Can't lift

I can't lift at the moment due to tendonitis in my shoulder after a fall off my bike. I was doing Body Pump once a week, sometimes kettlebells as well or using a combo of machines and free weights in a mountain bike specific strength training routine set up for me.

However, I cannot do any upper body stuff at the moment. I'm not sure how no weights is going to affect me. I can still do cardio, not really meant to be riding my mountain bike but I've got a bike holiday booked starting Saturday and can't cancel so no choice really!

Should I be reducing calories or doing anything differently because I have to take a break from the lifting?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I would continue to eat the same and consider it a bit of a rest period. your body will likely thank you for the extra food and break from exercise as well as for being consistent.