Newbie to the group

Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
Hi everybody my name is Kim I live in a small remote village in Wales in the united kingdom with my young daughter,due to a prolonged illness through no fault of my own I put on over five stone in weight.
This affected my health, I had problems sleeping,problems walking and was in constant pain,this resulted in me not getting out much.
Has the weight Piled on and my health got worse,I lost my esteem and gave up on everything.
I was so unhappy.
Not having friends or family nearby for support I decided I needed to do something about it.
Joining a gym was out because the nearest one was twenty miles away so would prove impractical and to expensive,also finding a diet group local was even worse the nearest was over thirty miles away.
I went onto the Internet in shear desperation and by luck came a this fab site and wow how glad I did.
50 days ago I joined hear and weighed 216lbs,I was unfit and found I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, but now 50days on I am 26.5 lighter, I'm fitter than I have ever been in years,am no longer in pain sleep well and have also noticed subtle changes in my figure,this week I had dropped a dress size.
My success is partly due to hard work,a healthy balanced diet,but it is partly due to the amazing people I have met on here and made friends with.
If you would like to become a friend or want an exercise buddy to walk with you on your journey then please feel free to add me.I wish you all good luck in your journey.Kim:)


  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome hun. I used to live in Wales and found it very beautiful. Like yourself I also suffer from low self esteem but also panic attacks etc. To a point I was also depressed and wouldn't leave the house through allot of sheer determination I am easily making my way past the front door, dont get me wrong I have some days were I just want to lie in bed all day and just be alone.

    You are not alone and I would be more than happy to keep in touch with you