
tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
Ok - beating a dead horse I am sure! :)

I just did the calculations for cals using the book - and since I am over 35 and have a BMR over 25 (it is 29.8 I think) I calculated that I should be eating 1652 on nonworkout days and 1928 on workout days.

That isn't a problem since currently I have 1700 and usually don't meet it anyway. But my question is currently I have 1700 but eat back exercise cals. My weekly workouts usually are as follows:

Sunday - Couch to 5K - about 45 mins total - per HRM burn about 360 ish
Monday - NROL4W workout - per HRM (yes I know it isn't 100% accurate) burn about 200 ish (except for interval days - closer to 300)
Tuesday - off day
Wednesday Couch to 5K (see Sunday)
Thursday - NROL4W workout (see Monday)
Friday - Couch to 5K (see Sunday)
Saturday - cardio class and NROL4W - wearing HRM for both usually shows a burn of about 450 ish.

Ok - so I counted myself as active workout so multiplied RMR by 1.4. But what confuses me is the eating exercise cals. So if I change my goal cals to 1928 on all days except Tuesday (my off day) - then is the 276 (difference in cals between workout and nonworkout days) ok. Or do I increase cals based on doing some cardio workouts. I know the author would prefer us not doing as much cardio.

Thank you!


  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm a little confused. I think some of your abbreviations may be off. Are you eating at maintenance or doing the 300 deficit? Either way just give yourself 300 cal credit on lifting days. You can enter it manually.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Those numbers didn't include the deficit. It used the calculations of my RMR (1377) and multiplying it by 1.2 on my nonworkout day (1652) and multiplying it by 1.4 on the workout days (1928). So it didn't include any deficit. That is what was confusing me as well.

  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    If you go by the book , your lifting days only will be your work out days-Monday, Thursday and Saturday in your case and just then you will eat the 1928 cals. The rest of the week, you should be taking it easy-easy walk or run, bike, swim, so on those days you will eat 1652 cals. If you go by that plan on lifting days you will eat 1928 cals and will not count exercise cals. On non lifting days you will eat 1652 and not count the run cals. you burn. Is that making any sense?
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Yes - that does make sense. That is exactly what I was wondering. Thank you both for responding to my question. I feel like such an idiot trying to figure this all out. :)
