Protein Requirements for Building Muscle??



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    A lot of broscience in here.

    Total macronutrient intake is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

    You're body sees macronutrients and micronutrients not "clean" or "dirty" foods. (what does that even mean anyway?)

    Anyone gaining fat from eating 1g/lb of bw protein is eating too many calories in total going over their TDEE ie. you can put on fat eating just chicken/brown rice/broccoli.

    No broscience here. It's all been proven by Body Builders and Athletes for the past 30yrs.As for saying Clean... I just mean good wholesome foods. Don't eat any unnecessary Foods with high Calories, Sugar as Carbs and low Protein. When watching you Calories in any diet. You have to watch what you eat. Pick foods that fit your Goals. If you look around. You can find foods that have lower Calories with much more Protein and better Carbs. All your Sugar Carbs should come from Fruits. Just don't over do it. One to two pieces a day is plenty.

    Your First link was some good pointers, but I don't agree with some of them. A lot of those are broscience for sure..

    As for the wannabebig link..

    "Moderation is the key. Gorging on fast foods is most certainly not the way…"

    This is what I was getting at the whole time......
    McDonalds, Pizza, Taco Bell and Cokes every day isn't a Diet for someone trying to get in shape.

    What I posted had Zero Bro-Science at all. It's was just the Basic's. Yes Macro's are important. I never said they were not.

    Your last part about Gaining weight on 1g per body weight or Protein. That's exactly what I was getting at.

    What does Eating Clean to me mean:

    Eating your Daily Calories Goal. That being a slight Deficit or maintenance. While Meeting your other macro's in the process.

    Dude your very own post contradicts itself. Please clarify what the hell you are getting at. Are you saying that you need to eat wholesome foods and no junk to lose weight and retain LBM?

    Explain yourself in a few sentences that make sense instead of piecing together a bunch of nonsense.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I just want your guys' opinion on the amount of protein needed to build muscle. I have heard someone in a youtube bodybuilding vlog say 0.5 of your weight in protein is needed for maintaining muscle mass, and I have heard 0.8 to 1.0 per pound of bodyweight is needed to build muscle.

    Personally, I find it challenging to get 148 to 185 grams of protein in my diet because it would require forcing myself to eat two additional meals,and I am trying to get leaner and stronger without going over my calories. Up until today, I have made slowly made strength gains without keeping track of my protein, and I am probably get no more than 4 servings of meat per day.

    I just want to know if anyone actually keeps track of their protein intake, and how are your strength gains in the gym.

    Carbohydrate Timing is equally as important as the Protein amounts you take. Keeping Protein at a minimum of 1 gram per lean muscle pound is usually preferred by most people as a general rule. Check out this video for me when you get a chance.

    ^ This video has a lot of misinformation in it, in my opinion.

    He does adds a lot of information there that is not necessarily true such as the amount of carbs you should eat a day, and the maximum amount etc. Or the types of carbohydrates to eat before and after are debatable. However, he does a good job at emphasizing the importance of carbohydrate timing before and after workouts.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I don't buy the whole "need heaps of protein" thing. Maybe it's different for women, but I'm building insane amounts of muscle (for a female) and not paying any special attention to protein.

    I'll be interested to see whether refusing to buy supplements, powders etc. limits me later on. But right now, I'm keep to bodybuild without anything behind me but a really healthy, normal diet.

    As far as the not losing muscle while reducing thing, I'm just getting around this by taking weight loss intentionally really s l o w...

    P S - Any other female bodybuilders out ther, or am I the only one?

    I try not to go under 100g of protein a day...I aim more for 120...I find myself more satisfied by my food, and feel better overall...and the weight started coming off more consistently when I started this.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    . However, he does a good job at emphasizing the importance of carbohydrate timing before and after workouts.

    I'll watch the whole video and re-comment, but the first half was basically nonsense. Additionally, there's two basic reasons that people ingest PWO carbs, and both are not necessary. If he approaches this with a different angle I'll come back and re-comment (and declare that I was wrong), but he's probably going from these angles:

    1) Glycogen replenishment:
    Not necessary unless you're performing multiple intra-day glycogen depleting events. As long as you're eating somewhat normally between workouts, you're fine. The only reason to rush glycogen replenishment would be if you need glycogen very shortly. The vast majority of bodybuilders do not.

    2) Insulin spiking.
    Protein dosing without carbohydrates will typically raise insulin alone. Additionally, the real reason you're trying to boost insulin is not to boost protein synthesis, it's to prevent protein breakdown.

    The post workout anabolic window is much closer to 24 hours than it is to 30 minutes.

    Again though, I only got half way through the vid and shut it off due to how bad it was, but I'll watch the whole thing in case he goes a different direction.

    And finally, no offense with any of this.

    EDIT: My position on this video hasn't changed having seen all of it. He seems to think carbs at night are bad and he's neglecting the fact that protein is insulinogenic.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    A lot of broscience in here.

    Total macronutrient intake is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

    You're body sees macronutrients and micronutrients not "clean" or "dirty" foods. (what does that even mean anyway?)

    Anyone gaining fat from eating 1g/lb of bw protein is eating too many calories in total going over their TDEE ie. you can put on fat eating just chicken/brown rice/broccoli.

    No broscience here. It's all been proven by Body Builders and Athletes for the past 30yrs.As for saying Clean... I just mean good wholesome foods. Don't eat any unnecessary Foods with high Calories, Sugar as Carbs and low Protein. When watching you Calories in any diet. You have to watch what you eat. Pick foods that fit your Goals. If you look around. You can find foods that have lower Calories with much more Protein and better Carbs. All your Sugar Carbs should come from Fruits. Just don't over do it. One to two pieces a day is plenty.

    Your First link was some good pointers, but I don't agree with some of them. A lot of those are broscience for sure..

    As for the wannabebig link..

    "Moderation is the key. Gorging on fast foods is most certainly not the way…"

    This is what I was getting at the whole time......
    McDonalds, Pizza, Taco Bell and Cokes every day isn't a Diet for someone trying to get in shape.

    What I posted had Zero Bro-Science at all. It's was just the Basic's. Yes Macro's are important. I never said they were not.

    Your last part about Gaining weight on 1g per body weight or Protein. That's exactly what I was getting at.

    What does Eating Clean to me mean:

    Eating your Daily Calories Goal. That being a slight Deficit or maintenance. While Meeting your other macro's in the process.

    Dude your very own post contradicts itself. Please clarify what the hell you are getting at. Are you saying that you need to eat wholesome foods and no junk to lose weight and retain LBM?

    Explain yourself in a few sentences that make sense instead of piecing together a bunch of nonsense.

    Hows that? Which part do I need to explain again?
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    People assume that gear will work without barely eating any food so go figure.There are many pros that make their meals on their own though. I seen a few videos of top pro's where they usually pull out pre-cooked food that they had prepared earlier in the week.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    hey guys. im new to body building. i want to bulk up and lose fat. i know i need to eat about 1g protein per lb lean mass but how do i determine what lean mass is?
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    hey guys. im new to body building. i want to bulk up and lose fat. i know i need to eat about 1g protein per lb lean mass but how do i determine what lean mass is?

    I shoot for a bare minimum of 1g per lb of bodyweight. Whoever came up with the "lean mass" term was an idiot. I don't know a single "built" guy that doesn't eat 1.5g/lb or more.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    People assume that gear will work without barely eating any food so go figure.There are many pros that make their meals on their own though. I seen a few videos of top pro's where they usually pull out pre-cooked food that they had prepared earlier in the week.

    You almost have to prepare stuff in advance. I know I'm not about to cook 2-3 times a day, I'd rather just make a few days worth of food in one shot lol. I think tupperware is the fine china of bodybuilding haha
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    People assume that gear will work without barely eating any food so go figure.There are many pros that make their meals on their own though. I seen a few videos of top pro's where they usually pull out pre-cooked food that they had prepared earlier in the week.

    You almost have to prepare stuff in advance. I know I'm not about to cook 2-3 times a day, I'd rather just make a few days worth of food in one shot lol. I think tupperware is the fine china of bodybuilding haha

    I personally wake up around Monday or so and I get those restaurant style metallic trays and I have about 3 of them. In one I cook chicken breast, the other one I cook beef, and the other one sweet potatoes or so. I cover them up in foil, and then I end up putting it in the refrigerator. Right now I am glad that I am cutting up because I'm eating less food. Then I boil pasta, and etc on the other end.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    1. How is following a diet of a pro bber who is on gear and most likely a whole lot bigger than you and trains differently going to be a good idea? brb need to eat 7000cals because Ronnie Coleman does.

    2. How can you hit you're macros eating nothing but candy bars?
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member

    1. How is following a diet of a pro bber who is on gear and most likely a whole lot bigger than you and trains differently going to be a good idea? brb need to eat 7000cals because Ronnie Coleman does.

    2. How can you hit you're macros eating nothing but candy bars?

    Lol at the candy bars, thats exactly what I thought

    In on brotein thread

    EVERYONE should read this thread......well... Assuming that the 'right' guys win this debate...
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Has no one every heard of a Pro Natural Body Builder? Not every Pro Body Builder is on Gear.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You mean like these guys?

    Ask them about you're 100% clean eating :laugh:
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    1. How is following a diet of a pro bber who is on gear and most likely a whole lot bigger than you and trains differently going to be a good idea? brb need to eat 7000cals because Ronnie Coleman does.

    2. How can you hit you're macros eating nothing but candy bars?

    What's the cal count got to do with it? The macro %'s are the same, and so are the food choices. And btw, it's called body BUILDING. You don't get big without eating big, period.

    And while it's impossible to hit your macros eating candybars, my point is that the type of you food you eat does make a difference. You're argument that "if it fits in your macros" it's ok is false. Sure, you might think fitting in a candy bar in your day is cool, but you're better off putting down something not made of crap.
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    1. How is following a diet of a pro bber who is on gear and most likely a whole lot bigger than you and trains differently going to be a good idea? brb need to eat 7000cals because Ronnie Coleman does.

    2. How can you hit you're macros eating nothing but candy bars?

    What's the cal count got to do with it? The macro %'s are the same, and so are the food choices. And btw, it's called body BUILDING. You don't get big without eating big, period.

    And while it's impossible to hit your macros eating candybars, my point is that the type of you food you eat does make a difference. You're argument that "if it fits in your macros" it's ok is false. Sure, you might think fitting in a candy bar in your day is cool, but you're better off putting down something not made of crap.

    Agreed. Micro-nutrients are just as important to feed the machine properly.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Has no one every heard of a Pro Natural Body Builder? Not every Pro Body Builder is on Gear.

    Of course they exist dude. I mean is hard to imagine "natural" olympia is not on something lol.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    1. Why wouldn't you follow a pro bb diet? Being on gear demands their diets are 100% top notch. If you don't understand why that is then you have some reading to do. Most of those guys have professionals planning their diets anyway, and we're talking the best of the best, not joe shmoe from your local gym.

    2. Wrong. Go hit all your macros eating nothing candy bars for a month, then do it a month eating clean whole foods. Eating like crap makes you feel like crap and look like crap. If you don't understand that you need to read some basic books on dieting.

    1. How is following a diet of a pro bber who is on gear and most likely a whole lot bigger than you and trains differently going to be a good idea? brb need to eat 7000cals because Ronnie Coleman does.

    2. How can you hit you're macros eating nothing but candy bars?

    What's the cal count got to do with it? The macro %'s are the same, and so are the food choices. And btw, it's called body BUILDING. You don't get big without eating big, period.

    And while it's impossible to hit your macros eating candybars, my point is that the type of you food you eat does make a difference. You're argument that "if it fits in your macros" it's ok is false. Sure, you might think fitting in a candy bar in your day is cool, but you're better off putting down something not made of crap.

    You have a clear misunderstanding of what IIFYM means. Have a read and get back to me.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Agreed. Micro-nutrients are just as important to feed the machine properly.

    uhuh :smile: Have a read of the link I posted. IIFYM does not mean eating 100% junk foods that fit into you're macros which is what all the "clean eaters" seem to think.