Glad I found this group

I have been looking for a support with hypothyroidism and people wanting to loose weight and change their lifestyles,I'm glad I found this group.

I had thyroid surgery in Feb 09 and have been changing my diet and aiming to loose 45 pounds I don't like to think it's impossible!

It's nice to see supportive people here that are going through the same....with similar goals.

Thanks to one of my MFP pals Or I would have never known this group existed 


  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome karaklj!
    You will find quit a lot of support here, knowledge & experience. Most of us have found low carb with exercise to be the most effective way to lose wt. steady she goes... its slower then most people lose for us, but it works! Please read through the discussions, you will learn lots! :bigsmile:
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Welcome! As debbylee said, it is slower for us to lose than most, and it can be quite frustrating, but I, like you, am so glad I found this group. I have learned so much already - it's great to be empowered about your own health!!

    Welcome! :)