myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
Let us know how you are doing!

We can do this!!!


  • Kimlp85
    Kimlp85 Posts: 51 Member
    day 7 level 1 completed: bigsmile:
  • Level 1 Day 7 complete! When is everyone checking in with weight and measurements? Each week, or after each level?
  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    Ugh... I went away to the beach for a couple days and even though I brought the dvd, I just couldn't bring myself to work out in front of everyone in the house I was staying in. So, I guess I will be 5 days behind everyone else. :/
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Ugh... I went away to the beach for a couple days and even though I brought the dvd, I just couldn't bring myself to work out in front of everyone in the house I was staying in. So, I guess I will be 5 days behind everyone else. :/

    No worries! We're all in this together! With rest days and whatnot we'll probably all finish a little off from one another. Just get right back at it!!
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    DAY 10 FINISHED!!!!!!

    I'm pretty excited to see level 2. I think it's time to shake things up. I might mix in some level 1 days if I need to, but I won't progress to level 3 until I've completed 10 days of level 2. :)

    I'll post my measurements and weigh-in soon!
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Level 1 day 7 completed!! Yay! Almost didn't do it, but I know I feel better when I exercise and I have an amazing group counting on me! Thank goodness.. Not sure how it's working out so far my eating hasn't been all that great! But I have been watching my portions still...
  • LuvSteno
    LuvSteno Posts: 24
    Level 1 Day 8 done! So glad we started this, it's just one week closer to our final goal instead of putting it off another week! Great job everyone!
  • kerchki
    kerchki Posts: 63 Member
    Day 12, level 2 done!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Woo hoo! Done! And... I was able to do the full strength set at the start with girlie pushups and squat lifts without needing to pause in between sets. My first time straight through the whole workout doing everything without a pause or cheat. I can feel myself getting stronger and I think a rest day yesterday really helped. I'm dripping with sweat, but about to step on my treadmill to get my miles in now. :smile:
  • Kitzey
    Kitzey Posts: 214 Member
    GREAT JOB everyone!!

    Bumped up to level 2 today and I tell ya my knees feel it!! But I did it :D

    Tomorrow will be a travel day (leave for holidays.. Save me from bad choices!! LOL ) so taking it as my rest day ... will check in Monday as I will have my laptop there.
  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    Day 7 completed! Definitely feel like it's getting easier and I'm pushing myself to do better!
  • newdayhasbegun
    newdayhasbegun Posts: 69 Member
    Congrats on checking in, everyone! You all are truly committed. We are doing this!

    Level 1, Day 7 completed. I am glad I upped the weights yesterday, even though it burns. I can already tell it will help me get better results. After all, I am doing the 20 minutes. I might as well do it to the best of my ability. That way, I can get results in either inches, pounds, feeling stronger or all three.

    Happy shredding!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    LD7 done still using the 3lbs weights..they are starting to get too easy maybe in level2 i will up them to i can feel the burn after i was done with the 30 day shred i got my 50 push ups and 500 crunches out of the way (challenges I'm working on) later today i will be on the treadmill..
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    Level 1 day 5 completed. It is easier now, looking forward to level 2.
    Missed yesterday as i didnt have time plus i did body pump that morning.
  • Mamacass13
    Mamacass13 Posts: 57 Member
    Day 7 done! I've never been able to say that before! So proud of myself. Even got some nice kudos from the hubs, which means the world to me. I just went and had a pedicure - I don't think I realized just how sore my calves really were! It was a great day for a lower extremity massage, let me tell ya! I'm so proud of all of you for just doing it!
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    Day 6 L1 done!
  • arylia
    arylia Posts: 24 Member
    Day 7 complete!
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    delete (double post)
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    L1, D8 done...or would it be D7 since I took Thurs as a rest day?
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    GREAT JOB everyone!!

    Bumped up to level 2 today and I tell ya my knees feel it!! But I did it :D

    Tomorrow will be a travel day (leave for holidays.. Save me from bad choices!! LOL ) so taking it as my rest day ... will check in Monday as I will have my laptop there.
    Uh-oh! That has me scared to graduate up to level 2.

    I will also be starting level 2 the day before a travel day (Thursday), which will be a rest day for me. Sounds like it might be well timed to have recuperation day then. :smile: