carbs under 30

mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
I have been doing a lot of reading going on different blogs and everyone tells me, that to lose weight I need to stay under 30 carbs a day, This is day 15 for me on my fitness pal and 13 days out of that have been totally wheat and sugar free, however I have been eating fruits, most likely more then I should, but in marks daily apple he said, don't go cold turkey on anything ease yourself into paleo or primal. I the last 3 days I have also cut out all beans, and I have had improvements in my blood sugar levels, but I'm afraid to keep eating fruit. I love fruit by far more then I love the veggies. I know Rome was not build in a day, but it is still frustrating when the scale went up by 2 pounds again. Please feel free and look at my Diary and I would love to get input and advice........Thank you


  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Your diary shows that you were over 100g carbs for most the week. The Paleo Solution recommends 50-100g of carbs per day to lose weight, 100-150 to maintain.

    I have Type 2 diabetes and found that I can't eat as much fruit as I have been, so I cut it down to only a few pieces per day. I was eating 8 cups of mixed berries per day for lunch, but it really raised my blood sugar. Now I have a veggie/mushroom/walnut salad for lunch..
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I have success with Meat, Chicken, and Seafood. Then some veggies especially cucumbers right now are in season. I try to stay away from fruit and nuts because I want to lose some more weight. When I keep my carbs under 50 the weight comes off. Feel free to look at my diary. Welcome to the group.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    My carb levels are a little higher than they should be right now, but you're welcome to look at my diary. All of my favorite fruits are in season right now, and it's the only time I eat thmore than a serving or two a day - but I know that will drop back down. I try to keep my carbs between 50 and100, and I've been losing pretty consistently when I do that.

    You might want to try getting less protein from nuts and seeds, and more from meat or dairy (if it agrees with you). I've upped my protein pretty significantly and it's definitely helped! I came to paleo and primal after 6 months of vegeterianism, including 6 weeks as a vegan. It was hard for to eat so many animal products at first, but I couldn't believe how much better I was feeling and just kept at it.

    And remember - it's a process...if baby steps work better for you and bring you to even better choices that are sustainable, that's always better than going cold turkey, getting frustrated and quitting forever.
  • ethelapple
    ethelapple Posts: 79
    It looks like you're eating a LOT of salty foods too, like ham and bouillion cubes. Could be that you're retaining water. I'd add some eggs into there, and do a higher protein breakfast. Also, it looks like you may be undereating some days. When you have 400 calories left, have some protein! :D I like to bake or grill boneless skinless chicken thighs to have around to snack on. My food diary is FAR from perfect, but you can add me and check it out if you'd like. Oh, also, I customized my ratios, so I'm about 20%carbs, 40% fat, and 40%'s easier to tell if you are making your goals if you can customize.
    When I am really in the zone, I try to eat under 50 carbs. With summer here, and corn on the cob and watermelon mocking me (LOL), I've been trying to stay under 100 carbs a day -- and I'm still losing weight.