Share your goals :) !!

"a thousand mile trip starts with just one step" Lao Tsue

Alright guys mention your current status and your goals over here !! Don't be shy or uncomfortable sharing your status this group is filled with amazing people that will only push you and help you achieve your goals !!! Let's do this together guys :)

Age: 20
Height: 5' 7 (i'm a short guy :D)
Weight: 183.3 lbs
BF (Body Fat): 19% (i checked it when i was 187 lbs so hopefully its a little less)

Height: 6' 1 :D:D jk jk
Weight: 160 lbs
BF: 10~11 %


  • Thanks for the group invite! Could certainly use support, as well as pass some along to other members =]

    I'm 25, 5'0 and while I don't mind being curvy, I realized I put on an excessive amount of weight & I'm ready for a complete change!!

    I started my weightloss on 4/24/12 and am down a total of 28lbs as of 7/9/12.
    I've been setting 25lb goal marks at a time and my main goal is 100lbs.

    I'm just now noticing results after losing the 1st 28lbs - can't wait to see how I look after my journey.

    I don't belong to a gym - but do walk, swim and have even worked up to a slow jog here & there.

    Any suggestions for a better workout (w/out the gym fees lol)

    Good luck to all...feel free to add, or share your advice!
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Thanks for the group invite! Could certainly use support, as well as pass some along to other members =]

    I'm 25, 5'0 and while I don't mind being curvy, I realized I put on an excessive amount of weight & I'm ready for a complete change!!

    I started my weightloss on 4/24/12 and am down a total of 28lbs as of 7/9/12.
    I've been setting 25lb goal marks at a time and my main goal is 100lbs.

    I'm just now noticing results after losing the 1st 28lbs - can't wait to see how I look after my journey.

    I don't belong to a gym - but do walk, swim and have even worked up to a slow jog here & there.

    Any suggestions for a better workout (w/out the gym fees lol)

    Good luck to all...feel free to add, or share your advice!

    Hey first i'd like to welcome you to our group and congratulate you on your OUTSTANDING work!!! 28 lbs good job :) !! Your diet and nutrition is the most important thing in your journey !! so yes you can reach your goal with out going to the gym ... For weights buy low weights dumbbells from wall mart and you can use them at your home (10lbs~20lbs). You can also use your body weight it's extremely effective (example crunches/push ups) ... As for cardio you seem pretty alright jogging/swimming are decent !! Just make sure when your swimming your always moving don't just sit there and relax !! finally good luck and sorry for my horrible grammar im typing from my phone sooooo ;/ my bad !!
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    Body fat 18% is my goal, which is where you are now imondrugz...LOL but If I can get my thighs toned and stomach flat and be anywhere near 20% BF, I'll be HAPPY.....

    and I just figured out your name...please tell me that's a're not really taking steroids r u ?

    Oh, and platforms can help with the height goal :glasses:
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Body fat 18% is my goal, which is where you are now imondrugz...LOL but If I can get my thighs toned and stomach flat and be anywhere near 20% BF, I'll be HAPPY.....

    and I just figured out your name...please tell me that's a're not really taking steroids r u ?

    Oh, and platforms can help with the height goal :glasses:
    haha im 100% natural no steroids!! You can do it !!! just believe in yourself and we're always here to back you up :smile: !! Let's get in shape guys :D !!
  • maddicrawf
    maddicrawf Posts: 13 Member
    Heyy! Thanks for the invite.

    I'm 23 and 5'3"
    Starting weight: 182
    Current weight: 176.4
    Goal weight: 130
  • rholland1125
    rholland1125 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 32 years old
    weigh 280-290lbs
    goal weight is 170lbs.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am 41 and began this journey in January 2011. I began at 197 pounds (5'2"tall). BMI was insane. ;)

    I am currently 132 pounds and have lost a total of 43 inches from my waist, hips, arms, and upper abdomen (bra size area). I am so close to my goal of 125 pounds but think I may want to get to 120...just keeping an eye as I go.

    I just want to say that this has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life and my guess is it is that way or many of you too - Just keep doing it and you will reach your goals!!! Stay focused and be forgiving of yourself along the way - this major life change takes time to perfect!
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    im 29 male lives in portland oregon started out at 249 with a bmi 34% back in nov 2011, now im 190 and bmi 26%. i drink 8-15 glasses of water a day, im not really dieting but watching what im eating in moderation. i go to the gym 3-5 times a week cardo and weights. im also in another challenge to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks so this will be fun to workout and lose some weight. anyone can add me as a friend because the only way to do this is to get motivation from others. Good luck everyone

    Goals: i dont have a number in mind for weight but to get rid of my gut still and to be happy and keep what i have started and not go back to what i was 8 months ago.
  • zsabih
    zsabih Posts: 1
    started this 10 days back, religiously following 1200 calories diet and 4 km walk ,zero change in my weight.
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    started this 10 days back, religiously following 1200 calories diet and 4 km walk ,zero change in my weight.

    Not sure if 1200 calories is enough hope you ask your doctor or trainer about it (i mean it's to low)!! You might actually gain weight because your gaining muscle just focus on lowering your fat % and you should notice changes around your waist
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Welcome to all the new members !!! Let's do this together guys :) !!!
  • Nice job, keep it up everyone!!
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member

    Stay focused and disciplined with lean eating and perhaps some spontaneous hikes...try to find WIFI to log in....even though I'll be in a remote rural mountain town....
  • frazzle29
    frazzle29 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi! :)

    Currently I'm 30yrs old, at 173.5 started at 195.
    Goal is to get to 130, not sure if this is too low but its something to aim for.
    Goal for body fat is about 16-17% not sure what it is right now

    Just started weight lifting 3 times a week this week and am currently doing the c25k program every week as well.
    Maybe I'll hit my goal by Christmas but whenever it happens I'm not giving up!!
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    you guys can do it !! KEEP IT UP :)
  • LetsDoTh1S
    LetsDoTh1S Posts: 41 Member
    26 year old F
    5'9....currently 141.4 lbs (probably more because I ate cookies and carbs hold onto water)
    ~20-21% bf

    I wanna get down to ~125 lbs.

    Will this happen? Who knows?
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    thanks a bunch for the group invite!!

    Age: 37

    5"4 inches tall

    SW 220 pounds
    CW 189 pounds
    GW 134 pounds

    My goals:

    1. learn to love myself

    2. Eat more fruits and veggies

    3. work out 30 minuets a day 5 days a week. ( I work out excessively) so I really need to drop that

    4. stop obbessing over calories and food

    5. stop obessing over the scale

    6. be miss optomistic instead of debby downer
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    Back from my trip and the cooler of packed foods/snacks was invaluable to keep me on track and I kept everything simple at the grocery store..single serving cottage cheeses, etc.

    Now, I'm trying to slowly work my kneeling (girlie) pushups into regular pushups..
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Back from my trip and the cooler of packed foods/snacks was invaluable to keep me on track and I kept everything simple at the grocery store..single serving cottage cheeses, etc.

    Now, I'm trying to slowly work my kneeling (girlie) pushups into regular pushups..

    I can so relate to your push-up comment! When I began this journey I couldn't even get to 10 girlie ones, but now (18 months later) I can do 3 sets of 10 regular ones each morning. keep at it - you will get there!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My goals:

    1. learn to love myself

    6. be miss optomistic instead of debby downer

    Those are the BIGGEST part of this journey, in my experience. I had to work very hard to combat that negative voice in my head and I still have to tell it to shut up sometimes. lol

    Keep working because you will be so impressed with yourself when you combat the voice! And your esteem will be well deserved. Good luck!!