Ordering P90x soon. Input please

navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
Hello! I have been doing Insanity since November and PUMP since January. And as much as I love these programs, I am getting quite bored with them. Plus I want to start lifting heavier, so I have decided to take on P90x to change things up. I have been afraid to, but I am going to go for it. :) So I would love some input on those who have done it and what were your calorie ranges so I know what to expect. Thank you!!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I just have done parts of the P90X and I personally have a problem with Toni lol.
    Don't ask me why-just don't like him.
    But I know thee are people on here who are doing it and they love it.

    I am doing ChaLean Extreme, and I am happy with it.
    Next step for me will be Cathe
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I just have done parts of the P90X and I personally have a problem with Toni lol.
    Don't ask me why-just don't like him.
    But I know thee are people on here who are doing it and they love it.

    My husband feels the same way about Shaun T. He started Insanity with me, and by day three he stopped because he just couldn't take Shaun T. anymore lol
  • ssp1977
    ssp1977 Posts: 120 Member
    I have done parts of P90X. My favorite (of the workouts I have tried) is Core Synergistics. The Kenpo workout is pretty fun too. My husband and son say that the Ab Ripper workout is killer so I am going to avoid that one for as long as I can. I don't mind the guy, is it Tony? - plus it looks like you can "turn him off" and just play the music during the workout if you prefer.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Currently in phase 3 of p90x and I gotta say its a great workout, as for nutrition I am eating at my cut value, and the p90x has me in the 3k a day calorie zone.. I am around 2200 a day and am seeing results with the program... Who doesn't like Tony! He can get annoying with the jokes especially when your hearing the same ones every week, yes on some of the cardio ones I have music playing but for the strength ones I don't so I can keep up with them and prepare..
    Ab Ripper X is death, the core ones are the hard ones for me but you definitely can tell if your making progress by how much longer you can last during the workouts, and you have to workout your AB area, you can't just ignore it. Plyo X is probably one of the most intense cardio exercises in the batch, and I have just been skipping Yoga X cause its an hour and a half..

    Since you have done insanity, I would sub those workouts in for the cardio days of P90X because the P90X cardio days will probably seem a bit easy for you if you were going hardcore in Insanity.
    Bring it!
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Currently in phase 3 of p90x and I gotta say its a great workout, as for nutrition I am eating at my cut value, and the p90x has me in the 3k a day calorie zone.. I am around 2200 a day and am seeing results with the program... Who doesn't like Tony! He can get annoying with the jokes especially when your hearing the same ones every week, yes on some of the cardio ones I have music playing but for the strength ones I don't so I can keep up with them and prepare..
    Ab Ripper X is death, the core ones are the hard ones for me but you definitely can tell if your making progress by how much longer you can last during the workouts, and you have to workout your AB area, you can't just ignore it. Plyo X is probably one of the most intense cardio exercises in the batch, and I have just been skipping Yoga X cause its an hour and a half..

    Since you have done insanity, I would sub those workouts in for the cardio days of P90X because the P90X cardio days will probably seem a bit easy for you if you were going hardcore in Insanity.
    Bring it!
    Thanks for the advice regarding the Insanity workouts. It is weird, I tried turbo fire because every told me how hard it was, but it just seemed like I didn't get the same satisfaction that I did with Insanity. I am thinking about selling it, though a few of them are fun. I can always print up the "hybrid" schedule for P90x and Insanity.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I'm doing the Insanity/P90X Hybird right now. I do 3 days strength from P90X and add Insanity on cardio days. Two days break. I need me some Shaun T :bigsmile: . Tony is ok but I don't think he explains the moves and correct posture well. I also think, the workouts could be shorter and he could squeeze in more. I heard ChaLean is shorter and the workouts are better but I can't personally compare them. It's probably also a preference thing.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Also, DH did the cardio workouts and he said, they can't compare to Insanity. :wink:
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    P90X packs a lot of sets into 1 hr with medium speed reps for the lifting/weight training. If you keep pushing your limits with the weights you choose you will always be maxed out at the end of an hour. If you are new to lifting, you can certainly use the program, but you may want to start with Chalean Extreme first to get the form right and get your feet wet so to speak. I started with p90X myself so it's certainly doable, just expect to feel pretty sore the first week.

    Cardio sessions are easy in comparison to most (I think because it's meant to be less intense so you can focus on having energy for lifting heavier) and Kenpo is fun, but the AB/Core work is really difficult if you are weak in that area. Plyometrics is the hardest of the 'cardio' although it's really a focus on strength endurance rather than strength or cardio (like a mix of the two). I still found it easier though than other types of cardio (mainly because my legs are quite strong). I too skipped yoga...1 1/2 hours is just too much time for me to workout, plus it wasn't a focus for me at this point in my life and some of the yoga is in the other stuff anyways.

    I think p90X is definitely worth the investment (get a pull up bar though...he focuses a LOT on pull ups) if you want to push yourself that extra mile. You will get stronger. A few drawbacks to mention: Tony is a bit hard to take in some regards, you have to invest in a pull up bar to do the program fully (and I HATE pullups), I personally got bored with it by the end of 90 days and needed a switch up of programs, the yoga workout is much too long.