put in 32 for age and ran your numbers. You should be eating 2110 cals at a 15% cut. Have you been eating this everyday?
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks - am 36. I think I maybe should go up a bit more - happy to do that.
    I've only been eating 1950 for a bit less than 2 weeks, but doesnt feel liek it is working, (on high burn days, which have been few and far between last 2 wks, adding a few hundred more so that I dont go below BMR)

    and yes eating that all but one day when I had mega hangover and couldnt get above 1600, but i didnt leave bed all day either! :)