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  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member

    Great idea on choosing Lean for you and your husband. It's lower impact and really works a lot of core muscles and focuses on cardio as you've mentioned. How can I help you out with P90X? Nutrition? I'm here to help you be successful with the program. So feel free to add me and if you have a question send me a message as I only check on the message boards here once a day and get notifications on my phone for messages on here and e-mail.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Hey my name is Amy. I am starting P90X on Monday. I have tried starting several times since ordering it in February but I always got burnt out and stopped. Going to stick with it this time with all of your help. My overall goal is to lose weight. I have around 50 pounds to lose. But I wouldnt mind getting a little toner. I am going on vacation 10 days after finishing and I am hoping to have an amazing body and feel great in my swimsuit.


    How are your workouts coming along? As you drop the weight you'll start to notice the tone you mentioned. It's pretty much impossible for women to bulk up like you see professional female body builders. P90X is not a bulking routine unless you follow a very modified bulking schedule with the exercises while also adding in weight lifting. P90X is an overall body toning weight loss program that is a tool to help you get where you want to go health/fitness wise.

    If you need any assistance with anything (nutrition, exercise etc) please send me a message.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Mt name is vanessa, i plan to lose 20 lbs by october 30 would be great but dont want to make an unrealistic goal in that time period. i'm using p90x and go hiking every saturday. i started on monday july 16 and end october 14th my boyfriends bday. i wanted to do p90x to challenge myself feel good about myself and focus on ME im a mom and work two jobs and this is somethin i want to do and to help lose 4 years 4 month old baby weight. I want to beable to fit in clothes and stop judging myself of being fat. i understand it will take time and patience and understan its not a quick fix.


    20 pounds by October 30th is a very reasonable goal. You'll need to focus on your nutrition for sure to meet your goals. If you need any help at all dialing in your nutrition or meal ideas feel free to ask.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Tara...I will be doing the P90X Lean starting Monday, July 23rd. I'm looking to lose a few pounds and to get a toned-fit look. I decided to take another jab at P90X once I saw that it was a group starting that will help me be accountable as well as motivate me to keep "bringing it"!

    Thanks for starting this group this is exactly the kind of support and motivation I'm going to need...

    "BRING IT" :wink:

    Hi Tara. How are your workouts coming along? Week 1 down and in the books. Remember, muscle burns fat. Getting that toned look will require lifting some weights. I'll be posting a video from one of the P90X Master Trainers with some more info for all of the ladies in the group here shortly. When I went to CA and Beachbody HQ to get P90X Certified it was a very humbling experience to say the least. So much information and I'm here to help others be successful with P90X.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    My name is Winter and I looking to lose that dreaded university weight I gained! I am also looking to become more toned and improve my physical fitness level. I started P90x classic version a little over a week ago but I have not been sticking to it everyday. With this group I hope to change that!! I am also completing this workout program with my boyfriend so I am hoping between him and this group I will finish! I have a very busy schedule being a teacher and have also started running daily and the 30 day shred. I know this workout is supposed to be completed with 90 days but I am aiming to have it done by the start of November.


    I gained a lot of weight when I was in College. It came on slowly and I really didn't even notice until much later. I'd highly recommend sticking with P90X OR 30 Day Shred. Doing both at the same time can lead to over training and possible injury. P90X is extreme no matter how you slice it. It's setup to work particular muscle groups a certain way and in a certain order. Throwing in a totally different program that will work different muscle groups than intended with P90X is not recommended. One thing I learned while becoming certified is that your body needs ~24 hours to recovery from cardio exercise/workouts, and it needs ~48 hours to recover fully from strength/resistance workouts (weight lifting). These numbers are averages and depending on your fitness level you may recover a little faster or slower than stated above. Personally my body recovers pretty quickly now after almost 2 years of Beachbody programs. However, during my first 2 rounds of P90X, I tried to do some extra workouts on some days and I was extremely sore and I even tweaked my elbow and shoulder due to over training by doing 2 different programs. I learned the hard way, so I try to pass on that info to others so they will not have to learn the hard way. P90X has many years of exercise science behind it and is designed to get optimal results. Plus if you are pushing yourself hard in each P90X workout, more than likely you won't have the time/energy to push thru another program/workout.

    If you have any questions about the program or how I can help you out please feel free to send me a message.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional
  • Yreyesz19
    Yreyesz19 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Yahaira. I started p90x yesterday. I weigh 186 and want to get to at least 138. I'm doing p90x because I want to join the Marines.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    My name is Yahaira. I started p90x yesterday. I weigh 186 and want to get to at least 138. I'm doing p90x because I want to join the Marines.

    Welcome Yahaira. Any questions in regards to P90X please feel free to ask. Make sure you read over the fitness guide and the nutrition guide, do the fit test, take before photos and measurements. I'll be glad to help you out with calculating your calories for P90X and which level of the nutrition phase as well.

    Brad Hall
    P90X Certified Professional