Hobbies n Stuff



  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I like camping and generally being in the outdoors doing country walks. I also like singing, at the moment it's just singing along to the radio but I would like to maybe have some singing lessons when I have more time or sing in a modern choir. I also enjoy reading
  • spoonielass
    spoonielass Posts: 6 Member
    My hobbies are Archery, (Preparing for the zombie apocalypse! :sick: ) helping out at a cub scout group and roleplay (RPG). Not the kinky kind, the roll strange dice and fight dragons kind. Stupidly geeky and not very girly I know, but been doing it since I was about 13.

    Sounds just like my hub - and the looks we get whilst explaining to new people met is unbelievable hehe, think we are into all sorts of weird and wonderful - when it is really sat around rolling dice :)
  • spoonielass
    spoonielass Posts: 6 Member

    On my gaming night we sit around have a laugh, throw some dice, kill the monsters and eat mounds of sweeties and chocolate!
    The two seem to go together! I tried bringing carrot sticks and humous one week but it didn't go down very well! lol!

    hehehehe, the sour jelly sweets are the MOnsters - kill em and eat em! :)
  • spoonielass
    spoonielass Posts: 6 Member
    hobbies......... I love sewing and making, wish I had the knowledge and confidence to try corsets. Have a crochet granny square blanket on the go ( 2 years in the making and still going! ) I have made a few basic costumes for Medieval festival days out, but just peasant dresses and mens shirt/trousers - with pouch on a bog standard leather belt.
    Also like cooking - try to make a much as possible from homegrown food, however, that does not always work out................. :(
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    If I had enough spare time I'd spend it on:
    129 pages of accumulated unread Kindle books, photography, travel, planning the next ten years worth of travel, and an allotment (because my garden isn't big enough to grow everything I'd like to). I'd also like to get more exercise in.
    As it stands I just about make time to pick up my Kindle a couple of times a week for half an hour, get onto Facebook and MFP, up to 5 hours a week at the gym, work and keep house, and do a little gardening, oh, and only use my camera when we travel (three times a year abroad if I can wangle it :smile: ) or to capture plants and insects in my garden.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    If I had enough spare time I'd spend it on:
    129 pages of accumulated unread Kindle books, photography, travel, planning the next ten years worth of travel, and an allotment (because my garden isn't big enough to grow everything I'd like to). I'd also like to get more exercise in.
    As it stands I just about make time to pick up my Kindle a couple of times a week for half an hour, get onto Facebook and MFP, up to 5 hours a week at the gym, work and keep house, and do a little gardening, oh, and only use my camera when we travel (three times a year abroad if I can wangle it :smile: ) or to capture plants and insects in my garden.
    oh yes, and digital and paper scrapbooking...I have a massive stash of materials and photos and no time to get it all into albums!
  • sarahkimpton
    Just wondering what all you guys like to do to keep yourselves occupied/busy/out of trouble :laugh:

    I am in the progress of turning my hobby into a little cash generator - I am a corsetier! for anyone thinking WTH? Its a corset maker, as in the steel boned, suck you in, waist cinching corsets like what burlesque dancers wear, and if you look at my tracker down below, you'll see the rather gorgeous Dita Von Teese, burlesque dancer and corset aficionado! (she can get her waist down to a teeny 18" when fully corseted) :smooched:

    Being the crafty sort, i can also draw & sketch, I can knit, sew, cross stitch and a little bit of photography!

    I also make Victorian fully steel boned corsets but only for myself to wear. I knit, and sew and read and have just started archery and intend to fire bare-bow recurve.
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    I like reading , going for long walks love doing my scrap book working on my dolls house and painting also love making things even thought not always that good :)
  • kenaz80
    I am single so hobbies are my life! lol I am a photographer, an urbexer, and a petrolhead. I also go rock climbing, Krav Maga, and ceroc classes, and I am a volunteer for the RSPB and Countryside Access Programme which I do lots of walking and nature projects. Also big movie and music fan. I am also on a mission be a lot more green so attempting to grow veg, learning to sew, etc. :)
  • Martyn_Lewis
    Martyn_Lewis Posts: 7 Member
    Another photographer here... Started off as a hobby over a decade ago, and slowly, turned into a passion, and now a part time business too. I love to shoot all sorts, from Landscapes to Studio stuff, although wedding and event photography are proving to be the most lucrative! Outside of those, I'm into my automotive photography, which ties in nicely with my other passion - all things Lotus Car related! I've a hideously bright green Lotus Exige, which I spend many an hour driving, and tinkering with! Here are my 2 biggest passions, rolled into one: Shot up on the Isle of Skye, during a trip up there last year.


    ...and another showing off it's lovely green lairyness!

  • daveinlancs
    daveinlancs Posts: 165 Member
    I am retired so have plenty of time to get into mischief. My (our) main interest is dancing, ballroom, sequence and a bit of latin. We currently have 3 classes a week and usually a social dance at the weekend. I can be found out walking every day come rain or shine, often with a GPSr in my hand looking for geocaches. I also enjoy messing around in my shed doing bits of DIY and wood turning. Recently I have been trying to get to grips with a guitar, progress is slow on that one lol.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Melting glass :bigsmile: Seriously addictive, but I make beads and then sell them (to fund yet more glass).

    Other than that, I'm a jewellery maker, dressmaker and scrapbooker too (strictly paper). These things all now have to fit around my exercise regime, so I don't have as much time as I used to!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I'm a crafter.
    Card making
    Cross stitch
    Designing knitwear
    That kind of thing, and best of all, I like trying new things, so the list is constantly changing. I either do it, or if you got my interest piqued I'd have a go :P
  • embjojo
    embjojo Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a sculptor/potter. Not sure you can call it a hobby as its my work too - I work in a college as a Ceramics Technician.
    I also walk, cycle, dance and I'm taking up yoga.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    I am a crafter- current fave is knitting and as was said earlier it keeps your hands busy so can't drink wine....or eat.... also love to read
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    I play WoW, Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 :blushing: they take most of my free time so yeah..

    I do some sketching and oil painting when I'm in the mood.

    I used to play viola but I haven't done it for ages..
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    My life at the minute involves gym, work, gym, eat, sleep and then do it all over again. Dont even get time for anything else. The only thing I have to look forward (and has been my main weight loss drive) is my big holiday to Egypt next year!
  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a crafter too - mostly beading, but also a fair bit of knitting, sewing and embroidery. I also love walking (countryside in summer, city in winter) and reading.
  • sadyel
    sadyel Posts: 250
    I get quite bored/ obsessed with things easily, ill go from being really into it, to next minute not bothering at all, mfp is like an obsession right now, but i always love reading and at the moment its mostly spiritual books, about angels spirits, law of attraction etc. and always have and always will love art drawing and painting

    feel free to visit my facebook page and check out my work :)
