New and very "Sweet"

Hello! I'm new to the group and I have 2 boys, work in the evening and have time finding time to exercise... when I do have free time I just want to sit and relax because I don't get to do that much.... especially now because of school being out! I hope some of you have motivation tips.... I love hearing inspiring stories... they help a lot!


  • Suebert83
    Suebert83 Posts: 10
    Oh and I'm addicted to sweets and looking for something I can eat to curb that! Hence the very "sweet".
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Oh and I'm addicted to sweets and looking for something I can eat to curb that! Hence the very "sweet".

    I've found that Blow Pops work for me. 60 calories, 8 or 9 grams of sugar, and the fact that it's a lollipop makes it longlasting. Now chocolate is another
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi! I have two little ones- a three yr old boy and a 22 mos old girl. I work full time and love to be active. I am addicted to Fiber One 90 calorie Brownie Bars. They are't very good for you but they taste so good. I also love dark chocolate :)