Share your goals :) !!
"a thousand mile trip starts with just one step" Lao Tsue Alright guys mention your current status and your goals over here !! Don't be shy or uncomfortable sharing your status this group is filled with amazing people that will only push you and help you achieve your goals !!! Let's do this together guys :) Currently Age:…
Motivational Quotes
Share them :smile: :smile: !! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.…
If anyone have any question about almost anything post it here :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!
Losing fat for beginners success 100% guaranteed!!
Essential Rules - Workout 3 times a week with weights. - Eat 1g protein / lb lean body mass. - Reduce calories to lose 1-2 lbs / week. (the more overweight you are this might change !!) - Drink plenty of water - Eat some fruit, veggies/salad, and some essential fatty acids (EFAs) every day. - Above that eat whatever you…
Weapons of fat destruction :D !!
Post any groceries that help you lose weight !! Mine :- walden farms dressings/sauces/syrups You guys must check this out guys!! they are calorie free and fat/gluten free dressings !!! Yes absolutely 0 calories Favorite flavors is BBQ (any i like them all) Cesar dressing Chocolate syrup It does taste a lil different than…
Motivation to
Hi everyone! So, my fitness goals are a bit different than everyone else's. I'm ~20-21% bf, trying to get ~14% because I'm competing in a pageant. Don't laugh! Haha, I know the stereotypes associated with pageants. Anyway, I'm USUALLY pretty good with my diet but I've been feeling incredibly burnt out. For the last 3 days…
What do you think guys ?
should we make a facebook page for shape shifters ?
Share your progress/struggles
Stuck on weight and so confused!! HELP!
Hi I am a female, 20 years old. At the beginning of my weight loss journey my goal was to lose just ten pounds. I started off at 130, and after 5 weeks, I weighed myself and weighed 125. I was very happy. I weighed myself today expecting for some weight loss but the scale was still on 125! I am so confused.. I have counted…
I started counting callories right away when my doctor handed me a sheet of paper explaining what I had to do. So far I have not lost any weight. One thing I haven't done is exercise. What besides that (exercise) am I doing wrong? Janet:yawn: