Why Dairy is the Devil

Hey guys! So I have a little story to share. For the last 6 months I have been on a plateau since upping my calories and doing some fine-tuning according to my summer job activity level. I was frustrated at losing absolutely no weight, and finally was inspired to try something different - I gave up dairy.

Usually summer time is "break time" for me and I enjoy tons of fresh fruit, vegetables, and cold cereal in the morning. With 2% milk. And lots of yogurt, cheese, and general dairy deliciousness. But with the biggest difference between my successful weight loss months and summertime (last summer I also plateaued) being between cereal vs oatmeal for breakfast, I decided that maybe I'm sensitive to lactose or casein and wanted to try being 100% dairy free for two weeks.

Within the FIRST WEEK, over the past 6 days, I broke my plateau and lost more than a whole pound (1.2 lbs to be exact :P). And I did this without being low carb! My macros were 53/24/23 carbs, fat, protein. (It's hard to get in all my protein unless I eat chicken twice a day, which gets old quickly.)

So my message to you all is to stick with your goals through thick and thin, don't give up, and try something different! If you're on a plateau and adjusting calories has not worked for you, try what I did and cut out dairy products. Maybe you'll find out something new about yourself too!

End post. Cue happy dance. Have a nice week!