30's Daily - 7/16

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

☞ Name/nickname reminders -
Paul (PJYoung2012)
Carrie (camsmommy2008)
Sara Grace (SaraGrace82)
Susan or Susie (susieq101178)
Debbie (shorty313)
Melissa (lissa0040)
Jackie (jaxygirl)
Sonya (sonyachan)
Ellie (ellie78)
CurlyPep (lilpe5512)
Harold (hcdawg)
Jill (Blueyz82)
Dan (G3tR1pp3d)
Stacy (chanstriste13)
Cristi (blueeyedcrist)
Amanda (AmandaK3)
Bishop or Todd(BishopSmurf)
Kelli (daisy51981)
Sarah (SarLem81)
Clare (clareeast)
Amanda (WhiteCloud)
Emma (elstein)
Cynthia (saihtnyc)
Emily (emom3boys)
Randy (Randyamc)
Sandra (Leeloominai01)
Toni (Themoodys13)
Corey (coreyisaacs)
Joe (misterbigg36)
Dee (Dedee36)
Tawnya (RubytOU)


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey, everyone! just got back on saturday from a trip to london and paris. before that we were cleaning up and painting from a grease fire, before that we went to the beach with family, and before that my schedule for the summer went helter-skelter. point in case, i haven't actively participated at mfp in over a month! and when i checked out the last input on my heart rate monitor, it was dated june 7! anyhoo, i think the crazies are out of the way and i intend to keep trucking. i hope you all had a great weekend. happy monday, and make this week a good one!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm finally seeing the dr today. It's been a whole week of being miserable from stomach pain from after 2pm until bedtime. I hope she has some answers!

    I skipped the lifting today, I might take a week off before starting the next phase in the program.

    Hope all is well for everyone!
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Hello good people of the Thirty Something Group, hope everyone's week is off to a good start.

    Stacy I can't believe you visited London. Are you mad? With the Olympics coming up in a couple of weeks everyone is avoiding it like the plague. You're very brave that's all I can say. I know people who have been stuck in traffic in central London for days!
    Sorry to hear you've been poorly Debbie. Fingers crossed it will all get sorted and the doctor will give you the answers you need.

    All is just about OK at this end of the operation. I had a rough weekend which culminated in a monster dizzy spell in a store on Sunday. I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I had gone a little light on the calories the day before and I really suffered because of it the next day. So today I have pushed my intake up and really pushed the carbs tonight. So much so I thought I was going to burst. Felt pretty bad about it but a good session at the gym has left me feeling a lot better. Just wish I could find the balance my body needs but as I keep telling myself there's time :-).
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Glad you're okay, Paul. Just keep working at finding that balance, you will get there.

    I went totally off track this weekend and didn't log anything! I did quite a bit of eating out (3 meals!) but was also pretty active and I feel like I made pretty good food choices so I'm not feeling too stressed about it. I am going to try and avoid the scale for a day or so just to be safe, sodium and all that. I'm really struggling with staying on the MFP track lately. Next weekend looks to be the same as this as I already have plans to eat out 3 times! I do my best, but I'm sure I end up over calories with all this eating out. Just not feeling on track with all of this I guess. We have to have some fun sometimes, though, I guess. Its just been so long since I've made any progress and this is exactly the reason why! Sorry, bit of a whine there. Hope everyone's week is starting off okay!