@ home workout!?

nursevee Posts: 344 Member
OK, so I'm just getting back into the fitness thing after having a hell of a year (I tore my achilles tendon and it's just not wanted to heal!!) so now i'm looking for things I can do (at home - in addition to the gym and physical therapy) that will help kick start my path to getting fit and healthy. I'm back at the starting blocks, have about 50lbs to kill and just want some insight as to a few really good, low impact things to do. I can't run or jog on the spot yet so i'm thinking squats/lunges/anything with a resistance band...? I walk on the treddie and can cycle and row (slowly)... but just wanted something I can jump out of bed in the morning and knock out as a 'wake-up' workout. Hit me with the rounds/reps/times etc!!!

I'm also looking for seriously motivating people, into primal/paleo/zone who can share great recipes to add for great motivation. During my absense a lot of my pal's fell off MFP.




  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I can't speak to the home workout piece. I would maybe hire a one-time personal trainer to show you some safe exercises you can do at home, since you don't want to do anything that will set you back in your injury recovery.

    Feel free to add me as a paleo/primal friend. I'm about 2 weeks into the diet (primal) and haven't lost much yet.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    if you have an iphone/pod/pad check out the Nike Training App - tons and tons of great workouts for all different levels and times from 15 to 60 minutes - pretty much all are fairly low impact - I have an ankle issue so things like hops or jumping jacks or running doesn't work for me so if any of those things come up I just switch it to something else (i.e. high knee raises or squats instead of jumping jacks)

    I have a set of 10 lb weights and a medicine ball i use - but you don't need equipment to do most of the workouts - they simply add in more resitance/strength training..

    I also have a bunch of different quick workouts pinned - http://pinterest.com/jenmouer/strong-is-the-new-skinny/
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member

    I would check out the Beginner Body Weight work outs at the link above but the Angry Birds one might be easier to ease yourself back into things ;)

    Good luck!
  • digitalalchemy
    digitalalchemy Posts: 56 Member
    bodyrock.tv was my go-to home workout site for the last year. Some things might be too high-impact for your current state, but things can always be modified or other exercises substituted. Workouts are ~12 minutes, usually, and generally require no equipment, or can be modified so you don't have to use equipment.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    bodyrock.tv was my go-to home workout site for the last year. Some things might be too high-impact for your current state, but things can always be modified or other exercises substituted. Workouts are ~12 minutes, usually, and generally require no equipment, or can be modified so you don't have to use equipment.

    THIS!! Really a great way to exercise in the morning!! For similar workouts try 'sixpackfactory.com'; like bodyrock it is pretty much HIIT exercises that kick your metabolism up a gear!!