Confused! Need Advice about Activity Level

joeykat16 Posts: 81 Member
Hi, I'm Brandi! New member to the group here...

Here's my stats:
SW 194
Height 5'7
Age 27
GW 150

TDEE is 2611
BMR is 1684
Moderate Activity Level (3-5/wk)

All calculated from :

My main question is that I don't know what activity level to set myself at... moderate or strenuous? I wouldn't consider myself a light activity level especially since I can burn up to 585 calories doing a Jillian DVD. Also, I have a Polar HRM, so I know my numbers are accurate for my burns. Here is my workout plan:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday--- Walk dogs 3 miles.
Tuesday, Thursday--- Jillian Michaels DVD (No More trouble zones, 30DS, Killer Thighs/Buns, etc) I like to mix it up.
Saturday and Sunday-- Walk dogs 6 miles.

15% cut at moderate level is 2217
15% cut at strenuous level is 2468

I don't want to over eat but I don't want to under eat.

Advice please! :)

Feel free to add me as well! I'll support you, if you support me! :)


  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    I usually go by hours, and not necessarily exertion level. Assuming you're walking at a good clip, just the walks themselves is probably 7 hours a week. Add in the other stuff and I personally would pick strenuous.
  • Hi there,

    Quick sidebar question, are you measuring your calorie burn with a HRM?

    I have the same problem - it's never very clear which activity level to use. Additionally, different people have different metabolisms, and some people just drop fat harder/easier than others - I, regrettably, am among the former.

    So here's what I would suggest: keep your activity level at moderate, and eat at that level. But, continue to monitor yourself, including how you feel. If you find, after 2 weeks, that you're not making progress, and that you feel really full all the time or fairly often, consider lowering the activity level to light and trying that level for 2 weeks. Of course, if you find that you are making progress, but you're hungry all the time, or feel fatigued a lot, then increase the activity level and eat at that level.

    The estimators are really just starting points to give you a stake in the ground. You need to use trial and error after that (and constant logging!) to find the right place for you, specifically.

    Also, keep in mind that nutrition timing is very very important - you always want to get one of your biggest (if not the biggest) meal of the day in right after you complete your workout: lots of protein and some carbs. This is really really really important.

    Good luck!
  • joeykat16
    joeykat16 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I generally go by hours too but I just don't feel its "strenuous". But I definitely work out more than 8 hours a week... generally about 10 hours. My walks are at 3.0-3.5mph pace.

    I do have a HRM--- a Polar FT7. I love it! It was the best investment.

    I decided to join EM2WL because I wasn't seeing results at 1200, 1300, 1500 or 1700 and was CONSTANTLY tired. As in I would want to go to bed at 6 or 7pm and I'd be drained all day even after plenty of sleep. So I'm determined to do this the right way and I've realized I may see the scale go up at first but I'm ok with that as long as it gets me to the point I want to be at eventually!