New and Need help on reset

**Sorry Long post**

Hello..Just a little bit about myself before I dive deeper..I'm a 28 year old man and I've been obese pretty much since I was 17. I was very active in sports and competitive swimming in my teens but in high school and college just kind of gave all that up. Got into bad eating habits, alcohol and the works. As a result I weighed in at 255 in October 2010. Till 2010, I had tried every diet and exercise under the sun and had not lost weight because of a lack of motivation and will to keep at it beyond a few weeks.

Then came along HCG and I dropped by 232 by a very low 500 kcal diet. I gained it all back within 6 months. Then I did another round of HCG back to 235 about 5 months ago. I realized that this diet and lifestyle was neither healthy nor sustainable and that I needed to change my lifestyle and the my relationship with food and the gym.

I believe this time however I'm doing all the right things, am motivated to ensure I reach a healthy body fat level and look good. I work out 6 times a week in the gym. For about 5 weeks now, I strength train 3 x week + cardio and 3 x week double cardio, eat clean 90% of the times (my diary is open for suggestions). On paper it really looks like I'm doing all the right things, working out hard, ensuring there is calorie deficit to ensure weight loss the problem is MY WEIGHT HAS NOT BUDGED IN THE LAST 5 WEEKS and I've lost very little in terms of inches. I have noticed increase in strength and a little muscle definition.

My fitbit reports my TDEE as 2950 / day averaged out across the month and I have conflicting results on my BMR but MFP states my BMR as ~1500 / day based on desk job.

I suspect I have not lost weight because of the HCG diets and the fact that my metabolism is pretty much broken because of the low calorie diets.

Can anyone help as to confirming what my TDEE / BMR would be and whether I should be doing a reset and what my next steps should be?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    How tall are you and what is your current weight?
  • kanislupus
    kanislupus Posts: 10
    Sorry I thought I had those in..I'm 5'10 and i weigh 236. My BF is at 29%
  • kanislupus
    kanislupus Posts: 10
    So I rechecked all the numbers from the information here..My BMR is 2019 calories and my TDEE (according to fitbit is 2950 but i dont log resistance training) and is 3464 according to fat2fit.

    So I should just do a reset for 2 weeks @ 3400 kcals / day and then a 25% cut to 2550 kcal / day and not eat exercise calories back?

    Is this correct?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I would do a smaller cut. Most of us here do 15% but if you have a lot to lose, like 50+ then maybe go as high as 20% cut.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    So I rechecked all the numbers from the information here..My BMR is 2019 calories and my TDEE (according to fitbit is 2950 but i dont log resistance training) and is 3464 according to fat2fit.

    So I should just do a reset for 2 weeks @ 3400 kcals / day and then a 25% cut to 2550 kcal / day and not eat exercise calories back?

    Is this correct?

    Since your fibit is not logging all of your activity, I would probably take the average between your 2950 and 3464, to say about 3150 and use that as your TDEE to start. If you are feeling like pushing higher, go to the 3400 as TDEE. Considering you came from a VLCD beforehand, you may find a reset is the best bet for you. How long to be there, im not sure, but I would give it a few weeks at TDEE, give your body a chance to heal and then try a cut again.