7-14-2012 Mad Hatters Chatter



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Have a great time Lesley....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Flip Flop – I find there are days when I am honestly exhausted.. mentally, physically, emotionally.. just one of those days where you feel really lethargic and ..empty. Sometimes its good to push past it and get that second wind, but sometimes.. I honestly believe its also good to just put your feet up, read a book or have a nap, and take a little me time.

    Im not using it as an excuse to get out of exercise.. but I think sometimes women forget how many demands are made on us in all three areas… and sometimes.. the batteries just need to recharge.

    I think maybe it’s our body’s way of screaming at us that it just wants a little “me” time.. but we tend to ignore it cause we usually guilt outselves into thinking I cant.. I have this to do or that to do or so and so to pick up.. and we put ourselves at the very end of the “who wants a piece of me” ladder.

    Most men (god bless em, we love em all for sure..!) but.. they seem to have the ability to be just a little bit selfish – if they’re tired, they lie down.. or chill in front of the tv… and there are times I’m just a little bit jealous (and resentful lol) that I can’t let myself do that.. well, I could… but I honestly don’t think it’s hard wired into us; we have to fight it and maybe start to realize its ok for us to just… recharge the batteries now and then.. (just my opinion of course.. but maybe give it a try sometime… cause you can’t give anything to anyone if there’s nothing left of you to give, so invest a little R&R in yourself – you deserve it!)

    Adiane: HUGE CONGRATS!! Omg.. I had to take the stairs once when the power was up.. I hadda stop at the 4th floor to rest!! Big IPOU!

    CBM: I bought one of those big plastic see thru cups with the lid that screws on so I can have it on my desk at work!! And Im gonna fill it from the water fountain there for free too lol!

    LindaWoj: I have started adding ¼ pkg of the individual tubes of crystal lite to every 2nd bottle, just to force myself to keep drinking.. in my head if I finish the plain water, I can have a wee bit of flavour in the next one LOL.. so I feel for ya too!! Good work on adding the Metamucil too! And a great IPOM…!! Good going! And I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Monday that you get a happy hop on the scale!

    Merobi!! Awwwwww good hubby… GOOD HUBBY!!

    Tonya – they frown at that too on this side of the border… what’s with that?? (HA!)
    Don’t they know it would make me a HAPPY employee.. and a happy employee.. is more productive!! Huge congrats on the water chug!!

    Thank you for sharing your story!! I think a lot of us have done the loss/gain circle many times during the years, but that was a huge accomplishment! Like you, I found this place in January.. but wasn’t really focused, just kinda playing around on it.. then went back to my old habits and chunked on a lot more. Shock came when I tried to lose it after menopause… and it was like why isn’t it GOING AWAY…

    I love what you said about being more aware of what you put into your mouth now.. I am finding the same thing, and I have started looking at what kind of calories too.. I’m watching my carb intake (from white food, not veggies and stuff) and sugars because I want to try to get my sugars leveled out and low, and trying to eat more vegetables and a little less protein as well. My doc told me to aim for 25g of fibre a day… which is pretty tuff unless you’re eating a lot of whole grains like cereals and breads, and I’m trying to stay away from them only for a while til I can see what happens… and I’m also allowing myself to have the occasional indulgence if I want it.. I stopped saying I can’t have that… now I just think like you.. crap 207 calories? And 47g of fat for a kit kat?? Umm… nope…not this time. Or I might get one and have one stick only. Its not about denial of anything anynmore, its knowing that what I put in my body is what’s gonna keep me healthy and mobile as I age.. and I totally plan to have an occasional glass of my wine as well… but I’ll plan for it so I can enjoy every sip without any guilt whatsoever… moderation is my motto lol

    And YES.. every day you put some effort into making a healthier you, is a huge IPOM!! YAY you!!

    Bis: I add the occasional ground flax to my oatmeal now.. but a little hint for Linda?? Don’t put it in a salad…. Its like eating sand mixed in with your greens..blech!!

    Huntress… omg no wonder finding time to exercise is tough.. you have a lot of demands on you, but kudos for trying to come up with something that will work for your circumstances! This may sound a little weird.. but do you live in a house with stairs? Basement stairs.. or second floor stairs? Cause honest to goodness.. some trainer a while back said to me just go up and down your stairs whenever you have a few minutes free… it’ll burn a lot of calories and get some good cardio in. .even 10 min 3x a day running up and down at as brisk a pace as u can do.. will absolutely shave off a lot of calories? ?Just a thought.?

    k.. got to the end of yesterday.. I see there’s a new thread for today but I have to get something to eat first before I can keep reading… be back in a fewwwwwwwww
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Good Morning from Montana all my Beautiful Ladies!

    Spent this morning during chores around the house, laundry, dishes. Made a delicious veggie omeltte with Egg Beaters. So yummy! Will go to the Y later and get in my work out.

    Have a healthy day, and drink that water!


    PS~ Today is 22 days smoke-free! IPOM!!!

    Great Job! I know it must be tough.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    So GOOD to read all the lovely posts! What a great group of women!

    Yesterday I was just about to start prepping dinner and lunch for today when I got a call from a friend who is going thru a very tuff time and wanted to meet up; we had dinner out and I found myself ordering without much thought just to get back to talking.. I ordered a balsamic chicken dish with veggies but it was a far cry from healthy; and I ate my way thru the whole plate without even realizing it til it was empty. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but was so uncomfortable for the next couple of hours sitting there.. and even when I got home I was still feeling bloated and stuffed, and not in a good way. It was a lot of food on the plate…. Wouldn’t have been even a week ago, but since I’ve been eating smaller meals for the past week, I think my tummy has gotten used to it… and I realized I felt like crap cause my belly was extended and icky.. Blech.
    I’m not stressing over it today …its done.. .. but a good lesson for me to pay attention to what and how much I’m eating.. and am I eating because I’m actually hungry… or just because it’s there..

    And had to wing it today because I didn’t forget my lunch; I hadn’t prepared anything.. so kept to small amounts of what I could get my hands on, and a good healthy dinner and I managed to stay within my calorie max for the day.. so lessons learned!

    Speaking of lessons though… when I hopped on the treadmill and set the timer and speed… I nearly became a youtube video…I almost zipped off the back!! Holy SPEED Batman!! I could not believe how fast 3.5mph was.. and I learned another lesson – that what I “thought” was me doing a brisk walk (3.5mph) and claimed on my exercise log… was SO not brisk LOL.. (but im not going back and changing it now!) It was kinda humbling… and needless to say I had to crank the speed WAY down for a while.. took me almost 7 minutes to get it back up to that speed…I managed to stay there for almost the entire time but had to kick it back once or twice cause of Charlie horses in my calves.. walked it out and cranked it back up. But it was a huge shock to find out that I wasn’t going nearly fast enough out on the path at the park to count as brisk.. So from now on, I’ll use the treadmill to get in my “brisk walk” exercise, and save the neighbourhood wanders for extra brownie points of “walk, leisurely”!

    I’m going to make up my food for tomorrow now, then have a bubble bath and hit the sack early… this morning I made it in with about 3 minutes to spare as there wasn’t any traffic on a weekend… but I’d rather not have to go thru that panic again in the morning LOL!

    Hope all you Mad Hatters are enjoying the weekend, and moving towards your goals with a skip in your step and a smile on your face!

    Bis: I’m in Ontario, Canada and its hot here too right now! LOVED your post.. what an awesome idea (on both the dress and RA’s.. !) Let us know what you scored at the thrift sale! And thank you for starting a new page for the day!!!!

    Adiane: way to go!! IPOU! Talk about progess! And doubled up with the lovely thought of taking them in to hubby’s office! My kitchen right now looks like a natural disaster; you’ve inspired me to clean it up before I crash!

    Charip congrats on getting the 2 miles in! and super warm and fuzzy kudos on taking the seniors in some treats!

    Time2: Wanna come do my kitchen, instead of your other half?? LOL Way to go on the seated steps… and you thought your abs wuld be sore from laughing.. but its from exercise! Woohoo!

    Flip… ya shudda changed the locks on him LOL.. (KIDDING!) Just remember.. age and insanity wins over youth and enthusiasm every time!

    Annamay – another 2 miler?? Awesome!!! I don’t think I made it that far..I was only watching the “calories burned” display but its something for me to strive for.. well done!

    CHERYL!! YOU lost 3 lbs???? omg doing the happy dance for you!! And you still managed to get in a walk although u were feeling like crap? Take a bow lady.. take a bow! Congrats! I haven’t had a chance to get around the boards much yet lol.. but I’m usually up for giving anything a go..

    Lesley… 2.4% fat mass loss… ROCK ON!! IPOU!!!! and yes!! It isn’t a formula.. its about learning to eat better and get healthier and still enjoy life! Have a great anniversary and let us know how hubby liked the dress lol!

    Abbe.. thanks for the idea.. going to make one up tonite for brekie at work tomorrow! 22 days smoke free is amazing… ISPOU!!!!!

    CBM.. love my pjs’…and sounds like you burned off a lot of calories in them doing all that cleaning!!

    I'm off to clean the kitchen (sigh).. then to bed.. will try to check in in the morning (or if the night sweat gremlins get me. maybe thru the nite lol) Nite Nite hatters!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi Mad Hatters....haven't been on for the past couple of days much and gosh aren't there a lot of posts to catch up on! Too much for me to sit and read through all but I've skimmed...

    My thoughts on the exercise thing and enjoying it.... I could quite happily never exercise again easily...however when I do go for a run or a big session at the gym I feel fantastic afterwards....and what i've come to realise is the secret for me is to make sure I don't go for more than a day without doing something so that I keep that "after" feeling fresh in my mind....several weeks ago I had about 5 days without any exercise and then I had to take the dog for a walk cause no one else was home and I realised that I could very easily just stroll along slowly and never jog again...it gave me a bit of a shock that after months of building up to being able to run 5km I could still just give it all away.... and that's when I made the decision to run at least every second day so that I remember how great it feels....and it really does....I have taken up running at the age of 52 and even though I am very slow it gives me such a rush....and I am sleeping better and the hot flushes are almost gone completely now as well....that's not say that its easy at all though....every time I start running its hard for the first 10 minutes or so and I have all those doubts about whether I can do it.....but then you get into a rhythm....it is as much a mental exercise as physical .....and it was another friend on MFP who made me double the distance and time I could run for by suggesting turning those negative thoughts around so instead of running and saying to myself "I can't do this", "I have to stop soon"...I just kept going...one foot after the other....I went from doing a maximum of 20 minutes running and about 2km to 5km in 45 minutes overnight.....and then I knew I could do it so there was no excuse after that.

    I do struggle with drinking all the water though...I was really good for a while when I first started MFP but now I keep forgetting.....I sip a bit but don't go anywhere near 10 glasses a day that we're supposed to....so that's my goal at the moment....

    Its a glorious winter morning here (I'm already onto sunday) and after a walk up to the local organic markets and back I'm now going to practice what I preach and I'm off to the beach for a run! Happy days fellow mad hatters :flowerforyou:
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Well my evening is drawing to a close & am tired so think I may go to bed early tonight. It sounds like everyone had a good day and I am happy to read of all the good choices people made.

    Anita, Charpi, FlipFlops, Mazie, Cheryl, Snooozie & Lisa you guys all rocked at geating the exercise in, but Cheryl take it easy I know you are just getting over being sick.

    Leslye, I hope you enjoyed your anniversary. Share with us what you did on your special day.

    cbmc, so it sounds like your son just made eagle. Congratulations. I know from experience it took as much effort from you as it did for him. All those years of taking him to meetings, camp outs, community service projects. I am as proud of my mothers pin as my son is of his Eagle pin (my son's court of Honor was June 3)

    I was able to get a 3 mile walk in before heading to the thrift shop. I picked up 2 pair of of Talbots slacks for $1 a pair. I have scored some incredible deals at the shop in the past. A few weeks back I found brand new Lauren jeans for $2 and a pair of Eddie Bauer slacks for $2 as well. I highly recommend thrift shops as the place to shop for those of us on the weight loss journey. By far the biggest score for me today was a comment made by a church friend. She told me I was looking skinny these days (lol me skinny you have got to be kidding) Never in my life have I ever been skinny, but maybe it is all relative to how heavy I was back 7 months ago. As far as my goal of 12c of water I just finished #13. Now for my ROK I managed only 2 today. I did put that dress on, had my hair done, took my Mom out to lunch & took myself out for the afternoon. I ventured to the next town over to walk along the water front, in the shops and to see the MS Bounty as it is docked there for the weekend. It was hot, but I had a good time listening to the street musicians and other activity along the waterfront.

    Tomorrow is my long run day I would like to do 4 miles and could easily do it if the weather was cooperative. I am thinking about getting up early and taking Lisa's idea of running on the beach. I only live about 5 miles from the ocean, but it is greenhead season and I do not know how I would do at out running them. Well we will decide which route in the AM. Well have a good evening all,
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Good night ladies, It is getting real close to my bedtime. Will check on everyone after church in the morning.

    Everyone was awesome today.

    Leslye, How was you anniversary ? Hope it was great.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Heading over to start up a new page for Sunday..