New to group

I'm glad I found this group. I joined MFP a while ago but haven't done much with it until today. If I stay focused, I know all of the tools will be a great help. My name is Leticia, and I am 42. I am the mother of an almost 14 year old son and a 4 1/2 month old daughter. Yes, I decided to start the parenting thing again ;-). I have about 40 pounds that I would like to lose. I was about 181 when I got pregnant. This was about 10 pounds more than I weighed when I delivered my son. I topped out at about 203 when I delivered my daughter in Feb. I'm only 5'3 so that's alot. Thanks to breastfeeding I'm down to 168. My goal is to get to the 120-130 range. The pregnancy and c-section were not kind to my body. I want to have the best body and be as healthy as I can be for my age. I have a lot to live for. I'm looking forward to achieving the weight loss success that has eluded me so far.


  • katycat24
    katycat24 Posts: 32
    Best of luck to you!
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Leticia!

    Congratulations on your the birth of your daughter! I also have an early teen son (13) along with a 21 yr old. We had a big gap too, wonderful in its on special way :)

    I'm 44 and live in Virginia. I'm a shortie too at 5' 2". I have almost 50 lbs to loose. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to help motivate each other!

    All the best!
  • criscram
    criscram Posts: 11
    Hello Leticia,
    I also am new to the group, and am glad I found it. I also am in with you in this journey as all of us here. Add me also. I have no friends as of now...newbie, but we can motivate and encourage.
