What's your limit? (for online daters)



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    gosh i'm trying to jugle two and already this is getting confusing and hard lol.

    guy #1 i've been talking to a lot, seen each other twice and making plans for this wkend. pretty much everything is perfect on paper and in person lots of chemistry but i still have my doubts....hmm....

    guy # 2 have only spoken to on the phone, wants to meet me in 2 wks (he lives 3 hrs away) has 2 kids and currently separated. i know i know i shud just tell him to get lost lol except hes really nice and sounds like an awesome person.
    i kinda wanna let him down but not sure how to do it. part of me wants to wait and see where i'm at with guy #1 in two wks but this may be unfair to both even tho i'm not exclusive with either.

    decisions, decisions, lol