How to stop 'always starting again'

I come across EMTWL last Saturday and started on Sunday, I've stuck to my calories a few times, but half the week I've probably gone way over. I don't come from a LCD background so sticking to even 2,000 calories can sometimes be a battle for me! I have very much developed the mentality of 'start again tomorrow' and its been going on for m-o-n-t-h-s.

Does anyone have any tips / advice to get over this? I'm wondering if its because I answer to the scales, say I see a gain and it demotivates me I just think 'start again tomorrow' - stuff my face, see another gain, etc. Argh I don't know - don't know what the answer is! Very frustrated.


  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    Should add - going on holiday next week, maybe thats why I'm struggling but I really want to have a few good days under my belt before I leave as would like to try and stick to my 10% cut whilst away too, I feel 'podgy' enough as it is.
  • Are you sure you have your kcal set high enough?... i'm short and only have a little to lose and I really really struggled too not to have repeated spike days at 2000 but I have bumped up my cut to more like 2200 after getting a fitbit and realising i was actually burning alot more though the day than i had previously guesstimated and (fingers crossed so far) now ive stuck to this number without issue monday to friday so far not long enough to report a loss but i certainly dont feel a gain.

    I think my point is reassess your daily activity level and consider bumping up to next level :-)
    Happy holidays too
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    Are you sure you have your kcal set high enough?... i'm short and only have a little to lose and I really really struggled too not to have repeated spike days at 2000 but I have bumped up my cut to more like 2200 after getting a fitbit and realising i was actually burning alot more though the day than i had previously guesstimated and (fingers crossed so far) now ive stuck to this number without issue monday to friday so far not long enough to report a loss but i certainly dont feel a gain.

    I think my point is reassess your daily activity level and consider bumping up to next level :-)
    Happy holidays too

    Whats spike days?

    I'm set to eat 2,000 calories. I have Fitbit and wear HRM for exercise, I think my defecit balances at about -250 a day so not too high! But I have only averaged that over about 3 days so far as I was using my Fitbit for steps only for a while.

    I think my 'spike' days (I guess thats when we go way over?) are when I haven't planned, but once I've eaten one bad thing it leads to one hundred and the next day the guilt makes me struggle to get back on track.

    Also I think I need to do more exercise - let me explain! :-) I do mon-thurs in the morning and love it, sets me up motivationally for the day, come fri I'm not planning on doing anything till Mon and its always then that I fall off track again! Exercise keeps me on the straight and narrow! x
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You could try taking a diet break every 4 weeks...this is what I'm going to do. I think it helps to know that in 4 weeks I will be able to eat my TDEE for a week.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Megankate you sound soooo like me!! I was always a 'tomorrow never comes' person, and still to an extent have one treat/extra always leads to another and another!

    I've been em2wl since March, it has def helped, as although I would have high calorie days I also used to think I'd been good if I'd had a low day or missed a meal - so having a regular even intake has stopped any feelings of deprevation and good/bad days.

    I still struggle a bit with having one (chocolate/cake/takeaway etc) leading to more and more, especially after my 'diet break' it really comes down to pure will power for me, not so bad if it's planned into my day but if it's unexpected/unplanned that's when I have a problem.

    Don't think that's much help! but just wanted to say I know how you feel : )
  • Could you space your exercise over the week more so its every other day rather than a block then a break? the endorphins and knowing you have a plan might help?

    Spike days for me are those days I eat n eat n then eat some more! (not binges just hungry days)

    Tracking everything helps for me a little in that I have to realise its the week average I'm aiming for not jus the day.. for me that reduces a little my feeling of oh sod it ill start again tomorrow..but only a little.

    These are just ideas ... I'm still very much work in progress on this one too so you are def ot alone in this pattern