7-23-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters - Monday Chatter!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Mad Hatters!!

    Sorry I'm late getting going this morning - I was going to start a new day but our lovely hatters have already begun (YAY!) so I'm going to catch up on the posts and come back - but belated birthday wishes Cheryl!! So good to see ya!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    My posts might be a little disjointed for a few days hatters lol.. trying to type replies as I read and get it posted afore the eyeballs go wonky means I can't clean it up too well ... im sure everyone speaks fluent typo in here tho so here goes!

    Lorielou: score on the free jewellery!! Hope you have a great week!

    HSH: I howled with laughter at your party hosting moments… note to self for me?? Never drink at one of those again LOL.. thanks for the heads up!!

    Bis: you are awesome.. such an accomplishment you must be so proud of yourself, cause YOU did it all, baby!!! Well done!!

    I have never measured my food, but a few months ago when I decided that portion control was a big issue for me (surprising how filling a 15” dinner plate with food added on the pounds to me lol). Anyway, I dug out an old ½ cup measuring cup from the “junk drawer” (we all have one of those right?) and hung it on a piece of dental floss from the cupboard where my dishes are (yeah ok I didn’t have any string .. necessity is the mother of invention) And it has actually done a lot of good.. I found most servings are ½ cup of everything.. so I eyeball the hanging cup when I’m filling my plate.. it was a heck of a shock tho to be honest.. because I always thought I was eating about ½ cup of everything anyway…. Yeah.. right Snoozie.. NOT!!! MORE like I was putting at least double that. It also came in very handy when I would fill my dinner plate like I always do… you know.. just put on what I would normally eat.. then look at the hanging cup and think well crikey …theres enough food here to feed a small country.. I have always been one who cleans the plate… whatever amount is on it, I’ll eat til its gone.. even if I’m not hungry… so I started trying to go with smaller portions.. and making small changes.. like if I was doing a long shift and picked up a sub sandwich to take in? I’d have them cut it in 3 sections instead of just in half. Then I’d eat one third… see if I was still hungry.. and if not I’d wait until I started to get hungry and eat the next one.. and so on. That helped too.. so I try to do it with everything now. I’ll make a nice roast beef sandwich on whole wheat with some LF cheese, pile on the greens and tomatoes and onion and cukes or whatever… then cut it in half.. bag the 2nd half and leve it in the fridge and just eat the one. Because if I put the whole sandwich on the plate, I’ll eat it just because.. it’s a sandwich..and I’m used to serving and eating a whole sandwich at a time. But this way.. I know the rest is there if I’m still hungry.. but honestly.. im usually not .. the ½ is enough to satisfy my hunger, but I know I wont have to go 4 hrs without food again; that I can eat the other ½ whenever I get hungry. Im trying to eat smaller portions more often thru the day because of my blood sugars as well.. but that’s a really hard habit for me to break from the old 3 squares a day… hence cutting everything in ½ and grazing thru the day helps me out with that aspect of it….. like one of our hatters just said.. “After all this time on mfp, It amazes me how I can revert back to terrible habits.” I can totally relate as its one of my biggest challenges I’m working on too….. changing the mindset and breaking old habits! :o)

    Tonya: you’ve done amazing, lady!!!!!! Woo hoo!! And huge IPOU for knowing what you are ready for, and what you are not! Awesome idea on just trying to move every day.. that is my current goal as well; after being sedentary for (ahem) decades.. I know I can’t throw myself into a gym and do mad workouts .. yet.. so walking briskly for an hour a day 5x a week is my starting goal – cause I know its what will work for me right now… kudos to ya!!!

    TA: Shingles?? OUCH! I hope it doesn’t turn out to be that – keep us posted??? Supsect since you have to travel so far for groceries.. its gonna be a BIG bill too – can just imagine you miss having the shops just down the street 

    Leslye: your post that read “That we need to change our minds, hearts and thoughts to grasp a new lifestyle of health, not just a bandage to bridge us from one weight loss event to another. This is a long term commitment ladies, we must grasp our heads and hearts around that” was awesome.. I kept nodding as I read it; thanks for putting what we’re aiming for so perfectly!!

    Time2: hope you got some rest after working all weekend!! Look forward to hearing how all the Mad Hattersa re doing mid week.. ! I'm off to get a water ... sigh.... lol
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Good morning hatters,
    I am late because I went to the gym, the first time back, I felt so good when I was done one of the great mysteries of my life is WHY DO I STOP GOING TO THE GYM WHEN IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD AND KEEPS ME HEALTHY????? I know that I am not the only one who asks this question. If someone can solve that riddle they deserve a Nobel Prize in Health.
    At the gym I saw the Body Pump teacher and i told her I would be back to her 6am Tues and Fri Body Pump class, so now I have told her and all of you so hopefully my brain is paying attention.
    MEASURING- there are some things I measure-for instance
    cereal-I doubt anyone picking up the cereal box just pours one serving unless they have measured at some point.
    nuts-if I don't use a 100 calorie bag, I count almonds or measure a serving of pistachio nuts
    popcorn- I use one pot that holds 4 cups and that is the only popcorn I eat, Movie popcorn is chemical ladden and impossible to eat one serving. Remember when we were kids, when I went to the movies, we bought one bag with about 2 cups and we were satisfied. Now you can not even buy a small container.
    meat-I just eyeball the deck of cards
    ice cream or frozen yogurt-must measure, again no one eats one serving unless they measured at some point.
    With fruit and vegetables I don't usually measure, although i do limit myself to one ear of corn. Now that the Maryland Silver Queen corn is here, that is not so easy!
    With other things I read the labels to see what a serving size should be and it is always smaller than I would have guessed.
    Today's goal for me is to do something that will make someone else smile.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hairsprayhons post: Today's goal for me is to do something that will make someone else smile.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: you made your goal, cause when I read you hit the gym today and felt awesome, THEN read your told your instructor you'd be back??? I GRINNED FROM EAR TO EAR!!!!! IPOU X 2 and congrats on making your daily goal, hon!! :bigsmile:
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Great for you Hairsprayhon!! I am paying for a membership and havent been since Feb.!!! You make me feel like maybe I could get back and not be so ashamed!! Glad you're back on Snoozie. Hope your eye is doing well!! Have a super day!!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning/afternoon Madhatters!

    Hope Wednesday has treated everyone kindly today. Had a long night again… Not because of pills, sweats, or otherwise. Just dummy me, I got started on a book and before I knew it, it was 2 am. Today is going to be a long one. So much for giving up coffee today for my water retention!

    Along those lines, no major change yet, but its only be 24 hours. I can “turn” the rings on my fingers, but I still can’t take them off. I tried to work out, walk/run last night, but as you saw from my diary, I was only able to do a short 1 mile walk. My shins/calves/feet are still so sore, so tight. They feel like Frankenstein limbs… Trying to run on the treadmill was just too painful. Hopefully soon, I feel so lethargic.

    Kathy – as a general rule I don’t measure all the time. I go through a spell where I weigh, measure etc. Then I feel “comfortable” again and start eyeing it. One thing I did do that has helped me drop the 20 I lost before I joined MFP, I bought a couple of dessert plates that go with my dinnerware. They are about half the size of the dinner platters they provide with the set. Even the salad plates they provide are so huge. I love the dessert ones because I can only put so much on the plate. That helped me to get to this point! Now I just need to get back on track for the final 20. I’m like Janet with the fruits and veggies though, being vegan (95% anyway) I generally don’t measure them. Fruits I try to limit to the mornings, but it depends on how I feel.

    Snooze – Honey, please, please take care of you and your eyes. We know you are here with us for the duration. We know you won’t give up on us any sooner than we will give up on you. Your eyes are too important to risk strain. Take rest breaks, relax and stop by to see us when you can. Okay?

    Cheryl – Happy Belated Birthday beautiful. I hope you had an amazing day and was spoiled by your family!

    Janet – Awesome job making it to the gym before the work day gets in your way. I love your comment “Why do I stop going…?” Myself, I don’t particularly like gyms. I always feel intimidated by the steroid muscle masses that go to them. If I am killing myself on a machine, granted it’s only a few pounds, I hate the looks and smirks I get from “them”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been bumped off a machine cuz Mr. and/or Ms. Olympus want to get “a quick set in”. Yes, I know this is my own fault; I should have the strength to say no, you can wait until I’m done, but, alas, I don’t. I go to the locker room, cry, and then leave. My husband used to get so upset at me for that. He’d ask me to point out the one that kicked me off. I refused, knowing full well that all hell would break out. I know me well enough; gyms are not for me…. I hated paying for the membership and I wouldn’t go…. I am happy at home with my treadmill, hand weights and stationary bike when I can’t get outside to run/ride. I also love your goal for the day…. Do something to make another smile. I would like to steal that and carry it forward here in AZ. BTW, you made your goal, because you made ME smile today by writing that….

    Have an amazing day ladies. You’ve all become the first people I can’t wait to touch base with every morning!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :sad: I just wrote a huge post right on the page instead of using a word doc; and I lost it all :cry:

    JUST when I found the lovely ZOOM button... drat drat drat lol. Oh well.. it was pretty long and boring so readers digest version; discovered last nite at 2am when I ate a bag of 100 calorie cookies out of sheer boredom.. that boredom eating is one of the bad habits I have to break. I used to bite my nails years ago; I broke that habit. I used to eat once a day.. I broke that habit. I realize now that while I thought this journey woudl entail breaking a few bad habits, its actually gonna take breakin a whole lot of them...but I've broken bad habits before, II'm sure every single hatter has broken some bad habit in their lives, so altho we know its gonna be hard, we CAN do it.. I'm just gonna think every time I reach for something out of boredom.. its just like chewing on my nails...and its gonna be up to me to say i will NOT eat because I'm bored.. (i knew I was gonna have to work on the whole emotional eating thing anyway.. but forgot that boredom was a nasty habit unto itself... might have to dredge up my moms old words when we would complain about being bored as kids... "if you're THAT bored I can find something for you to do" which ALWAYS resulted in me being able to find something to do pretty darn quick... i'll invoke that phrase in my head next time I reach for crap out of boredom LOL.!

    Which ties in with something Leslye said the other day and which I've had cut and pasted into my screensaver:

    That we need to change our minds, hearts and thoughts to grasp a new lifestyle of health, not just a bandage to bridge us from one weight loss event to another.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Leslye.. If i had all the $ I've spent on gym memberships and never gone back over the years.. bill gates would be jealous! I would try to fake that I wasn't intimidated either; and while I never got any dirty looks (I actually got some good help from some of the people working out who saw I was doing something wrong) I totally felt out of place and that people were just tapping their foot waiting for me to finsih on "their" machine... and eventually.. I would just stop going. I have a mini gym in my building and there's rarely anyone in there so I love that I can go down there on the t/mill in bad weather and it's all mine LOL. Once or twice someone else has showed up but with the benefit of shift work for me, I can usually pick a time when it's empty as it's open 24hrs. I've determined I'm not a gym person either.. that may change the healthier I get, I may try again when I'm well on the way to my weight goal because I'd like to start strength training to get me thru the upcoming years.. but before I slap down the cash this time I'm going to start with the walking and gradually move up to faster and longer and then take it from there. I'm sorry you spent any time :sad: in the locker room.. it's awful feeling that way but glad you have us now to confide in and know that we think you're awesome! :smile:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Happy Wednesday my friends. I have a question for you all. We all see this journey we are on as a one to make healthier choices for life by increasing our fitness thru exercise and healthy food choices. How many of you actually measure you food? I have not, usually just eyeball it and make healthy choices. So far I feel I have been successfull (down 25lb since December 18, 2011), although my weight loss has slowed to a crawl these days. But I also know I am nearing my goal, have lost major inches and overall fittness better than I have ever been in life. So who measures?

    Have a great day all and Snooozie rest those eyes. Do not push yourself to much we all know you are here & in this for the duration.


    My reward for losing 20 pounds = buy digital food scales. But I lost 1 pound three weeks ago, 0 pounds two weeks ago, and finally 1 pound last week. My total is 18 pounds. While this was not 20 I decide portion control was more important than waiting until I lost 2 more pounds so just this last week end I purchased the Biggest Loser digital scale with calorie calculator. It's a bit more scale than I actually need I think, but my husband was with me and so supportive in stating " Oh get that one you may as well have the best they have your doing so well" that I gave in and accepted without argument. I haven't peeked but feel I am doing better this week, but will let everyone know Monday on my weigh in day. I did weigh at the doctor's office today and according to the nurse and my chat on differences of weight I have lost 1 pound already this week but want to wait until Monday for the official.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    So the good news is the doctor thinks my rash is an allergic reaction to something I am coming in contact with rather than shingles. The husband says, "Oh great now your allergic to me" :laugh: This has been an on going joke since I have very sensitive skin issues. I am wondering if I can get a nightly massage by connecting it to keeping me from breaking out in the future :bigsmile: So it shouldn't be but a few days with meds to being good as new and no more itching, blistering, or hurting. Snoozie you are so right about how much I miss having access t so many stores. Looking back there were so many products that I didn't take advantage of that could have helped me on this journey, but I just wasn't ready at that point. I am so thankful that I am now and that I have found this wonderful group for support.

    Lorie sounds like you made out like a bandit in jewelry :happy:

    Carol cute one "don't cry over spilled milk" :laugh:

    Hairspray you made that breakfast sound amazing and worth more than half of Snoozies !!!

    Leslye I agree Snoozie always has the right words at just the right time that could benefit all, she is diffidently great for this group. I hate to hear that your cure is most likely the cause of your recent weight fluctuation.:cry: We will hope the retention is short lived !!! Don't you just love getting lost in a good read.

    Tonya I so relate to the emotional eating and it has taken me at least 30+ years to finally begin to not want to understand that my eating is connected to my emotions and to do something about that relationship. One change at a time seems to be working best for me right now and it sounds like for you. Just stay strong and reflect on the lessons your are learning and it won't be long until you will be ready for the next steps :happy:

    Cheryl Happy Belated Birthday !!! I hope it was a wonder and special day.

    Time dear hope this week is going better than last at work and that you will have time for you this weekend

    Snoozie I do hope and pray you taking care of your eyes !!! Don't over do, we do so enjoy your post but your eyes are the most important thing right now. Yes, you CAN break that habit of boredom eating !!! Start small put it off one day or one hour even and then build upon that time. That was the only way I survived last week after returning from New Orleans and the fried foods. I just keep pushing the time and eventually it was three days later and easier. :happy:

    Hairspray I love the gym and our church provides us one free of charge as it believes health souls and bodies are connected. I went for a while but we are about 25 miles away, then there is the 6 year old, the time getting ready, and finally then wanting to bath and stuff when returning. I have purchased an ab lounger and treadmill that I am currently using but I do have plans when school starts back up since I will be that direction already to try and get in at least 3 days a week. It does feel amazing !!! You made me smile that you got back to the gym, your planning ahead to return, and thinking about all the Clint Eastwood spaghetti weasterns my sister and I would go to see. We would stay for two runs sometimes three he was so dreamy back then *sigh* Of course for an older man I still think he is handsome :blushing:

    Lorie I like this quote and maybe it will help " You will never regret the work out you did but will the one you didn't " You CAN DO IT :tongue:

    I LOVE THIS “That we need to change our minds, hearts and thoughts to grasp a new lifestyle of health, not just a bandage to bridge us from one weight loss event to another"

    Tired from that day and calling it a night everyone take care and have a wonderful Thursday we are almost to the weekend !!!:drinker: