Alcohol is killing my weight loss....HELP!!!

I am Irish and love my beer but it is killing my weight loss! When I first started running my reward was to have a beer. Now that its summer and I am a teacher so I have the summer off with my kids my husband and I sit outside and enjoy our beer with the neighbors! Plus there are baseball games that us parents either celebrate our win or drown our sorrows of the loss with an adult drink LOL. Any reason, heck its summer! But even with eatting right it is killing my weight loss. I tried vodka with crystal light but its not the same. Help!!


  • Hssh1988
    Hssh1988 Posts: 48 Member
    You could try shandies with diet lemonade? That would halve the calories.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am finding the same thing with myself. I do so well during the week when I don't drink. But, along comes the weekend. Have you tried a "lite" beer? It might not satisfy your thirst for beer but it sure has a lot less calories. Just don't go over-board and drink too many of them. By the way....I gain over the weekend and then take the work week to lose again. So stupid of me.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Count them as part of your intake so overall you eat less on other food.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    The problem comes in when your liver stops working to help digest your food, and has to begin working to get rid of alcohol. The alcohol gets processed first leaving food to wait until later. Not a healthy thing to do.
  • BobbinTop
    BobbinTop Posts: 21
    I've developed a habit of putting my children to bed & pouring myself a glass of red while I get dinner for hubby & myself. If hubby is late coming home that glass just keeps getting topped up. I can work it so that the drinks are within my calorie goal, but that's kinda not the point.

    I've started cutting out mid-week drinks. It's tough. Especially Wednesday I find. To break the habit, instead of putting the children to bed & pouring a wine I jump on the elliptical machine. Burns calories & distracts me from my usual routine of drinking.

    Also - I do not buy myself drinking calories by doing exercise. If I have a drink it must be in my daily goal BEFORE exercise. I work hard to exercise & I'm not letting myself spend it on junk!!
  • Sourcake
    Sourcake Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat!! Every weekend I promise I will be good....and every Monday I curse myself. I do enjoy beer but wine is my weakness.
  • BetsyG130
    BetsyG130 Posts: 14 Member
    I try and stick to one "fun" or craft beer then switch over to Mich Ultra if I want another (or two...). It's all about finding the balance between treating yourself and sacrificing some progress. Good luck!
  • jensaeugling
    jensaeugling Posts: 11 Member
    Try Bud Select 55...only 55 calories, tastes great in my opinion. I add a lime wedge for even added flavor :)
  • go run....whenever you indulge in something that you know you are not supposed to have, then exercise more that day.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    I have the same problem...I'm from a beer drinking German family. I stopped having those two light beers a night and went to one per day on the weekend. I skip it as much as I can stand during the week.. Torture but I've lost weight. Its my one enjoyment , a treat for myself but the reality is- it's the beer or being thin so I gave up a lot of the beer. I want to look prettier so the answer is clear. Of course my husband drinks to his hearts content in front of me and what I order in the pub is soda water instead. At home I drink instead water.. glad to hear I'm not alone. Did I say its torture-LOL
  • JWebb2222
    JWebb2222 Posts: 6 Member
    So glad to find i'm not alone. that is the one big thing I need to cut out! my goal for the moment is to try and abstain during the week at a minimum. HELP! and yes, i'm Irish :)
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    Personally, I have given up completely on alcohol 3 years back, and I LOVE it! It might seem scary, that live will be no more fun, but it is the opposite. I feel so much fresher, lighter, clearer and cleaner, I can only recommend it :p

    Give it a try for three weeks, and see how you are feeling without...
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    switch to red wine. has significantly less calories and little to no carbs depending on type. red only though.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    For me, alcohol will never be as enticing as a sugary fat filled treat. There is a (heavenly) donut shop right next to a liquor store in my neighborhood. I always say that I have a much harder time controlling myself in the donut shop!

    But for a drink a few times a week, I just save calories for it. Sometimes if I know I will have a drink at night, or with dinner, I pre log it so that I don't eat the calories first!
  • CasseyRey
    CasseyRey Posts: 2 Member
    I am having the exact same problem! And my husband also drinks, so we are in the same boat holding each other back. I am hoping to start working out more, harder, and eating healthy... and hopefully once I start to see a change it will put me into the full motivation mode. This may not be the right way to do it. But I am at a loss. We just can't seem to stop drinking.
  • skiclimbdive
    skiclimbdive Posts: 32 Member
    I feel your pain! I try to abstain Su-Th and drink whatever I want F/Sa night (usually ends up being 2-3 drinks, so not terrible). It's hard not to backslide though!
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I drink a ton of water all day and try to only drink alcohol with company
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    I don't drink anymore. Rare drinking morphed into my worst nightmare so I gave it up. Lost 20#s in a year without trying. Got stuck at that point. Found MFP and am .8#s from goal.

    I make no judgement on other's choice to drink or not but it will pack on #s over time or compromise your immune system if you substitute healthy food for sugar & yeast in alcohol.
  • sarahmoore0979
    sarahmoore0979 Posts: 15 Member
    Inspiring posts... I'm ok at cutting back on food most of the time, but I really struggle not to have a glass of wine followed by a second...
  • I find this one tricky too. I rarely drink during the week, but weekends get me if I head back to my hometown and catch up with friends, or I'm visiting my dad. So much wine...
    I try and account for it, by going a little lighter on my calories elsewhere and going harder on the exercise.
    I think it's a matter of finding the right balance. Having a little treat, but figuring out how much progress you're willing to sacrifice for that.