Frustrated - advice?

pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
Hi everyone - was hoping to get some insight here. Am about to cut calories for lack of weight loss but wanted to see if there is anything I am missing.

MFP set me to 1720 calories per day. I normally go under by about 100 calories; occasionally more but then I end up eating a bit more the next day. I work out 5 days per week. i use an HRM to calculate calories burned. I cook most of my food at home, and weigh/measure as I go. I was skeptical about being able to lose on 1720 + exercise cals, but it worked...for a month. I have been stuck for the past month.

When I became pregannt with my daughter in January 2010, I weighed about 226. InJanuary 2011 (3 months after giving birth) , I was about 238. I started MFP in early May at 218, and dropped to 213 within a month. The scale hasn't dropped since. Any advice? Do I need to just stay the course, or perhaps drop my calories a bit?

I try to make sure to eat tons of fruits and vegetables and am working on curbing the sweet tooth - I don't eat sweets every day, and I try to keep portions small. I have dropped pretty much all soda; a couple times a month I will have a few ounces of italian soda, b ut that is about it. Thanks in advance!


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    The scale isn't the only indicator of success. How are your clothes fitting? Are you taking measurements or pictures? Are you stronger, can exercise longer, go faster, or have a lower HR?

    Also what are your stats? Do you use the scooby calculator to know what you should be eating?
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I am without a doubt stronger - I have been exercising regularly since September 2011, and am definitely in the best shape of my life! resting HR is 51 (and I actually get annoyed that i can't get my heart rate up as easily). Getting smaller, but not by much.

    To explain my fixation on the scale - i have arthritis in my foot and I think that in addition to the exercise, the weight loss has helped significantly. I plan to get pregnant soon, and want to drop another 20 pounds or so before that happens to keep pressure off of my foot. I plan to work out throughout pregnancy (something I didn't do with my first).

    Not familiar with the scooby calculator - I have calculated TDEE and whatnot using other calculators. Calculators consistently show that my TDEE is about 2700 calories/day.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there. If your TDEE is 2700kcal, then I can tell you straight away, that 1700kcal is not enough. You should up your calories. Give it a try and see what happens. Also make sure that you don't net below your BMR when you are exercising.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks - to clarify, I eat 1700 plus exercise calories (or most of them, anyhow) - so I am generally average around 2100.

    Also, FWIW - I am 5'11", and I do have a thyroid condition (which makes me wonder whether my BMR is *actually* 1700!)