BMF vs FtiBit?

victoria615 Posts: 19 Member
Okay, I've read a few posts on here and I have yet to figure it out, what is the difference between this two devices?

I am looking for something to tell me a better guess of what my TDEE is. I am using the numbers generated from scooby at the moderate level of activity, but I'm not certain I "really" qualify at that level. One of them it seems tracks your sleep, but cant remember which that was. Also, do both have to be used everyday, or after a month or two can you stop wearing it?

So, opinions please, which would be the better purchase for me?


  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Victoria. Here is a website for doing a comparision of the two on the body media site.

    I have the BMF and thought about the FitBit. There is a lot of debate about which is better and everyone has a preference. Mine is because it actually touches your skin and is clinically proven. The downfall is the pricing and monthly fee. However people are buying them on Ebay and buying subscriptions for around $32/year.

    Please try the website and let me know what you think. I will find an article on it too.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I too think that the BMF is more accurate
    Nevertheless I decided to go for the FitBit. I just wanted to get a general idea of my burn and I am not willing to pay a monthly fee.
    I use it in combination with my HRM and it works out great
    Scooby gave me about 200kcal less, but I am very active beside my workouts, so I think it,s pretty accurate.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Sorry I could not find the article. I actually got my first BMF before the FitBit ever came out and then got a great deal on a Link one. The other one still works. I don't mind the fee but wish I did wireless linking with the computer too.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Sorry I could not find the article. I actually got my first BMF before the FitBit ever came out and then got a great deal on a Link one. The other one still works. I don't mind the fee but wish I did wireless linking with the computer too.

    Plus since I have give up most of my Starbuck's trips (yes, I was an every day $25/week habit) I now but that money into my subscription and exercise dvd's & equipment.
  • victoria615
    victoria615 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you for the website, I'll look at it more tonight after the 4 year old is in bed.

    Maybe I misunderstood, does the FitBit only do your calories when working out? I'll have to try to look at both of the websites tonight more.

    I do cardio 2, maybe 3 days a week for 30-45 mins each time (for a total of anywhere between 60-135 minutes per week). and i do CLExtreme for strength training, so while I would like to know how many calories i burn then, I would also like to be able to see how many calories I'm burning for the rest of the time I don't consider "working out". Our 4 year old keeps me busy, but I don't know how to account for that?

    I will probably be back later!

  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Good question for Noor. I believe it calculates your total calories burned per day but not sure how it does it. Noor?
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I have the BMF Link and love it!!! I didn't know about the FitBit when I got the BMF.

    So if paying a monthly fee is an issue for you then I would get the FitBit. But whichever one you decide to get I think that the one you'll use consistently is the one that'll be more helpful in figuring out your TDEE!!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    FitBit measures how much you are moving, with a special focus on steps taken and number of flights of stairs climbed during the day. Unlike BMF, it does not do any sort of biofeedback to see how much effort you are making, what your heartrate is, etc. It only measures the intensity of the movement of your body. If you are swinging your arms or lifting weights, it is not going to think you are doing much of anything. If you are walking, running, dancing, climbing stairs, or doing your daily chores, it will consider you active.

    You get a breakdown of how many minutes a day you are sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, and very active. It gives you your TDEE, which I have found to be fairly accurate.

    It has a built-in timer so that you can time your activities and then record what you were doing during those time periods on the web. For example, if I time for 20 minutes and tell it I was doing weights for that time period, it will adjust my calories (TDEE) accordingly. I can let it estimate the calories based on perceived exertion (light or vigorous weights) or I can input the number of calories manually (if I'm doing a program that estimates my calorie burn, or used iSmoothRun to track my run, etc.)
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I love my Fitbit. It tracks your steps and calorie bun and I like it because my activity is so variable from day to day. I think it's really accurate - and for the price, it can't be beat. I got mine for $70 on eBay so I would definitely look around to see if you could find one discounted too.

    I wear mine on my waistband and it's really discreet. If your activity is pretty constant then I guess you could stop after a few months but I think it's fun and would be sad to stop using my Fitbit.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I moved my Fitbit from my waistband to my bra after flipping it into the toilet pulling down my pants! I know, TMI . . .
    I love my Fitbit. It tracks your steps and calorie bun and I like it because my activity is so variable from day to day. I think it's really accurate - and for the price, it can't be beat. I got mine for $70 on eBay so I would definitely look around to see if you could find one discounted too.

    I wear mine on my waistband and it's really discreet. If your activity is pretty constant then I guess you could stop after a few months but I think it's fun and would be sad to stop using my Fitbit.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    bump for later reading..tks for sharing.
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I have a Fitbit, love it for it's simplicity. I also wear mine on my bra. One thing not mentioned is customer service. My Fitbit is not syncing without me jumping through hoops! I have been emailing back and forth with customer service for the past couple of weeks and they are now sending me a whole new Fitbit. It seems mine is defective, although it is picking up data and if I uninstall and reinstall the program once a week, I can sync it! It is supposed to sync wirelessly so hence the diagnosis of being defective.

    I also have done some math with the weekly calorie burn, it is very close to my Scooby TDEE-15% number, within 50 calories, I have checked all 6 weeks worth of reports.

    Oh and it is cheap to buy, I like that too.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Okay, that's it. I'm going to order the fitbit right now. I really want the BMF but I dont like the idea of wearing it on my arm for when I go back to work, don't feel like explaining to everyone what it is (and I wear short sleeves a lot and work with kids so it would likely become a distraction to them).

    Plus the BMF is expensive and I don't like the monthly fee idea. I like that the fitbit syncs with MFP.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I am so impulsive.

    I just bought a fitbit!! So excited for it to come!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I'm getting a fitbit for my birthday which is coming up soon. Can't wait!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I am so impulsive.

    I just bought a fitbit!! So excited for it to come!

    Yay so exciting. I've been impulsive too, was planning to get one after payday but I put a random bid on one on eBay yesterday really not expecting to get it but won! Can't wait to start using it and getting a better idea of my actual burns but it won't arrive until next week. Happy FitBitting :)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I am so impulsive.

    I just bought a fitbit!! So excited for it to come!

    Yay so exciting. I've been impulsive too, was planning to get one after payday but I put a random bid on one on eBay yesterday really not expecting to get it but won! Can't wait to start using it and getting a better idea of my actual burns but it won't arrive until next week. Happy FitBitting :)
    I bid on a BMF on ebay that still has 2 days left, I doubt I will get it though.
  • I didn't like the idea of always wearing something on my arm so I opted for the Fitbit. I absolutely love the little thing.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Wow, how awesome is this: I was going to post this very thing just now and the question and answers were already here!

    I think I'll get a fitbit...I like the idea of more bells and whistles, but it sounds like a fitbit will give me the general idea of where I am on a daily basis and if it is close to reality.

    One question: I use the exercise bike at the gym...will the fitbit track that, or will it think I'm just sitting still?
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Wow, how awesome is this: I was going to post this very thing just now and the question and answers were already here!

    I think I'll get a fitbit...I like the idea of more bells and whistles, but it sounds like a fitbit will give me the general idea of where I am on a daily basis and if it is close to reality.

    One question: I use the exercise bike at the gym...will the fitbit track that, or will it think I'm just sitting still?

    No, the fitbit does not do well with cycling. You will need to either use a HRM and input the data as exercise here on MFP. Enter the type of exercise, the time started and the duration along with the calorie burn if you know it from using a HRM.