Ready to add calories- how much?

kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
Hey all, I've been reading in this group the last few days and am convinced that I want to go this route. Here's some stats:

Age: 29
Height: 5'7"
CW: 212
Fitnessfrog numbers:
BMR: 1750
TDEE light activity: 2406
TDEE moderate: 2713
15% cut: 2045/2306 depending on activity level

Current activity: I'm still really out of shape, but I try to get some activity every day. Formal workouts equate to a 30 minute walk with the dog (decent pace), 20 minutes beginning Zumba on the Wii, and 1 try so far at level 1 of the 30 day shred (kicked my butt). Haven't done any weight training but am looking at buying some free weights. I'm not certain which activity level I should be at.

I've only been on MFP and logging for about 3 weeks. MFP set my goals as 1650 for 1lb, 1200 for 2lb. I've been eating about 1500 calories a day, a number that I feel pretty satisfied at while getting a good amount of healthy food and still having a treat here and there. I don't feel like I'm starving myself, and my energy level has been pretty good. I have not been calculating or eating my excercise calories back, even though I set my MFP activity level to sedentary, because I'm still starting out and not feeling like I'm really burning that much even though I'm working hard when I do. I have lost about 3 lbs in the past 3 weeks, so no real plateau or anything (yet, ha ha, I'm sure it would come). Before MFP I wasn't going completely crazy but definitely eating too much convenience food and not enough healthy stuff.

I definitely don't want to eat under my BMR if that 1750 number is accurate, and I totally understand and agree with the idea of setting my body up to maintain at a higher level in the future.

My biggest question is if I should do a full reset, jump up to my TDEE-15% cut, or gradually move up to either the full TDEE or cut number??? It looks like I have been eating below BMR, but not for a very long amount of time.

I'm also concerned about the bloat and initial gain factor, as I think everyone is, but more for the fact that I started MFP because my clothes weren't fitting and I couldn't control my 10-15 pound fluctuations. I also have PCOS and have had insulin resitance issues in the past that may or may not be creeping up again. I've definitely had major issues in the past with losing weight.

I want to thank you all in advance for your help. I'm amazed at the level of education and support in this group! Thank you for showing me "the way" :c)


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome to Eating more to weigh less :)

    As for the question on how many calories to eat-it depends really on how long you have been on the lower calories so far.. If it has just been the three weeks, you can try to go with your cut-amount., which would be TDEE-15%.
    If you are worried to jump to that number straight you can do it as others did and increase slowly. I personally think, that shooting for it straight will spare you some time. But that's totally up to you.
    If you eat either TDEE or cut level you do not need to eat any exercise calories back, unless your burn would net you under your BMR.

    If you have not been doing low cals for long, you should not gain really. Also the bloat will probably not be too bad, as you are still used to eating higher calories. The bloat and gain is typically a problem, when people have been on low calorie diets for long time.

    Hope that helps
    Don't be shy to ask, if you have any more questions
  • kimberly2504
    kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you so much! Your answers really helped. It's what I thought I should do, but really wanted some "expert advice" to feel more comfortable.

    Yesterday I did something to my neck and ended up on the couch all day, stuck with whatever my poor 8 year old daughter could make me. I ended up with some not-so-healthy choices (I needed to go to the store), and WAY too many bad carbs, but it was a start at the higher level. Today, I'm down .2 pounds. Probably unrelated, but I really expected to be bloated from eating so many carbs in one day.

    Thanks again for your advice! I can't wait to join the threads giving my updates and support to other people looking to start this.
  • emcwilli
    emcwilli Posts: 63 Member
    I have the same question!
    I've had my MFP goal set at 1400 cals for about 4 months, BUT I usually eat back most or all of my exercise cals.
    weight loss has slowed dramatically the past month or so (hard to tell if I'm losing at all - if so, very slowly)
    According to FitnessFrog:
    BMR: 1379
    1896 at light exercise
    2137 at moderate exercise

    I am about to start with "The New Rules of Lighting for Women" (got book in the mail yesterday!), and I want to be eating enough to GAIN MUSCLE.
    The question is: how much is that?