Training Help

Running friends--just realized that my training plan won't be finished before the actual 5k race. I've been doing couch to 5k but I signed up for my run at the end of June and it's at the end of August. Should I try to speed through the program, or get to where I get to and see what happens? I just finished week 3 and I start week 4 on Tuesday. The 5k is August 24th. I'll be on week 9 by then if I counted correctly. I haven't looked ahead at the upcoming workouts (don't wanna psyche myself out). Thoughts? Advice? Thank you! :bigsmile:


  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Stick with the program, run the race, do your best, and finish the program post race as scheduled. That's what I would do.
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Not wanting to spoil the surprise for you but if you carry on,
    by week 9, you may not have your speed up but you should
    be able to run your 5K.
    Personally, I wouldn't do more than the plan advises mainly
    to avoid having to repeat a week or skip some sessions
    due to injury caused by pushing yourself too fast.

    LOADS of luck and I hope you enjoy the C25K

    I'm just about to start W8 tomorrow and would reccomend
    the podcast by Robert Ullery (sp) which I downloaded from

    Nicola x