


  • bwrunkle
    bwrunkle Posts: 8
    Hi Ya'll.
    I am a 45 year old, mother of 4 trying INsanity for the first time. I did about 6 weeks of P90x with good results - but then went on Vacation to Baja Pennisula - and blew it all. So we are trying this now - since there are no pull up bars or bands involved. My husband and son are 6'3" and hit there heads if they use the door jam pull up bar as in P90X.
    Three of my four children are doing Insanity with us...ages 19 (firefighter academy), 16 (baseball player) and 13 (cheerleader)...the other child is extremely fit and too young for Insanity.

    We are hoping to push through and dig deeper to challenge each other. I have to say at age 45 - working out with two teenage boys is very humbling. LOL! They do 50 push-ups to my 1!

    hardest part for me so far (Day 3 today) - is the calorie goal. Since I don't eat dairy or wheat (allergies) I have a hard time filling up the calorie goal...

    Good Luck everyone - keep Diggin Deep!
  • heduell
    heduell Posts: 13
    Hey Ya'll my name is Haven and I am 27 years old. I'm a stay at home mother of two and have 5 workouts left of my first round of Insanity! I'm going to start my second round of Insanity on 7/30 and this time incorporate Hot Yoga and workouts from my NIke Training Center app for iPod! My goal weight is 130 and I'm unsure what my current weight is now cause I won't weigh in until sunday 7/22! So excited to be on this journey with each and everyone of you! It'll break you and then build you back up!
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    Hi! I just did the fit test tonight and I will start day 1 tomorrrow. I am so glad I found a group that has people starting now too.
    Good luck!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Just did the fit test...day one tomorrow...wish me luck!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Day 1 Complete!!! (with breaks, and near-deaths and all of that of course...lol)...the soreness is creeping up but trying to stay motivated to get day 2 done tomorrow!
  • mittenkit
    mittenkit Posts: 5
    Hello, I've just started Insanity this week, this morning with my fit test. Feeling rather fine and no soreness so far so wondering if I didn't push hard enough, but then I have to remind myself how I felt like keeling over breathless at the time! Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow already, though a bit nervous as well since I imagine it'll be a lot tougher than this morning.
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Hey mitten...Congrats on getting started! I found even the fit test to be challenging...I was dripping with sweat! Your first full workout is going to be challenging but pace yourself and do what you can....you'll do great!