My Results

htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
Honestly, I think I'm more happy about being able to do a real pushup now than anything else. I started level 1 and ended up doing wall pushups because I just couldn't do them, even on my knees. By level 3 I was able to do the walking pushups on my knees and do a couple regular pushups. I just feel like I have gotten stronger, especially in my arms and I feel like I am more "toned". My family definitely noticed I had been working out in some way (they hadn't seen me in 3-4 months).

Total Inches lost: 7.25
Pounds: 9.3
Bodyfat lost: 2.2%

I didn't do 30DS everyday, I was also running 3x/week.

I think next I am going to do her "Ripped in 30" (after my vacation) and then a couple more before I attempt either Insanity or P90X.