Dr visit today

aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
Finally got to the Dr because of the breathing issue.

Actually saw the nurse practitioner (oh how I adore the NPs- they actually SPEND TIME WITH YOU!!!), and the student nurse, so I had a GREAT visit. The student nurse happens to be a runner, so I really picked her brain, gave her my whole story about how long it's taken me to move on, etc, etc.

The NP gave me an inhaler and said to use is abut 15 minutes before I head out. Also Nasonex (again, I was on it a few years ago) because I am always stuffed up. I take my allergy meds but still have to be a mouth breather :laugh:

My blood pressure is still high, and that coupled with my breathing issue, and my new recent knee pain, they both think I should go back to square one and start over. She did check my knees and shins out and she doesn't think I have a knee problem as much as they are weak and unhappy because of the extra weight I am carrying. She thinks I am overworking myself and is worried about the blood pressure, even though it HAS gone down some.

Honestly, I am really pissed at myself. I've seen plenty of people heavier than me who are able to move on better and stuff. But, I don't want to hurt myself, either. Ugh.

So, what do you guys think, should I start over?


  • redrover
    redrover Posts: 71 Member
    Yes, it sounds like a good idea. I found out the hard way that knee issues will wear you down and get worse if you try to rehab too fast. Don't rush your progress. Think long-term and let your body adapt to the changes going on with your muscles, posture, and stress on your joints. Just keep moving! Good luck!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I did start over this week....

    I am doing each day of Week 1 three times- so W1D1, I did Monday and Wed, and will do on Friday.
    Will do W1D2 the same way next week, then will repeat that day after I come back from vacation.

    Yesterday's run was much better, but again my knees were complaining some...so, despite my frustration, i am taking it at a snail's pace.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Don't fret a BIT about starting over, or taking it slowly -- better to build this up with a good, solid foundation. There are no prizes for finishing in a particular amount of time, but you WILL benefit by going at the speed your body will allow you. Glad to hear your most recent run went well! You are definitely on the right track!