So...when did you start to notice you were losing?

Hi, guys. I am on Week 3. I'm not very over weight, but at 5'1'' any exra weight adds on fast. I'm really hoping to trim up my tummy and am already noticing a change in my shape even though I've GAINED weight since starting to run!

Anyway, just wondering how quickly you guys started to notice a difference in weight loss. Like, was there a particular week it started to fall off or was it gradual? I am staying under my calories as well on My Fitness Pal, so I'm hoping to see something soon!



  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I started to notice a significant weight loss different towards the end of week 2. At that point is when I started losing about a pound a week. I just completed week 4 and just today started noticing a *very* slight difference in my frame and that a pair of pants fits slightly better.

    Congratulations with making the commitment to run and stick with MFP! It's a challenge and won't always be easy, but it's a step in the right direction!
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    My last week 6 segment is tommorrow. I noticed changes in body shape around w2 or w3. I am losing weight but attribute that to the calories-in vs. calories-out; Not just the effects of running. The weight loss has been constant while using this sight 0.5-1 lb/wk. My appetite seems to compensate for the extra calories consumed by the additional time running.
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    Just did W7D1 and yes, I've picked up a little weight too. I'm at the top end of a 'healthy' BMI and in much better shape, but would still like to see the scale go down another 10 lbs. Since starting the C25K pgm I've added crunches, push-ups and cycling and I'm up 3-4 lbs over my low weight. I'm secretly hoping this is muscle returning.