What to do? What to do?!

CL87 Posts: 9 Member
I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas of stretches/exercises that would help out with my #1 and #2 problem areas….

#1: That little pouch below the belly button. By far this is my biggest problem area and the one I'd like to work on most.
#2: The middle back or as I like to call it the "bra rolls" area.

Any ideas would be appreciated. I just don’t even know where to start.
Thanks in advance!



  • leeapeea
    leeapeea Posts: 23 Member
    Those aren't really target areas. Your best bet is a combo of cardio and strength and good diet to loose fat, though in women those are some of the last places we loose it. :-/

    That being said, core work for the lower abs (Pilates) and full back exercises like pullups, pulldowns, and rows will tone the muscles in those areas.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you cant spot reduce or reshape fat. you can do exercises of course but that will only work the muscle below the fat.

    just eat right and exercise and you'll see results from all over.