Hydration During Marathon

cynfullcyn Posts: 81 Member
Has anyone done or doing the SF Marathon?

I'll be running it next weekend and I'm a little concerned with it only have 12 water stations. How bad is it?

Does anyone have any suggestions on staying hydrated throught out the race?


  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    SF is an early morning, cooler weather race. Even if there is a rare heatwave, it will probably still not even hit the 70s as you are finishing.

    12 water stations is plenty. It is a fine line between enough water and too much.

    FWIW - I start all my marathons carrying a regular 16 ounce plastic water bottle. That way I don't have to worry about the crowded water stop early in the race. Sometimes I toss my bottle, other times I hold on to it until late in the race.
  • If you're in it to have a blast (and aren't worried about carrying a little extra weight or how you look), look into a Camelbak. I had one for my first (and only) marathon and it came in handy. I had a drink whenever I wanted (but still hit the H2O stations). It also had little pockets so if I hit a Gu station before my schedule, I could throw a Gu in the pocket.

    Not for everybody, but something to think about.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    12 is more than enough. If it gets hot, just double up and take two cups at each one.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Race is next week. My $.02 - I would not go to a fuel belt or camelbak unless you are used to running with one.

    Forgot to add this will be my 3rd time running SF.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Race is next week. My $.02 - I would not go to a fuel belt or camelbak unless you are used to running with one.

    Forgot to add this will be my 3rd time running SF.

    Yeah, nothing new on race day.
  • I missed the "next weekend" part!

    Agreed. I bought mine early on in training and got used to it. Nothing new on race day!
  • cynfullcyn
    cynfullcyn Posts: 81 Member
    SF is an early morning, cooler weather race. Even if there is a rare heatwave, it will probably still not even hit the 70s as you are finishing.

    12 water stations is plenty. It is a fine line between enough water and too much.

    FWIW - I start all my marathons carrying a regular 16 ounce plastic water bottle. That way I don't have to worry about the crowded water stop early in the race. Sometimes I toss my bottle, other times I hold on to it until late in the race.

    Ok good! I normally carry a bottle when I run so I was planning on doing the same for race day
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Every 2 miles should be fine. The first marathon I did I drank WAY too much water before the race and in the first several miles and kept having to stop to use the bathroom. The second one I did I just only drank one cup at each water station and only used the bathroom once the whole race. We are always hearing "Stay hydrated!" so it's normal to think you need to drink more than you do, but you probably don't need to be concerned about it. By the way both of these were the L.A. Marathon. Good luck at the race!!