Confusion with TDEE and a deficit to allow a treat meal

DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
Right, I'm upping calories to TDEE -15%. This week I've not eaten this, I've eaten just under to allow for a more indulgent meal tonight or an extra bit of room in case I go out. I'm not sure if I'm doing this I do this extra deficit or still eat at TDEE-15% and then go over this on the day when i have my treat meal? I've noticed where I've not eaten the full amount on exercise days I've been under my BMR. For example, my TDEE -15% is 1700, one day I burnt 500 and ate 1400 so my net was 1100. My BMR is around 1360. I've done this mon-fri so have quite a few cala to play around with.


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    In this group we advocate not doing this. Our goals here are consistency, especially when you're just starting out. It's important to get your body to trust that you will feed it and netting below your BMR will not accomplish this and can actually set you back.

    If you want to have a treat meal, plan for it within that day, don't starve yourself and deprive yourself the whole week to indulge at one meal.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    What if this treat meal means I have to cut a lot back during that day? For example, dinner and dessert maybe 700-1000 cals and my daily goal is 1700?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    What if this treat meal means I have to cut a lot back during that day? For example, dinner and dessert maybe 700-1000 cals and my daily goal is 1700?

    For that day then I would eat up to my TDEE and make really good choices during the day...and if you go over, so what! This is for life so if you end up having a smaller loss or no loss for one week it's okay. And I can't believe I am actually saying that because in the past this would not have been okay with me but I have finally come to terms with this being for life and that part of life is enjoying a nice meal once in a while and you shouldn't have to punish yourself for the whole week or the whole day to enjoy a nice meal.

    Don't starve yourself that day, just eat well...lots of protein and veg and then enjoy your meal.

    AND I actually found that 2 of the weeks where I had one day that I went over my calories for a meal out...those were the weeks I lost the most!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Right, I'm upping calories to TDEE -15%. This week I've not eaten this, I've eaten just under to allow for a more indulgent meal tonight or an extra bit of room in case I go out. I'm not sure if I'm doing this I do this extra deficit or still eat at TDEE-15% and then go over this on the day when i have my treat meal? I've noticed where I've not eaten the full amount on exercise days I've been under my BMR. For example, my TDEE -15% is 1700, one day I burnt 500 and ate 1400 so my net was 1100. My BMR is around 1360. I've done this mon-fri so have quite a few cala to play around with.

    Im confused... Are you EATING 1700? You say your TDEE is 1700, but in the next breath you say you ATE 1400.. so which is it? It makes a huge difference in the numbers.

    You MUST eat your cut value daily. Do not eat below this, regardless of what your burn is, your total daily calories should read 1700 or higher.. your NET calories on burn days will of course be less, but as long as this number is not below your BMR, then you dont have to worry about it.. So if you are eating your 1700, you can essentially burn up to340 cals a day and not have to eat them back.. but anything over that amount, you need to eat back the extras so you are over your BMR.

    As for a treat day or meal, work it into your day as best you can first. Do not "save up" calories during the week so you can indulge later. This does no good for you. Think of your calories as an ATM.. you have 24 hours in which to withdraw from it (ie: eat)... after that 24 hour period, you get a new amount in the ATM. If continuously eat under your required Cut value, you are basically still undereating and your body will hang on to anything extra you give it..thus not getting out of the diet cycle.
    If you go over one day for a treat meal then so be it. This is all about living your life and not sabatoge. Make sure to work out that day, get in a lot of protein during the day so you feel fuller. Keep drinking water.. stay away from salt.. eat low cal, filling foods like fruit and veg, and dont worry if you are over at the end of the day... better to be over ONE day, than UNDER for 6.

    Hope this helps.. Enjoy your meal out!
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Yes my TDEE with 15% cut is 1700 but because I know I'll prob have a bigger meal tonight and maybe a couple of drinks, I've only eaten 1400-1500 each day instead of 1700.

    So basically regardless of any treat meal etc I always eat that 1700? I must admit I have been netting below my BMR where I've reduced my cals this week. My burns have been between 300-500. One day I did a 9 mile walk and it was over 800 burned...that was a one off!

    I generally always work out on the day my treat meal falls too. I mainly have a normal brekkie, lunch and snack...maybe something extra or something different to what I have during the week. My treat meal is generally more of a treat because of the portion size, dessert and some alcohol. I know I need to cut back on drinking on a Saturday night.