Need help picking activity level

Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
I am currently eating 1800 cals per day which is 5-6 hrs of exercise per week on Scoobys at 15% cut. I have remained on my plateau. I have not really been low cal in years. I believe I was maintaining this weight eating about 2000 cals with no exercise and less LBM for years. I actually believe the weight gain I had at the end of last year was bloat from surgery which finally went away several months after surgery. Anyway, I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough.

I'm 4'10.5"
46 years old
current weight 125
goal weight 115 or so
BMR 1260 (average of several different calculators but since I can't afford a true body fat measurement I don't know how correct it is.)
Type 2 diabetic on amaryl and metformin staying reasonably controlled
Possibly hypothyroid but they aren't treating it at this time but I have a goiter so something isn't right.

I run about 4 to 6 days a week, generally for an hour but sometimes for half an hour doing HIIT. If I run 1/2 hr then I usually walk briskly for another half hour. I also walk another 2 or 3 hrs a week at a leisurely pace. I do bodyweight/light weights (I'm looking for a weight set on craiglist) about 1.5 hrs per week. I do hatha yoga 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs per week. I'm pretty sedentary since I'm a full time student but I do typical housework and yardwork on our not very groomed 2.5 acres.

I figured since I spend so much time sitting (I am doing summer classes) I figured the 5-6 hrs worked out ok. But with no weight loss in the last few weeks since I upped my cals from 1600 to 1800 I'm questioning whether I have my numbers right. If I move up to the next level of activity it puts me at cut being 2000. I struggle with eating 1800 since I have to watch my carbs. The only way I've been able to manage it is the new drugs they put me on let me consume a moderate amount of carbs.

Thanks for any help.


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there!

    You are well on the right way with eating enough food. It sounds like you are very active, so I would definitely go with the next activity level and see what happens. Are you tracking your exercises with a HRM? Are you often netting below your BMR? Try to up your calories by maybe 100-150 for two weeks and see what happens. Maybe that will get your body going again.
    Diet breaks are also highly recommended after 4-6 weeks of being on cut, you should be eating at TDEE for 1-2 weeks, so your body does not use the cut value as your new TDEE.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Thanks for the help. I figure it can't hurt to try more for a couple weeks.