Starting to up my calories

pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
So I've been doing all the reading and ran my numbers and I'm eating well under my appropriate number. I've been averaging 1700-1800 for 5 weeks and I should be, based on my numbers, up at about 2800 ;) BMR is 2240 (although I get different numbers by a couple hundred calories depending on what method I use!) and I am doing Les Mills Pump, so 5-6 times a week I am excercising. Otherwise I am pretty darn sedentary. I don't just want to leap immediately to 2800. So I'm going to step it up to 2200 for a couple weeks, then up to 2800. Hopefully it will keep me from just immeditely reversing course on the scale. Yes, I have read all the stuff about what will happen. Yes, I am in this for the long term. With 80+ pounds left to lose, I just want to keep moving forward. Make sense?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    it does make sense....but a lot of people find you will gain more if you up them slowly as opposed to pulling the bandaid and going right for the full 15% cut.

    I know it is hard to get your head around,it's a mental struggle but I wish I would have just gone right for my cut because in the end I had to do that anyway and when I did I lost 6.5 lbs in 4 weeks. I am female, exercise less than you and my cut is 2100. I am eating at TDEE right now for a diet break and am eating 2500 and my weight has not gone up at all.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there!

    As Heidi already said, it might be a bit hard at the beginning, but less painful if you up your calories straight away. I know it seems weird to be eating so much food suddenly, but your body will adapt quickly and you will see, that you will have way more strength for your workouts as well.
    You read about the possible weight gain, just put the scale away for a while.
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    But its so many calories! :) I don't know how I ever ate that much when I was eating badly... guess all that bad food just has a ton more calories.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    You will do ok. Try to make some smoothies in the beginning. Protein powder should help to hit your numbers too. I do eat clean and I am eating 2600:)
    I came from 1200 or less. Your body will det used to it. And you wil be surprised how much better your exercises will go
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    Yeah I have a feeling protein powder will be my friend...