

  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    I will join in the "drinking more water" challenge. I'm terrible about drinking water. I don't like it but I'm going to try my best. I've been slacking terribly in the food and exercise department. The last almost 2 weeks it seems I've been somewhat sabbotaging myself because of a comment made to me by someone who is suppose to love me. It was a comment regarding my weight that cut right through my heart. Well, I woke up this morning and have decided that I'm not going to let this person destroy how far I've come. Even though I've only lost a total of 8 pounds (gained 1 back) it's alot for me. It was hard and I was trying my heart out. I now vow to get back to eating more healthy and trying to do some exercise. I've also learned, the hard way that I'm an emotional eater. Now that I realize that, I can learn from it and do better. Thank you all for being here to uplift and understand that we are all only human.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! Well, after getting my lazy *kitten* out of the house, I made it to the gym for my strength workout. I managed to slog my way through it, but I was just not in the mood today. IPOM for doing it anyway, though :smile: .

    Yesterday was a tad crazy for me...my bike ride with friend was not terribly successful (she rides like my grandma who's been dead since I was in middle school), which just irritated me. The ride that usually takes 2 hours took 3, and then I had to rush to take my boys for their sports physicals (and McDonald's for lunch...which also irritated me...they have no idea what the smell of those fries does to my salivary glands!), then off to work (where I do all the stupid crap at my husband's office that no one else will do), and he left early to golf...which guess what (irritated me)! Rushed home to finish making dinner, picked up my son from his life guarding job at the water park in Ocean City, other son came storming in, angry that I gave him bad information about his soccer practice (irritating, yes). Husband finally comes home, has dinner and goes downstairs to watch GOLF...which personally I find insanely boring and VERY irritating. So I ended up eating (again). Thankfully, I've been doing enough exercising that all this eating hasn't really affected my weight (yet).

    And, I wore a new pair of jeans (size 8 from Banana Republic!), which I have to say looked pretty damn awesome on me, and A) my husband said nothing (until I prompted him as I was getting into bed) and B) what he finally said was "you've got to feel pretty good about yourself". As I typed this, I realize that it doesn't sound bad, but I guess what I wanted to hear was "you look amazing, and I'm so lucky to be married to a hot mama like you" (or something equally fabulous).

    So today is yet another new day, and I am determined to be successful despite all the irritations I am feeling (which I also have a sneaky suspicion...between us girls...could be menopausally connected, which makes me irritated and feeling bad).

    Now that I got that all off my chest, I have to admit I feel better! And now...

    Pearl, I hear you about the weekend. It's much harder for me, but I find if I stay active I'm usually ok. Good luck this weekend!!

    Bisland, I wish I could join you in the water thing. I have been trying, but after delivering three babies, my bladder is not what it once was. All it takes is one sneeze or a good laugh, and I have to change my pants ;)

    Lorie, I know you will accomplish your goal of working out both days (and Arthur needs a long walk) ;)

    Snooozie, as always your post made my smile (and I love the new profile pic!). Good for you for getting out there and doing your walk. I just started riding my bike in the fall, and I have to say, it's the one thing I actually look forward to doing and get crabby when I can't. You just need to find your "thing". I'm wishing you much luck and all the support I can give as you go back to work. And you do really need to get a smart phone ;). And OMG, singing at my kitchen table OOOOGA CHUKKA!! LOVE IT!

    Carip, IPOU for doing that walk! Good for you :)

    Janet, I hear you! I also see you've lost a ton of weight! Good for you :). I find now that I'm at (or near, depending on the scale ;) ) my goal, it's easy for me to lose focus. Does that happen to you?

    Tina, I'm so sorry someone made you feel bad about yourself (we do enough of that on our own, without help from others!!) I really am trying to make this about ME. I've realized that I can't (nor should I) rely on others to make me feel good about myself (or let it affect me when someone says something negative). I think most of us here have already admitted to being emotional eaters, so we feel your pain. And the last week I've been stuffing my face because I've let the actions of others get to me. I'm trying to dust myself off and refocus...join me!!

    Off to water the gardens, do laundry and hopefully sneak in a quick bike ride. Thanks to you all for giving me a place to rant and share. Here's to our success!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, to all Mad Hatters! Wheww…. What a week, If we have one slow day then you know your gonna pay out the caboose to catch up all the other days. As for logging in , One of us has been a bad girl. I don’t know if it was ME, Myself Or I…..LOL …….But one of us put in a quaint amount of food for dinner last night , and then the other one, went crazy and got BBQ!! Soooo, My log for dinner last night turned out to be bogus. I was trying to plan ahead. : /

    Thanks for the heads up on IPOMs, Snooozie. I knew I would be feel silly when I found out.

    I agree, PearlG … I gain so much more when I’m living in sweat pants or something loose. They grow with me.

    What amount of water are we aiming for? enough to drown or just to float?

    Snooozie, loving the new pic. I am down to two baskets of clothes, we’re living out of..So you know that means it’s time to wash again……. Two things I never run out of is Dirty clothes and Bills to pay!

    Hey LorieLou …I know you will get that exercise time in. Do it 1st thing , then it’s out of the way and you are free!
    Sttrinians…..I see your off to bed, have a great day tomorrow

    To all the water babies, Gulp it down…..Bisland, NanaD, Mazie , Tina bug, Snooozie, Me,Myself Or I

    Charip, Thanks for the note. I will get back to you about the DVD’s

    Janet, I haven’t had any of the trying things that everyone else has with symptoms, either. I had my hysterectomy done in1999. I had to find out about IPOM , myself . Sounds like a good thing. I’m going to have to ponder on what mine could be for today. Hmmm…. What about just managing to get this letter posted. I am not much in the typing division….

    Merobi—Men!!! Ugh ! sometimes they are as dense as a brick wall. I know you looked amazing and don’t let him ruin your glory! Rock those jeans…Size 8 - Banana Rep. that is awesome!!!….Me- size 18 anything stretchable..for now…

    And last but not least - Tonya , my good friend…I didn’t know you were here!! Yeah!!

    Snooozie, I'll be seeing you on the flip side.

    Everyone , have a Fantabulous day ( was that the word of the day? can't remember) Hydrate, Hydrate!!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Wow, size 8 jeans, IPOU Melissa, even though that size is in a different dimension, I am thrilled for you. Congrats on being so close to your goal! Although my stated goal is 55, I set that arbitrarily because my real goal is overwhelming. So I am only half way to where I ultimately want to be. And even at my very healthiest thinness at 5"10" size 8 jeans were not even in my dreams.
    Here I am singing Hooked on a feeling without even realizing it, great song and great lyrics.
    IPOM-tomorrow is my first tennis match in the USTA over 50 league and even though I voted for purple, the team colors are white skirt and blue top and that doesn't intimidate me at all.
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    at first I was having a hard time with the water but lately it's all drink. It helps when I'm craving food. Also on the Menopause note.....I started going through it at 47. Now at 51 I'm pretty sure I'm done. I gave up caffeine and t
    hat really helped with the hot flashes. I never get them anymore unless I have caffeine.
    Thank you all for your words on this page. It brightens my day, which is very hectic, with a 2 year old around. Nap time is the only time I have to myself. I should use that time to exercise but I'm exhausted and use the 2 hours for resting and catching up with household chores.

    Normally I'd go for walks with the grandson but it's been too hot to drag him out. It's even too hot for playgrounds. I need to find another way to get in some exercise. Maybe a stationary bike or something.
    Any ideas?
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    IPOM! I exercised today on my lunch break! I plan on doing more after work. Yay! Did I mention that I hate to exercise? lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Just logged in my lunch stuff…. I’m getting a little better at searching food items, because I finally realized there are multiple entries for the same food sometimes (I mean really.. how can there be 27 entries for a plum??) But… I am figuring it out and look for whatever I’m eating that has the most confirmations first! But..

    I AM finding it a wee bit hard to freewheel some meals tho; today I had a small piece of leftover chicken, and a ½ small cooked potato.. and I chopped up some celery and green onion and mixed it with a bit of mayo.. (the plan was to have it on a bed of lettuce but I was too hungry so I ate it right outta the tub. Technically I consider it a “bastardized” potato salad lol.. but I wasn’t quite sure how to enter it so I went with each individual item.. is that what everyone does? Or are there some tips .. at least now too I realize it keeps all my choices so I don’t have to search the more common ones every time.. slow learner? Yup LOL!

    Im not having much luck with my water; picked up some crystal lite to see if that will help me get more into me. But otherwise.. having a pretty good day (thank god, cause it would SUCK if I wasnt on my last day off ) but.. it’s only lunch time.. and Friday the 13th.. so I’m not gonna jinx myself!

    Loving the posts .. such a great place to come to remind ourselves that we aren’t alone, and we ROCK!!

    How are the rest of the water hogs doing today with their goals?

    Hairspray: You already have an IPOM.. joining us – we know it’s a huge change for you so congrats and claim it, girl!!

    Lorielou: I can see your lips moving.. you’re humming that song, aint ya! And an IPOM to you as well for taking the plunge with the Mad Hatters !!

    Tonya – I’ll raise a glass to that! (crud.. it’s water, who took my wine?? :frown:

    Tina: I’m pretty sure most of us have had the same thing happen; and how awful is it that we can let someone else affect how we feel about ourselves?? Yet I do it too.. and I bet a lot of the others do too. And it SUCKS .. because while “rationally” we may know that our diving into food won’t hurt the person who hurt our feelings one little bit; emotionally??? It destroys us.. and. we turn to food for comfort because it’s always been the one thing.. that won’t reject us, or hurt us, or irritate us, or tick us off.. And why do we give these people power over how we feel about ourselves... but we do.. :cry:

    So we know how hard it is when you can come out of the slump afterwards (whether it’s a day, an hour, one bag of chips or 20) and start again.. believe me, we really do!! So congrats on being ready to move on…. We’re very proud of you!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Puter froze up … so to continue !!

    Tina! Woo hoo on the lunchtime exercise!!! IPOU!!!

    Melissa (Merobi): huge IPOU for getting your exercise in, especially when you were so not in the mood.. well done!! And a size 8??? Add a one in front and I can picture it, but a size 8.. only in my dreams!! You’ve lost almost 50 pounds??? Lord love a duck woman…. You are amazing!!

    and you slay me.. I started laughing at “grandma” and didn’t stop! (and yup yup yup on the whole emotional stuffing.. why DO we let ourselves get sucked into the evilness of feeling bad about ourselves because of someone else..

    Oh yeah.. cause we’re women.

    But I have to tell ya.. every time I read the word “irritated” .. I laughed my.. posterior off…! I could feel your pain! And of course we understand how ya felt when hubby did the “you should be proud of yourself” response.. sigh…. Much as we love em, do they not KNOW that all you wanted was for him to take one look at ya and drag you off to the cave cause he couldn’t keep his hands off ya”.. Grrrrr…boys are stoopid.

    Time2!! Life (and BBQ) does get in the way of the best laid plans every now and then.. kudos on planning and logging what you were hoping to have – how’s today going; hope it’s a little less hectic for ya??? As for the water amounts, I’m aiming for enough to fill Lake Ontario, but will be happy if I can make it to 6 glasses today! and absolutely claim your IPOM for posting – I know you have a crazy day so it’s a huge accomplishment!!

    Hairspray – just saw your new post – OMG a tennis match?? You ROCK!! I can’t wait to hear all about it – good luck, have a blast, and remember when you’re on the court you have tons of Mad Hatters cheering for ya!
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    at first I was having a hard time with the water but lately it's all drink. It helps when I'm craving food. Also on the Menopause note.....I started going through it at 47. Now at 51 I'm pretty sure I'm done. I gave up caffeine and t
    hat really helped with the hot flashes. I never get them anymore unless I have caffeine.
    Thank you all for your words on this page. It brightens my day, which is very hectic, with a 2 year old around. Nap time is the only time I have to myself. I should use that time to exercise but I'm exhausted and use the 2 hours for resting and catching up with household chores.

    Normally I'd go for walks with the grandson but it's been too hot to drag him out. It's even too hot for playgrounds. I need to find another way to get in some exercise. Maybe a stationary bike or something.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for that Linda I will stop coffee see if it helps
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Well I worked last night and didn't get home until after one. So I slept in and didn't walk :ohwell: I was just too tired. I weighed myself and found I gained a pound. I thought I would. I checked the pie chart on my nutrition and found that about 75% of my caloric intake is from carbs. I wish it could seperate the good from the bad. In any case, I'm going to have to rethink my food choices. Like today, I had 4ozs of grapefruit juice and a Grande-decafe-non fat-iced-white chocolate mocha from Satrbucks, so I'm taking that as my breakfast. Not the best choice but I was craving. I then went around the corner and got a pedicure.
    I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow afternoon, so today I'm trying to come up with a baby boy card to make - without having to go out and buy anything (that is the real challenge).
    I just can't seem to focus today, and I am feeling VERY apathitic. I'm hoping to walk this afternoon or evening, but not sure if I have the drive to do so.
    Hope you all are having a better day than I am~~~
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Thank goodness for this group, I so needed a break from the gardening !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tomatoes stewing, two different varieties of cream peas blanching, partly shelled purple hulls with more to do, and butter beans yet to pick, shell, and blanch :noway: Lots of work before packing for the New Orleans trip bright and early tomorrow :smile: I should so log this as exercise but just going to count is as part of the day.

    sttrinians Glad you enjoyed your visitors. I know I should probably know what HRT is but at the moment my brain is not working with me on that one.

    Pearl I am an all or nothing person about most every thing and I totally agree with the not wearing loose clothing. I myself wear a supporter anytime I leave the house and have actually been thinking I should start wearing it around the house also since I find that when I am out that little bit of control does indeed help me not over eat as often.

    Bisland, Nana, Mazie, Tina and Time 2 you may find this interesting about water http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm

    Lorie I am with you on that workout both Saturday and Sunday boat. We leave Saturday morning on another mini vacation and the plan so far is do the JM30DS before getting in the car and on the road, taking the computer, dvd, and weights with me. We shall see :laugh:

    Snoozie what can I say? You make me laugh daily and that's a good thing :flowerforyou: I totally relate to the exercise is a chore and feel the same way. I do feel great once I do it but I hate getting started of course the 100 degree weather with 90 humidity doesn't do much to help a person learn to love or even really like it for that matter. I hate to sweat !!! That said I will agree with Bisland to keep it up as I do believe it does help keep us young. I have never been a walker and just started (less than 2 weeks) but can already tell that my endurance has increased. So funny your brought up "HOOKED ON A FEELING" on our last holiday as we were driving down the road, we had the oldies on and it came on. I had not thought of it in a long time and I started singing along just as my husband reached to change the station but stopped. We then become the silly singing parents in the vacation movies and commercials you see on tv. It was GREAT and I can only hope the girls think back on that day and smile once we have moved on. Now that you have given me new words I will have to visit youtube :drinker:

    charip good job I know some days just the littlest amounts feel like a weight then the next I sail through.

    hairspray so happy to have you along. I do hope we can be an inspiration on your journey.

    Tony glad you made it in for bit today hope we made ya smile

    Tina be strong !!! You can do it !!!

    Merobi getting out always seems to help the day go by and keep me from dwelling on what I am or am not going to eat. I totally relate to the husband bit I am trying patiently for the day mine can see and acknowledge the different in my body. He is very supportive but it does the soul good to hear those little compliments :blushing: And yes today is a new day go forth and enjoy.

    Time2 on the bright side you didn't eat both meals !!!

    Well back to work ladies, hope you have a most blessed and wonderful one :flowerforyou:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just wondering.......

    This is totally off the Mad Hatter Chatter, but if I say Kevin Costner....You say?? ?????? . Like .... no like......don't know......don't care

    He's coming to town with his band, next week. He may not sing like a rock star, but I sure do like looking at him!!! G
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thank you T . That is an IPOM for me. cause there used to be a day that I could have and WOULD have! : )
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just wondering.......

    This is totally off the Mad Hatter Chatter, but if I say Kevin Costner....You say?? ?????? . Like .... no like......don't know......don't care

    He's coming to town with his band, next week. He may not sing like a rock star, but I sure do like looking at him!!! G

    I say YUM YUM !!! Oh you said like no like don't know don't care
    Thats a big LIKE !!!!!!:blushing:
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Ok I give myself a IPOM!
    I have walked up and down the stairs (all 15) all week long at work (don't tell my boss) 5 min. at a time. Do you know how long 5 min. is. There was several times I wanted to quit but I didn't! You ladies gave me the encouragement to continue. Also my ankels and thighs were telling me to give up too. Didn't think when I started this challenge this week it was going to be that hard. Walking up and down stairs. Oh my!
    I'm doing the water challenge too today, fill like I'm going to float or bloat!

    Good luck to all hatters this weekend.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just wondering.......

    This is totally off the Mad Hatter Chatter, but if I say Kevin Costner....You say?? ?????? . Like .... no like......don't know......don't care

    He's coming to town with his band, next week. He may not sing like a rock star, but I sure do like looking at him!!! G

    I say YUM YUM !!! Oh you said like no like don't know don't care
    Thats a big LIKE !!!!!!:blushing:

    I'm with you....YUMO!! He is so fine>. Favorite movie line: LONG, SLOW ,DEEP, WET KISSES ...THAT LAST FOR DAYS .... yumo!!
    Do you Know which movie that comes from?
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok I give myself a IPOM!
    I have walked up and down the stairs (all 15) all week long at work (don't tell my boss) 5 min. at a time. Do you know how long 5 min. is. There was several times I wanted to quit but I didn't! You ladies gave me the encouragement to continue. Also my ankels and thighs were telling me to give up too. Didn't think when I started this challenge this week it was going to be that hard. Walking up and down stairs. Oh my!
    I'm doing the water challenge too today, fill like I'm going to float or bloat!

    Good luck to all hatters this weekend.

    You deserve it!! the IPOM!! You will thank yourself when your bum looks so lifted. It has helped me a ton. I didn't even have a bum, just a big- broad- plank -looking thing....can you say UGLY!! Now it actually looked well rounded in jeans. Good job!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?

    hey there - i went to target and bought 3 refillable water bottles from thermos for $10 each - 24 oz each - easier to drink 3 and really have 9 in you....
    and dishwasher safe... best feature... refill at night for the next day....from the fridge....then the water becomes free to boot!
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?

    I will join you in the challenge. I don't like drinking water but I have a water bottle that is 16 oz with a straw (they say using a straw make you drink more at one time).

    I Like the idea of losing 10 lbs to help with the night sweats...tire of them (going on 4 yrs) but they only happen at night..covers on, covers off and little sleep in between.